Welcome Old Camdenians
God save the King!
King Charles III is our new monarch.
The Old Camdenians mourn the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and welcome our new King Charles III. The club started in 1909 during the reign of Edward VII; and has continued throughout the reigns of George V; Edward VIII; George VI; Elizabeth II and, now Charles III.
Annual Dinner / Lunch
You will be pleased to know that our 97th Annual Lunch took place at the school on Friday 1st November 2024. The 115th AGM was at 12 noon and owing to technical issues we were unable to use our Zoom account. But there’s always next year. This was followed by the 97th Annual Lunch provided by Ann Tennant and her team. Members who could not attend themselves sponsored a student meal – thank you!
There was a rolling slide show from the OCC’s Photo Gallery and another showing of ‘The Prefects’, an award winning silent film, written, directed and produced by the late Brian S Lofts. The club’s memorabilia covered three tables and created much interest.
We heard from our guest speaker, Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe MBE, an Eminent Old Camdenian, who talked about his time at school and the founding of the British Urban Film Festival.
Keep an eye on our websites’ Photo Gallery and share in the fun – enjoy!.
We are using BACS and cheques to pay for the lunch on Friday 31st October 2025 and/or make a donation. So please contact the club secretary.
Club History
In September 1907 the gates opened to what was then the Camden Secondary School for boys; later the name was changed to Holloway. In 1909 a group of boys on leaving the school decided to form a football team and in so doing, created the Old Camdenians Football Club. Over the next few years an old boys association grew through the efforts of former pupils and the school staff, called the Old Camdenians Club.
There are many major changes in life that we have no control over, such as the recent State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II and the accession to the throne of King Charles III. At this year’s 95th Annual Lunch, held on Friday 28th October, the loyal toast will be to The King for the first time for 70 years. The Old Camdenians Club was formed in the reign of Edward VII and endured during the reigns of George V; Edward VIII; George VI; Elizabeth II and continues in the reign of Charles III.
Many members are using and enjoying the OCC’s new website, which will be a year old next month. I wish to thank Dave Silvester and his team at Qwerty IT Services Ltd., for their continued support and especially with the recent changes to the website; the online payment processing facility. You can book events; pay subscriptions and make charitable donations via the website. You will have your own secure login to ‘My Account’ where you can manage your bookings, George Ives 50+ Club subscriptions and charitable donations, for example:- the Chromebook Fund and the Beacon High Girls Football Team Fund. Give it a try and let me know how you get on. With Dave and his team we have control over the changes so we need your feedback, which has already led to changes that have made it easier to use.
Recent Posts
Newsletter Spring 2025
You are reading the online edition of the Old Camdenians Newsletter, Spring 2025
Alan Streeter
Dear Old Camdenians,
Eid mubarak to all those of you celebrating the end of Ramadan.
This term has seen our year 11 students testing themselves in their mock exams. The mock results are a measure in time of the work that the students have committed to their own futures. Where there is success we celebrate and where there is disappointment we now know what to do to achieve their best in the summer. This is where we really see the progress our learners are making. It is never too late! We are expecting impressive things from this cohort.
Also this term we look forward, with our Year 9 students, to their future careers and Options choices – I’m sure you all remember this point in your school careers at Holloway and Beacon High. Our year 9 select potential GCSE subjects and explore the requirements for their chosen careers.
Our Year 11 students have been studying hard with undergraduate mentors from the Royal Veterinary College on their Science, and at City University focusing on English and Maths. The University was so impressed with our learners that they have followed up with an offer of further tuition at Beacon High in the run up to the exams. Our Year 10 students attended a trip to Morgan Sindall, a construction company and many of our Year 7 attended a trip to the Emirates. We also celebrated World Book Day on 6th March. Our Jack Petchey Award winners were treated to their awards ceremony at Islington Assembly Hall. Finally we held a non-school uniform day on Thursday 21st March; the proceeds of the event went towards our Comic Relief fundraising.
As always we have had a focus on Holocaust education in our assemblies this term to mark Holocaust Memorial Day. Today many people in western democracies take freedoms for granted – this year, we reflect on how these freedoms need to be valued, and on how many people around the world face restrictions to their freedoms to live, worship, work and love freely.
2025 promises to be a great year at Beacon High as we see the school go from strength to strength. That success can only be achieved by working in partnership; families, students, staff and our wider school community. We are dedicated to helping our children achieve their best. Countless studies show that children who have a wide support network are statistically more likely to be academically successful. You may have seen the national focus on school attendance. Post pandemic we have seen a significant disengagement in education for a significant minority of children. Students who miss school frequently can fall behind with their work and do less well in exams. You will also be aware that good attendance shows potential employers that a young person is reliable.
I would like to take the opportunity to ask any of you if you think that your workplace could host any of our Year 10 students on work experience in June. If you think this would be a possibility please contact Mr Abdelmula to let him know. postbox@beaconhigh.org Work experience is such an integral part of the careers programme at school and it really helps our students begin to formulate a plan for their next steps and options after they leave Beacon High. It is very much part of the ‘become’ element of our strapline: Believe. Belong. Become. Alan Streeter
Alan Meyer
Honorary Life Vice President
I can’t recall having to endure such a depressing winter as the one we have just emerged from. Day, after day, after day, of solid grey cloud, with not a glimpse the sun, or brightness, coupled with a persistently penetrating thin cold wind. I do hope that as many of you as possible are enjoying to the full the complete change that has taken place. It’s a real joy to discard winter clothing, feel the warmth of early spring sunshine on your back, and get some fresh air and exercise. No doubt some of you will even be thinking of where to go for a summer holiday, although do we have summers now? It seems that the seasons just merge into each other, so there is no predictability in the weather anymore, or, indeed, in anything else.
However, the vagaries of the weather may not be of particular interest to the students of Beacon High, some of whom may be reading this. Studying for your GCSE exams is, no doubt, uppermost in your minds, with little regard for what is going on around you, and striving to achieve the best grades you can. Perhaps you will surpass the excellent mock exam results which Alan Streeter reported on in the previous issue. Now wouldn’t that be an achievement!
But, let’s not put too much much pressure on you hard-working students, not to mention your teachers.It’s not the end of the world if you don’t get quite the grades you hoped for. Presumably, retakes will be possible, and there will still be college places and job opportunities to choose from. Remember, also, it’s not just the number of passes that count. A student’s character is just as important: are you good under pressure; a reliable team worker; get on well with other people.Don’t forget, many well known people left school without any qualifications at all, but through hard work, determination and a willingness to listen to others, have found great success in their lives.
– Don’t imagine you’ve finished with learning. In fact you’ve only just started;
– Respect begets respect;
– Always look on the bright side of life, difficult though that may be at times.
We OCs wish all Beacon High students every success with your exams, and in your future careers. We also look forward to hearing that huge sigh of relief emerging from the Holloway area, and beyond,when it is all over. Best wishes to you all. Alan Meyer
Denis Piggott
Sadly we must mark the passing of Reg Pritchett, an Eminent Old Camdenian and long-time supporter of the club, who died in February at the age of 86. Reg, who was at the school between 1949 and 1956, lived an extraordinary and seemingly action-packed life, which is movingly recalled below by his daughter, Bernadine. Ray attended Reg’s funeral in Ilford, on behalf of the club. See his report below.
Older Camdenians will recall the tragedy of the Moorgate disaster of 1975, when a tube train inexplicably ploughed into the wall at the end of the tunnel, killing 43 people and injuring more than 70 others. Our school’s celebrated alumnus Laurence Marks, then a young freelance reporter, was sent to cover the breaking story of the disaster, not knowing that his father was one of those killed on the train. Laurence has written a poignant feature in the Guardian about what happened that day, his search for answers in the aftermath, and the dramatic effect the event had on his life and subsequent career as a writer. You can read it by clicking here. With his writing partner Maurice Gran, Laurence has written a two-part radio play about the disaster, called Moorgate, which was broadcast on Radio 4. Denis Piggott
Panos Nicolaides
Beacon High School Governor
Beacon High is now at the business end of the year with all concerned working as hard as they can to ensure that every learner can succeed and fulfil their potential. In the Curriculum Committee meeting the staff share their strategies to ensure that this goal is achieved. The plans are thorough and very professional, especially in Maths and English.
Nationwide there is a real concern over the number of students who are continually absent (chronic absenteeism). Attendance below 85% is a matter of serious concern. This issue has been reported in the media recently. Beacon High does not have a major issue in this respect but remains vigilant. There is evidence to show that students with the highest attendance get the best grades, which reinforces the importance of good attendance. Panos Nicolaides
Views from committee members
Ray Rowe, Honorary Secretary
I had the honour of representing the club at Reg Pritchett’s funeral and offering our most sincere condolences to his family and friends. Reg was a stalwart supporter of the club and an Eminent Old Camdenian. During the celebration of his life I learned much about my mate Reg, and something about Wayne too, which I am certain will surprise you! Please read Bernadine’s eulogy of her father, our Reg.
You will be pleased to know that our 98th Annual Lunch will be held at the school on Friday 31st October 2025. The 116th AGM will be at 12 noon and available to watch on Zoom. If you cannot attend in person and want the ID and password contact the club secretary. This will be followed by the Annual Lunch provided by Ann Tennant and her team. Tickets are available so put it in your diary. If you cannot attend you can support a school Sports Leader in your place. They will have just embarked on their college studies. Visit our website for last year’s event https://oldcamdenians.info/our-members/photo-gallery/
We are all looking forward to hearing from our guest speaker, Chris Ramsey MBE, an Eminent Old Camdenian, who will be talking about his time at school.
Natalie Mountjoy, Assistant Deputy Director of Learning KS4, has invited me to attend Year 11’s prom night in July 2025, to present awards. The club are making a £500 donation to ensure that our new Old Camdenians will have a good time and fond memories of their time at the school. Visit our website for last year’s event https://oldcamdenians.info/club/year-11-proms-night-camdenians-hall-4th-july-2024/
I do hope that all OCs read the school’s weekly newsletter, ‘The Beacon’, since it is a window on what is happening now with everything at the school including our Sports Leaders, Girls’ football teams and other worthy recipients of donations from the club.
I have been busy getting ‘Peggy’, my 1904 Clayton & Shuttleworth steam traction engine, through her 10-year hydraulic test and back in steam again for Easter. Peggy and I have been raising awareness and funds for Prostate Cancer Research (PCR) for over 20 years. As their oldest supporter Peggy has raised £3,176 over the past three years!
Peggy’s Certificate of Achievement from Prostate Cancer Research. Peggy and Sue (her 1920s living van) as seen from the tractor-trailer ride at the Royal Gunpowder Mills, Waltham Abbey.
Lastly, I wish to thank all contributors to this, our quarterly newsletter, and look forward to receiving future contributions from all Old Camdenians who have a story to tell. Ray Rowe
Bill Wood, OCC Vice-President and Head of Physical Education, Beacon High
- Participation in local league (U10-U14)
- Enhanced qualified coaches and training sessions
- Adidas Arsenal In the Community Playing kit
- Educational workshops for both players and parents
- Holistic development of the player and young person
Rosey says:
“I love the programme and everything about it. We do training and we occasionally do matches. My favourite part of training is football tennis as that is a good technique to keep control and balance on the ball. I have met amazing people and it’s a challenge which benefits me a lot. I want to say thank you to the Old Camdenians and hope to meet you guys in the future.”
Sports Leaders
Girls’ Football
Sports Hall Repairs
Phase 1 of the replenishing of equipment in the sports hall has now been completed. It has seen the replacement of five storage bags on the cricket bays and also the purchasing of two new very useful benches.
Phase 2 will see the cricket bay netting themselves restored to a safely usable condition. This will take place at the end of April so look out for an update on this in the next newsletter. Thank you to the club for this investment as it will benefit both school and community club users. Bill Wood
Natalie Mountjoy, Assistant Deputy Director of Learning Key Stage 4, Beacon High
Your Club Needs You
Please join the George Ives 50+ Club if you are not already a member

The club is very grateful for any and all donations that we receive to make our donations to the school. However, since we do not have a members’ subscription fee our only other source of income is through the George Ives 50+ Club membership. Please help us to realise future causes and help change a life by joining the George Ives 50+ Club, which is £60 per year or a standing order of £5 per month. A number between 1 and 59 is selected and that is entered into a monthly draw which is determined by the first two numbers drawn in the National Lottery. Prizes are £100 (£200 in November) and £20 (£50 in November).
The new draw commenced on the 28th September 2024 and ends 30th August 2025. Only £60 per number for the year; and you choose the numbers. Some members have more than one number. Indeed, some of our members love to hear that they’ve won, but give their winnings as a donation to the club. George Ives 50+ Club is our only regular source of income. Please let me know if you want to have a go and keep us supporting the students and the school. For more information contact us here.
The OCC Committee are pleased to announce that £60 per annum will be used from George Ives’ very generous donation of £1000 to the club, so that George can keep his number and continue winning. All George Ives’ winnings will be donated back to the club. Sadly, with the recent death of Fred John Dickson there are now two more numbers available for you. Please consider continuing to keep George and Fred’s legacy of using the draw to generate funds. It is these that we use and they certainly make a difference.
Marta Monteiro, Ambassador for the Bill & Nora Wraight Old Camdenians Memorial Fund, now affectionately known as the Billy Fund.
Dear OCC, it has been a while since my last contribution. I do hope all is well and that everyone has had a good start to the year. I am currently approaching my last exam season and I am excited but a little anxious as the days pass by. Lately I have had many deadlines for assignments and presentations, my upcoming dissertation deadline too, but I all this has made me quite reflective. The realisation that after this is done I’ll be going to the real adult world is slightly daunting but at the same time it allowed me to credit myself for enduring and thriving in my academic career until now. I received so much support from lecturers, family and friends, and without a doubt the OCC. It’s uplifting to see the different paths that the members of the OCC have taken, it gives me a sense of confidence in my own future and experiences that are in store for me as I grow and mature. I wish that in my next contribution I can tell you all that my exams went great and that I’m happy with my grades. Until then I hope everyone keeps well. Marta
News and views
Where are they now?
You too can request details from our members to locate friends from school – just ask!
Alan Shearn

Alan & Bev – English Newsletter Feb 2025
An English Newsletter February 2025 https://oldcamdenians.info/our-members/old-camdenian-in-africa/ Alan Shearn
Trevor King, Andreas Georgiou, Jay Chinnadorai, Roy Persaud and Bill Rowe

Trevor, Andreas, Jay, Roy and Bill (1970 -77)
Enjoying a very nice meal in Covent Garden with classmates . Bill Rowe
Savvas Savva, Denis Piggott, Philip Patsalos, Mike Capocci, Ray Rowe and George Georgiou

Savvas, Denis, Philip (seated) Mike, Ray and George
A wonderful meal and very enjoyable evening at Vrisaki Restaurant in Bowes Park for six members of the Holloway (1963 – 70) WhatsApp Group. The owner, Uncle Albert, was very accommodating and joined us for our photo. Happy memories! Ray Rowe
Philip Patsalos and Phivos Kimonis

Philip Patsalos and Phivos Kimonis
Ellie, Phivos and Virginia (left to right). Philip is seated
Emeritus Professor Philip Patsalos and his wife Ellie were invited to join Phivos Kimonis and his wife Virginia at their home in California, USA. They all had a great time as the photos show. However, Philip, an Arsenal fan upset Phivos, an ardent Spurs supporter, by wearing an AFC shirt at breakfast. All sorted by the time of another lovely sunset. Treasured memories for two Eminent Old Camdenians and their wives. Ray Rowe
In Memoriam
Reginald Wayne Pritchett (1938 to 2025)
Major Reginald Wayne Pritchett TD
It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that I have to inform you that Reg Pritchett, an Eminent Old Camdenian and stalwart supporter of the Old Camdenians Club, died on Sunday 2nd February 2025, at the age of 86.
Reg was born 7th July 1938. He attended Holloway School between 1949 and 1956 and was the Captain of the school’s boxing club. Reg went on to become a physical education teacher, who taught PE in schools and Pentonville Prison, and ran courses and workshops for clients such as Microsoft, Nike, Nokia, Unilever, Inmarsat and Coutts Bank.
Major Gunner Reg Pritchett, Royal Artillery, was awarded the Territorial Decoration (TD), a military medal of the United Kingdom, awarded for long service in the Territorial Force and its successor, the Territorial Army.
Our condolences go to Michael, Bernadine and Viola, Reg’s children, and their families at this difficult time.
Reg’s funeral was held on 26th February, at Forest Park Cemetery and Crematorium, Ilford. I represented all Old Camdenians who could not attend, and joined family and friends at Woodford Green AC Clubhouse, where we celebrated Reg’s life and I was given an opportunity to talk to everyone about Reg’s stalwart support as an Eminent Old Camdenian, Please see below the eulogy given by Bernadine Pritchett, Reg’s daughter, where we learned that Reg was offered the role of C3PO in Star Wars, which he turned down because he didn’t like the script.
Donations are welcome to Reg’s chosen charities:- ‘Food for the Brain’ – foodforthebrain.org (Charity 1116438) ; and MacMillan Cancer Trust. Ray Rowe
Wayne Pritchett – mime artist and entertainer
Reginald Pritchett – the boxer
Eulogy by Bernadine Pritchett
We always knew that our Dad was different to other dads. We knew that he was a maverick – an independent thinker. But it’s in looking back that we have truly discovered that he really was one of a kind.
Dad was born on 7 July, 1938 in Myddelton Buildings, a council estate in Islington, to Charles (Charlie), a lorry driver, and Helena, a cleaning lady. He was the youngest of three boys, following Kenny and Charles William, who sadly died, aged 14 months.
Dad’s young life was impacted by the Second World War. He remembered the Doodlebugs dropping on Highbury Corner and sirens sounding out and having to shelter in Angel tube station until the bombing was over, and he remembered being twice evacuated with Kenny to the countryside.
At school Dad showed promise. He passed the 11+ and got into Holloway School, then a local grammar school. Although a grammar school education was free, the uniform and other equipment had to be purchased and his mother worked extra cleaning jobs and was lent some money by a wealthy client to pay for everything needed.
Here he excelled in boxing and athletics – becoming London Grammar Schools 880-yard champion in 1956. He was also the secretary of the school’s Jazz Appreciation Society and captain of Red House. He enjoyed creative writing and was encouraged by his English teacher, Dennis Ward, to write and submit stories to magazines for publication. It was also at school, in music appreciation club, that Dad developed what became a lifelong love of opera. He told us that when he was about 13 years old he paid for a ticket to go on his own to see La Boheme at Sadlers Wells. It didn’t bother him that he was surrounded by upper-class types. He loved it.
He paid for the ticket using the money he earned from his bag wash job, where he would collect customers’ dirty washing from their houses, take it to the bag wash (we call them launderettes now) and return the washed clothes the following day.
Dad’s academic performance was a little more variable, shall we say. We have all his school reports and by today’s standards some of his teachers were quite harsh. In his final report from the summer term of 1957 Dad’s form master – a Mr Donald E. Mansfield – said, “I can only repeat what I have so often written on his reports before. Potential ability, unrealised, can only bring unhappiness. He has been offered a place at the University of Leicester. This should be a matter for some congratulation but I find myself restrained by the fear that he may take up this offer and then do the school the very serious disservice of being sent down for lack of effort.”
Dad didn’t take up this offer and instead went to the University of Exeter to read Economics. His stay there, however, was short-lived – partly because he didn’t pass his end of year exams but also because of a conviction meted out by Exeter Magistrates’ Court in April 1958 for unlawfully riding a bicycle “during the hours of darkness” without lights for which he was fined the princely sum of one pound – a lot of money in 1958. Dad obviously thought that there was less trouble to be had in London and so he returned to take a place at London County Council to train as a PE teacher.
Aged around 20 Dad embarked along two paths that would have a significant impact on his life.
Firstly, he was called up for National Service which he completed in 1960. He was selected for officer training and commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery. This involved serving as a Gunner Officer in the British Army of the Rhine. Upon being demobbed he decided to join the Reserve Army Forces and had a long career attached to the Royal Artillery Territorial Division – finally retiring in 1980 as a Major – which back then was quite an achievement for a working-class boy.
Secondly, Dad entered the world of performance and entertainment. Following encouragement from his dear sister-in-law, Audrey, he applied for and was taken on by Pontins as an assistant entertainments manager in Paignton for the 1958 summer season. He developed a comedy cabaret act and spent several years working the circuit – in the early days interspersing this with spells teaching PE part-time at schools in the East End and also at taking PT at Pentonville prison.
In 1968 Dad, having developed an interest in mime, went to Paris to study this art form. He then returned to create and tour his theatre shows. In 1976 he was appointed Artistic Director of the Canadian Mime Theatre and, as a consequence, took the family to Niagara for two years. He was offered the role of C3PO in Star Wars which he turned down because he didn’t like the script. A long and varied career followed for about 30 years, which included commissions for the BBC, appearances on New Faces and the running of his business events company that specialised in physical artistry. Dad was an incredibly creative individual. He always found beauty in the written and spoken word, in music of all genres and in performance.
Dad’s unique character also meant that he followed his own path in life and he didn’t much care for the opinion of others who questioned his choices. This was never more evident than in his choice of life partner – our darling mother Vida. They met in 1959 in Belgium while Dad was on National Service leave and Mum was on a weekend away with nursing colleagues.
He has always told us that he was just enchanted with Mum and that his love for her grew deeper and deeper each day. He built a protective shell around them to withstand the prejudice they inevitably experienced. His parents disowned him. Some of his friends were critical but Dad didn’t care. One of his diary entries said, “A few friends spoke disparagingly about me seeing Vida. I have re-appointed them as ex-friends.”
Mum and Dad were married in May 1963 at St Joan of Arc in Highbury and over the next five years Viola, Bernadine and Michael were born. They wanted to live somewhere where they could bring up a family without interference and so settled on Woodford – buying The White Cottage, 17 Grange Avenue, in 1971.
Mum and Dad were married for almost 60 years. They travelled extensively – sometimes as a result of Dad’s shows such as a cruise on the QE2. They socialised with many friends and enjoyed getting dressed up for posh dinners at the Royal Artillery.
Dad also kept up with his athletics. Going for a run was just part of who he was. In his younger days he belonged to Highgate Harriers and on moving to Woodford he joined Woodford Green Athletics Club. Although he didn’t compete for the club much due to his work, he relished in the training sessions and the many social events over the years. In the early days he would perform his cabaret act locally and many of his athletic friends would get to enjoy his comedic prowess. He remained with the club and attended Tuesday nights in the clubhouse until his death. Dad was a very fit and healthy man who took body conditioning seriously. This served him well as he fought against the inevitable march of time.
Mum and Dad were a team. In the early days it was just them against the world. And over the years they developed a life together that Dad treasured. He loved Mum with an intensity that never dimmed. When she died three years ago he was distraught and never got over the loneliness of missing her. His death certificate said cancer of the oesophagus. But in truth he died of a broken heart. I spent the final night of Dad’s life beside his bed and in the middle of the night he called out “Vida, Vida”.
We shall remember Dad for the great love he gave us. We shall remember Dad for the love he inspired. We shall remember Dad for the enduring love he had for Mum. They are back together now and we shall remember them forever in our hearts. Bernadine Pritchett
Old Camdenians AGM and Annual Lunch
The 115th AGM was held in the Camdenians Hall at the school on Friday 1st November 2024. It was to be available via Zoom for our members who could not be there, but owing to technical issues this was not possible. Members who did log in were able to talk amongst themselves. The AGM was followed by our 97th Annual Lunch under the stewardship of Ann Tennant and her team at Beacon High School.
Our guest speaker, Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe MBE, an Eminent Old Camdenian, gave us a very interesting account of his time at school and his founding of the British Urban Film Festival.
We do need your support to keep this yearly tradition going. So please put it in your diary for Friday 31st October 2025 and, if you cannot come, donate a seat so our new Old Camdenians at college can attend. The format for the day includes a tour of the school, followed by a reception with drinks, the AGM and then a sit-down meal with friends. Also, if you are interested in attending an evening event during the year, such as the quiz night or formal dinner please let us know and we will see if we can organise something for you. Use the ‘Contact’ button or drop me an email. Ray Rowe