Please find details of club merchandise in the table below.
Take special note of our Old Camdenians T-Shirts – showcased on this page by Club Secratary Dr Raymond Rowe, and available in any of the original house colours (Red, White, Green and Blue).
If you are interested in purchasing something from the list, get in touch via the contact page.

Item | Price inc. P&P |
Club Tie, Red or Blue (Original Camden School Colours), Black & White (Holloway) Stripes | £8-50 |
Centennial Club Tie colours same but featuring Phoenix and dated 1909- 2009 | £11-00 |
Disc (CD) “Through the Years Photos of groups, teams and individuals over the years | £4-00 |
Disc (DVD) ”The Prefects” Comedy Film made by the Prefects and other students in 1959 | £4-00 |
Ballpoint Pen inscribed Old Camdenians 1909-2009 | £1-00 |
Jubilee Retrospect History of the School 1907-1957 Author R .J. King | £1-00 |
Eminent Old Camdenians List of renowned O.C.’s | £1-00 |
School Song The words to “40 years on” | £1-00 |
Centenary Retrospect History of School, Authors Dr. J. Hudson & M. Hodgson | In course of production |
Holloway School Today Film showing the refurbishment and new facilities of the School | In course of production |
Annual Dinner Photos Pictures taken at the Dinner with background of Poem by written and read by Bob Pinker re School History | In course of production |
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