This lists Eminent OCs by type.
If you want to be included, or want to update your details, please contact us
Owusu Abebrese
Head of Law School, London Metropolitan University, visiting Lecturer in Law, University of Law, Associate Lecturer New Buckingham University
Kwane Anthony Abebrese
Course leader Fashion Retail Management, London Metropolitan University, lecturer in Design Pattern Cutting Ravensbourne University London
David Brynmor Anthony MC (former teacher)
Registrar University of Wales 1921-45, acting secretary Welsh National School of Medicine 1931
Prof. Edwin Ardener
Professor in Social Anthropology, Institute of Social Anthropology, Oxford
Leslie Arthur BA, MA
Principal Lecturer & Teaching and Learning Coordinator, School of Architecture, Design & the Built Environment, Nottingham Trent University, taught at Nottingham Business School, within Social Sciences, Design Management and the disciplines of Art & Design, from Fine Art to Fashion, senior lecturer Art & Media Stevenson’s College Edinburgh, lectured in Spain, Germany, Denmark, Norway, China, Italy, USA, Netherlands, Ireland and Malaysia, Fellow Higher Education Authority
Evangalos Aspostolou
Adjunct Professor of Law at National University of Singapore and Hong Kong University
Oscar Baldomero
Collaborates with Universities, top surgeons and implant manufacturers from around the world, producing education models for orthopaedics and surgical training purposes & generic blocks and other apparatus for biomechanical testing. Also lectures and runs workshops in the field
Edward Bangerter
Botanist, Senior Experimental Officer, Botany Dept. National History Museum, Chairman/President/Hon Vice President, Botany Section, London Natural History Society, Gen. Sec. Botanical Society of the British Isles, Associate of Auckland Museum
William H. Bennett BSc MSc FRICV
Chemist, Institute of Geological Sciences
Norman Charles Blamey OBE RA
Lecturer in art at Regent Street Polytechnic School of Art, Chelsea School of Art, the Prince of Wales Institute of Architecture and visiting lecturer at the RA schools
Dr. Joe Brock BA Ph.D.
Research Illustration & Graphics Manager The Francis Crick Institute, Head of Medical & Scientific Illustration, Animation & Photography, National Institute for Medical Research
Michael Brandon-Bravo MIBiol
Deputy Provost, City of London Polytechnic/London Guildhall University
Prof. Maxim Bruckheimer
Lecturer in Maths, City University, helped found the Open University & first Dean of Mathematics Open University, first Director of Studies at the Everyman University in Israel (modelled on the Open University), Professor of Mathematics Education, Head of the Department of Science Teaching and Head of the Mathematics Group, at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel,
Sir Arthur Bryant (former teacher)
Watson Chair in American History, University of London, 1935, lecturer in history Oxford University Extramural Studies Department 1925-36, educational advisor later governor at the Bonar Law College at Ashridge, Chairman, St John and Red Cross Library Department, 1945-1974; President English Association, 1946, Fellow of the Royal Historical Society
Ronald Bunyon
Superintendent Technician, Biological Sciences Dept. & The School of Chiropody, Paddington College/Westminster University
Prof. Duncan Burn
Visiting Prof. in Economics Manchester University, lecturer Bombay University, Member Exe. Committee National Institute of Economic & Social Research, Member of the Economic Committee, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
Dr. Maurice Burton DSc
Deputy Keeper of Zoology (1949-1958) , Curator of Sponges (1927-1948) Natural History Museum
John Chandler BSc MPhil CIBiol MRSB
MD for Southampton University technology spin off (pest control science) company, Researcher Medical Research Council, Vice Chairman Pakistan Agricultural Pesticides Association
Bernard Chibnall
Director Media Services, University of Sussex 1967-81
Peter Clayton FCILP Dip. Arch FSA FRNS
Hon. Member Inst. Archaeology & Exe. Sec. Inst. for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies, University College London, Fellow of the Society of Antiquities of London, lectured in UK, Europe & Australia on Egyptology, archaeology, antiquities and numismatics, Member of the Treasure Valuation Committee, British Museum, Dept. Culture, Media & Sport, Expert Advisor for Coins & Antiquities Treasure),
Bob Collins BSc
Lecturer in Health & Social Care, Southgate College
Leonard Daniels
Principal, Camberwell School of Art
Percival W. Davis
Forestry Dept. University of Aberdeen
Prof. Dennis Deletant
Visiting Ion Ratiu Professor of Romanian Studies, Georgetown University Washington DC, Professor University of Amsterdam, Emeritus Professor of Romanian at UCL School of Slavonic & Eastern European Studies, University of London, Head of the Department of East European Languages and Culture, SSEES 1980-4, Head of the Department of East European Languages and Culture, SSEES, University College London 1996-2000
Dr. Richard Elgar
Assistant Director Foley Institute, Executive Director Pacific Northwest Political Science Association, Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Politics, Philosophy & Public Affairs, Washington State University
Sir Benjamin Ifor Evans (former student master at Holloway School )
Provost, University College, London 1951-1966
Leo Favret
Acting Chief Librarian, Library Operations Manager, Bromley Council
Prof. Samuel E. Finer
Professor of Political Institutions at Keele, Professor of Government at Manchester University, Gladstone Professor of Government & Public Administration at Oxford
Alan Flook BSc MSc
Research Scientist Unilever, Science Computing Consultant (Image Processing & Analysis) to Human Genome Mapping Project at the Sanger Institute, Cambridge, Examiner Postgraduate Studies at Loughborough University
Prof. Friedmann Ph.D. (former teacher)
Professor in Comparative Law at an Australian University
Prof. Donald W. Fryer
Professor of Geography and Asian Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu 1967-1998, senior lecturer in geography University of Malaysia 1962-65, lecturer in Commerce at University of Melbourne 1952-1961, Visiting Professor at Yale University and the University of California at Berkeley 1958, lecturer in geography Raffles College, Singapore 1948-1952, lecturer in geography University of Nottingham 1946-1948
Charles Fullbrook
Teacher of percussion/timpani the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (1987-2001), timpani Professor at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance, Watford School of Music, examiner at the Royal College of Music, Royal Scottish Academy of Music & dance
Dr. Howard Garelick BSc PhD
Research Marconi, British Airways, prize named after Howard for ‘Technical Innovation’
Stanley F. Gates BA BSc MA
Lecturer & research chemist Oxford University, lecturer & research chemist Oxford University, ICI research, plant, works manager Lancashire
John Gill
Principal Medical Librarian Poole Hospital, Honorary Archivist
William Hardiman
Chair Moretonhampstead History Society
Dr. Bob Hartley BSc PhD
Research Fellow Psychology Dept. City of London Polytechnic , lecturer Communications Dept., London Guildhall University/London Metropolitan University
Brian J. Heard
Chartered chemist, Deputy Head of the New Scotland Yard Forensic Firearms Laboratory, Director of the Hong Kong Police Forensic Firearms Laboratory
Prof. Frederick Hirsch
Research Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford, Professor of International Studies at the University of Warwick
William Hucklesby
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Fellow of the Royal College of Art
Sidney Hutchison
Lecturer in History of Fine Art, Extra-Mural Dept. University of London
Prof. Paul Idahosa BA MA PhD
Known as Paul Johnson at Holloway School – Professor in African Studies, York University, Toronto, Associate Professor (Dept. Social Science) College Head, Founders College, Toronto
Albert Irvin RA
Goldsmiths College School of Art
Thomas Jacobs
Physicist at the Mallard Research Laboratories
Researcher in Industrial Archaeology & History; Curator, the Trevithick Society; formerly with the British Geological Survey; geophysicist; Archivist, the Museum of Submarine Telegraphy. Associate Member of the Institute for Archaeology; Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
Tony Karavis
Scientist at the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE), Farnborough
Anthony Kelly BSc MSc MEd
Associate Professor in Education: Learning Methods Unit, City of Birmingham University, former Head of Geography, City of Birmingham College of Education
Prof. Jim Kitses (former teacher)
Professor School of Cinema San Fransisco State University, Head of Department of Film Studies Queen’s University, Kingston Ontario, Head of Critical Studies, Education Officer American Film Institute, Education Officer British Film Institute
Jack Koumi
Lecturer & trainer of Educational Video & Audio Production, Open University, consultant for Anadolu University, Turkey
Bryan A. Lister
Chemistry lecturer, University College, Leicester
Lewis Lloyd
Worked for NASA involved in first Moon landing
Ronald A. Mackness
Senior Research Officer, School of Agriculture, Cambridge University
Laurence Marks
Visiting Professor in English, Honorary Doctorate, University of York, Patron The National Academy of Writing
Adrian J. Marriage
University of Manitoba, Assistant Professor School of Social Work, University of British Columbia
Prof. William E. J. McCarthy DPhil
Emeritus Fellow of Nuffield College, Industrial Relations & Labour Economics, Associate Fellow of Templeton College, Oxford
David Metzger
Lecturer in physics Auckland Teachers College, New Zealand
Dr. George W. Monger
Alun Morgan BSc
Lecturer Bristol Polytechnic
Panos Nicolaides
Lecturer Business Studies, Economics & Association of Accounting Technicians, Harrow College
Dr. Peter Norey BSc PhD
Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario
Ron Nutkins BSc MSc
Principal of Wandsworth College, lecturer South East Technical College
Prof. Toyin Okitikpi Ph.D., B.A.
Visiting Professor in Social Work, University of Bedfordshire, Principal Lecturer& Head of Social Work, South Bank University, Senior Lecturer and Course Leader in Social Work, Brunel University, Director of the Centre for Black Professional Practice, Brunel University, external PhD examiner Tavistock Clinic and University of East London.
Prof. Philip N. Patsalos, FRCPath, PhD
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, UCL – Institute of Neurology, Director, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Unit, Chalfont Centre for Epilepsy, served on the Commission on Therapeutic Strategies, the Sub-Commission on Polytherapy and Drug Interaction and the Sub-Commission on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology committees (including the Clinical Pharmacokinetics Committee and the Impact of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring on Pharmacoeconomics Committee), Awarded ‘2016 Excellence in Epilepsy Award’ by British Chapter of the International League Against Epilepsy – accolade is for ‘lifetime achievement in the field of epilepsy’
Denis Pemberton
Lecturer Westminster Kingsway College, TutorDen Academy, Centre Manager North Hertfordshire College
Francis W. Penfold
Lecturer in Production Engineering, Manders College, Bedford
Prof. Robert A. Pinker CBE BSc MSc (Econ)
Professor of Social Administration Emeritus, London School of Economics 1993-96, Vice Chancellor for Social Sciences, University of London 1989-90, Pro-Director LSE 1985-88, Member of Council, Goldsmiths College 2001-2007, University of London, lecturer North-Western Polytechnic, London, 1962 to 1964, Head of the Sociology Department at Goldsmith’s College 1964-1972, Lewisham Professor of Social Administration at Goldsmith’s 1972-74. Professor of Social Studies at Chelsea College 1974-78, Professor of Social Work Studies at the LSE 1978-1993, awarded honorary doctor of laws (LLD) degree from the University of Ulster in 2016. The Social Policy Society awarded him their Special Recognition Award in 2015
Sir Leslie Porter
Chancellor, Tel Aviv University
Dr. Savvas Savori
Economist: lecturer at Oxford University, taught at LSE, University of Woolwich, & Moscow State University,
Peter Sims BSc MSc FRGS FGS
Associate Dean, Faculty of Social Science & Business (Learning & Teaching), University of Plymouth (founded the Geography Department), tutor in geology at Open University
Prof. Bernard Smith
Professor of History, Swarthmore College, PA, USA
John Stammers
Associate King’s College, London, Judith E Wilson Fellow University of Cambridge, lecturer at City Lit
Prof. Eric Thomas Stokes BA MA PhD FBA
Photograph by The Sarl Studio reproduced by courtesy of The British Academy
Smuts Professor of the History of the British Commonwealth, St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge
Cyril G. Streatfield
Lecturer Northampton College of Advanced Technology
Nicholas Swingler
Lecturer University College of Wales, Aberystwyth & University of Aberdeen
Dr. Douglas Tasker B.Sc, Ph.D.
Physicist Los Alamos Natural Laboratory, Naval Surface Warfare Centre
Edmund Thomas
Senior Administrative Officer, Australian National University
Edmund Tillotson
Department of Fine Art, Reading University 1965-1973, Wimbledon School of Art 1967-1973, Farnham School of Art 1970-1971, 1973-2006, Principal lecturer Sunderland University 1973-2006, Visiting Lectureships: Brighton Polytechnic 1970-1982; Falmouth School of Art; Wimbledon School of Art; Newcastle University; City Literary Institute, London
Dr Peter F. Todd CChem FRSC
Senior Research Chemist, ICI
Barry Tylee BSc
Head Scientific Research Group: Chemical & Mineral Dust/Fumes, Health & Safety Executive
Dr. John Warren
Director of International Affairs in Science & Technology
Dr. Frank Watson BSc, MSc, PhD
Researcher (protein structure), Crystallography Dept. Birkbeck College, University of London
Prof. George Michael Wickens
Don at Trinity College, Cambridge, Prof. Toronto Univ., Dept. Islamic Studies, lectured London University
Prof. Peter Willmore
Scientific officer, Ukaea, Harwell, England, 1954-1956; Research Fellow, University College, since 1957; lecturer, University College, 1957-1972; Reader, University College, 1957-1972; Professor Physics, University College, 1957-1972; Professor Space Research, University Birmingham, England, since 1972; Chairman Ion Group European Space Research Organisation, Paris, 1963-1967. Chairman Space Science Program Board British National Space Center, 1986-1989, Fellow Royal Astronomical Society (council member, Vice President); Internal Academy Astronautics, Bureau member Cospar, Paris, since 1994
Capt David Brynmor Anthony MC and Bar (former teacher)
Royal Welsh Fusiliers, awarded 2 Military Crosses
James Broadley
Sir Arthur Bryant (former teacher)
Chesney Gold medal award given by the Royal United Services Institute awarded to ‘any especially eminent work calculated to advance the military sciences and knowledge’
Flt. Lt. Percival W. Davis MC BA (Cantab) IFS
Royal Flying Corps
Lt. Col. Arthur William Henry Field M.B.E.
Royal Army Ordnance Corps
Roger Charles Gilpin
RAF Navigator, retired from the RAF in Aug 1977
Roger Good
Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander, Fleet Air Arm, Helicopter Aircrew, Aircrew Survival Trainer, Flag Officer’s Inspection Team
Peter Gourri
Squadron Leader, RAF Volunteer Reserve (Training Branch) 1992-2017
Lt. Stuart Castle Hamer MC & Bar
The Northamptonshire Regiment, MC Awarded in June 1944
Major Thomas Howes MC
Royal Fusiliers
Lt. Commander Sidney Hutchison
Royal Navy
Lt. Henry Ivan Joseph Kraly MC
Royal Engineers 578 Field Company
Frederick Lindgren OBE
Honorary Treasurer, The Royal Air Forces Association
Lt. Commander Paul Lumley
Royal Navy
Neil Martin
Worked for Ministry of Defence for 41 years, B1 on the staff of the Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff (Personnel).
Eric Mark
Sergeant in the Intelligence Corps, at the Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centre (CSDIC), part of a team of secret listeners monitoring the captured German generals held at Trent Park
Captain Brian Marson
Royal Marines
Bill Meehan
Indian Signals, 4th Infantry Division Signals, X Branch (Palestine), War Office: Sergeant Signal Office.
Alun Morgan OBE CBE
Air Commodore, Royal Air Force, captain on V-Force on Vulcan Is ans 1As, FIt Cdr on 83 Sqn at Scampton flying the Blue Steel Vulcan 11, OC the Vulcan Standardisation Sqn then a tour at Akrotiri, Cyprus as OC Vulcan Bomber Wing, desk tour at HQ 1 Group Vulcan operations, led the Vulcan High Noon and Giant Voice detachments in 1975 and 1977, from 1978-81 the NATO Targeting Representative at Headquarters SAC at Offutt USA, UK National Military Representative at SHAPE, Belgium
Colonel Leonard Gerard Muller CBE. TD, DL
Commanding Officer 5th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment (T.A.) 1938-42, Garrison Commander at Sunderland 1942-45, served at Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) in Germany 1945, Commandant (1950), Deputy Commandant (1947) Army Cadet Force Staffordshire 1947-59, Deputy Lieutenant of Staffordshire, 1914-1918 war Royal Fusiliers in France, Belgium, Italy & Germany.
Lieutenant. Colonel Victor Gustave Strong Oehl MC
King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, MC awarded May 1945
Les Piper
RAF Squadron Leader
Major Reginald Pritchett TD
Royal Artillery
Dharmeratnam Rajkumar
RAF Pilot Officer Medical Branch
Andrew Ronchetti
Royal Navy Master-at-Arms, Weapons Operator, later Merchant Navy.
James E Smith
Sergeant Bomb Disposal (Army 1948-50), served in Korea and Suez as a reservist, member of the Honorary Artillery Company
Philip Roy Spencer Spettigue MC A.R.C.S.
Lt. Col. Bernard Spiers
Royal Army Ordinance Corps
Major William Alfred Collis Stone MC
Distinguished Service Order DSO, GV,1918, 1914-15 Star Trio, with MiD Oakleaf
Royal Field Artillery, MC awarded in 1918
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Suddenly called upon to command the brigade owing to casualties, he did so with complete efficiency during a withdrawal. At a critical period he displayed courage and leadership which inspired confidence in all ranks of the brigade.
David Theed
Royal Navy
Peter F. Todd
Sergeant, Royal Army Educational Service , Army Apprentice School, Chepstow, South Wales
Thomas Trohear MC
2nd Lieutenant Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment, MC Awarded 1918 New Year Honours
Near Ribecourt, northern France, 20th November, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.
He crossed difficult country six times under heavy fire to keep touch with the company on his left. On arrival at the objective he led the way down an enemy dug-out and captured two officers and 15 other ranks.
Joseph M. J. Verwyeren MM
Harold F. Ward M.C.& Bar
William (Willy) Webb
RAF Air Radar Mechanic for 10 years, after leaving RAF in 1966 he worked for the Royal Saudi Arabian Air Force, the Nigerian Air Force, the Libyan Air Defence Command, the Omani Army, in Zimbabwe, Bangladesh and the Multi-National Peacekeeping Force in Sinai, Egypt,
Major Stanley J. Whiteman
Royal Signals
David Aaronavich
Actor, ‘The Whistleblowers’ TV Series 2007
Anthony Allen
Anthony Allen (actor ‘The Bill’ 1988-1997, ‘Heartbeat’ 2002, ‘Casualty’ 1994-2001, ‘Annie’s Bar’ 1996, ‘She’s Out’ 1995, ‘Pie in the Sky’ 1994, ‘Between The Lines’ 1993, ‘The Guilty’ mini TV series 1992, ‘All Good Things’ 1991, ‘The Paradise Club’ 1990, ‘Making News’ 1990 ‘Hellraiser’ 1987, ‘God’s Outlaw’ 1986, ‘Law & Order’ 1978, ‘Rough Justice’ 1977, ‘Rooms’ 1977, ‘Warship’ 1977, ‘The Lauderette’ 1976, ‘Scene’ 1976, ‘No hard feelings’ 1976, ‘crown Court’ 1976, ‘Shades of Greene’ 1975, ‘You’re on Your Own’ 1975, ‘Slade in Flame’ 1975, ‘general Hospital’ 1974, ‘Father brown’ 1974, ‘Whodunnit?’ 1974, ‘Marked Personal’ 1974, ‘Because of the Cats’ 1973, ‘Armchair Theatre’ 1973, ‘Love Story’ 1972-73, ‘The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes’ 1973, ‘Time of Your Life’ 1971-72, ‘Crystal Clear’ BBC TV 1988 , Wyndams Theatre, ‘Molly’ Comedy Theatre)
Ronnie Ancona (former Art teacher 1992-4)
Actress, impressionist, author & comedienne, appeared in theatre, radio, film and TV, won a British Comedy Award for Best Comedy Actress 2003 for The Big Impression and a Variety Club Award.
Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe
Founder, British Urban Film Festival (2005); Co-Founder and Executive Producer, BUFF Studios. Executive Producer ‘No Shade’ (2018); Director ‘Absolutely Marvellous: The undisputed story of Marvel Opara’ (2022).
Founder & Chairman of the British Urban Film Festival, artistic director Windrush Caribbean film fiestival, broadcaster Choice FM radio & Colourful, worked for Channels Television News in London, BFM (Black Filmmaker Magazine), and the Screen Nation Awards, written for The Voice newspaper, The TV Collective, produced and presented film programmes for Colourful Radio. Co-founded BUFF Originals the production and distribution arm of the British Urban Film Festival.
Eddie Arram
Board Member of the Warehouse Theatre Company
John Barber
Stage Manager, Producer: National Westminster Theatre Club
Paul Barnes
Roy Beckwith
Started theatre/drama group in Huntingdon
Mark Burdis
‘Shades of Greene’ 1975, ‘Couples’ 1975, ‘Play For Today’ 1975-6, ‘Backs To The Land’ 1977, ‘Esther Waters’ 1977, ‘Never Never Land’ 1980, ‘The Enigma Files’ 1980, ‘Time of My Life’ 1980, ‘Grange Hill’ 1981-5, ‘Bless Me Father’ 1981, Pip in ‘Great Expectations’ BBC, ‘The Bill’ 1997, 2001, ‘Summer Season’ 1985, ‘Only Fools & Horses’ 1985, ‘Ellis Island’ 1984, ‘Screen Two’ 1986, ‘Lenny Henry Tonite’ 1986, ‘This is David Lander’ 1988, ‘Colin’s Sandwich’ 1988, ‘The Country Boy’ TV Mini Series 1989, ‘No Strings’ 1989, ‘Second Thoughts’ 1992, ‘Birds of a Feather’ 1993, ‘Touch of Frost’ 1994-5, ‘London’s Burning’ 1989, ‘The Country Boy’ 1989, ‘Mike Bassett, England Manager’ 2001, ‘Love, Honour & Obey’ 2001, ‘Final Cut’ 1998, ‘Operation Good Guys’ TV Series 1997-2000, ‘ID’ 1995, ‘The Krays’ 1990, ‘The McGuffin’ 1985, ‘Clockwise’ 1986, ‘The Afternoon Play’ (2003), ‘Out of The Frying Pan’ (2001), ‘Criminal Practice’ (2001), ‘Blackhearts in Battersea’ 1996, ‘The Roman Mysteries’, ‘The Runner’ 1992, ‘Thieves Like Us’ TV Series 2007, ‘The Real Arnie Griffin’ 2003, ‘Barnet Shuffle’ 2008, ‘The Wee Man’ 2013, ‘Still Waters’ 2014, Theatre: ‘A Slice of Saturday Night’, ‘The Good Woman of Sichuan’, won the Rowena Roberts Comedy Award 1986
Benjamin Daniels
Actor ‘5%’ short film
Frank Francelli
Theatre Director
Peter Gourri
Voice over actor New York
Gary Hailes
‘Eastenders’ 1986-9 played Barry Clark, ‘Grange Hill’ 1985, ‘Woodentop’ 1983, ‘Contact’ 1985, ‘The Bill’ 1983, 1997-2002, , ‘Sorry’ 1981, ‘The Killing Zone’ 1999, ‘Small Time Obsession’ 2000, ‘Waiting For A Killer’, ‘Murder With Mirrors’, ‘The Next Seven Days’, ‘Possession’, ‘Soldiers of Love’ (TV Mini series) 1999-2000, ‘Only Human’ 1999, ‘Parents in Partnership’ 1999, ‘Ghostlands’ 1996, ‘Nobody’s Hero’ 1982, ‘Sorry’, ‘Pinochio’, ‘Born and Bred’ 1980, ‘The Witches and the Grinnygog’ 1983, ‘Storyboard’ 1983, ‘Screen Two’ 1985, ‘This Man Is The One’ 2006, ‘Casualty’ 2010, ‘On Speaking Terms” 1997, ‘Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens’ 2015, ‘Nearly New” (TV Movie)2016, ’60 Seconds to Die” 2017, 2018 ‘Shakespeare v Jack the Ripper” 2018, (Documentary), ‘Luther’ 2019 (TV series), Theatre: ‘Strip Poker’, ‘Doctor On The Boil’, ‘Gollocks’ and lots of pantomine
Tony Halfpenny
Born Edward Anthony Sebastian Halfpenny (actor and producer: ‘Young Woodley’ 1930, ‘Eyes of Fate’ 1933, ‘The Gay Lady’, ‘Chance of a Lifetime’ 1950, ‘I Woke Up One Morning’ 1985, ‘I Thought You’d Gone’ 1984, ‘The Nation’s Health’ 1983, ‘Chronic’ 1983, ‘To Serve Them All My Days’ 1980-81, ‘Screenplay’ 1993, ‘Life At Stake’ 1978, ‘A Man in the Zoo’ 1975, ‘A Castle & Sixpence’ 1954, ‘Thames Tug’ 1953, ‘The Silver Swan’ 1953, ‘For The Children’ 1951, ‘Chance of a Lifetime’ 1950, ‘Trottie True’ 1949, ‘Triple Bill: Exit/Murder Over Draughts/The Body Was Not Disturbed’ 1948, ‘Boys in Brown’ 1947, ‘Eyes of Fate’ 1933, Boswell & Johnson’s Tour of the Western Isles’ 1993), ‘Ask for King Billy’ (producer) 1959)
Samarge Hamilton
actor ‘Holby City’ 2014, ‘Dearest Mum’ 2014, London Dungeons,
Rajan Harkishindas (stage name James Harkishin)
actor ‘Coronation Street’ 1999-2021, ‘Children in Need’ 2010, ‘Coronation Street: Tram Crash’ 2010, ‘Coronation Street: Pantomime’ 2005, ‘East Is East’ (film) 1999, ‘Close Relations’ 1998, ‘Heat of the Sun’ 1998, ‘Jonathan Creek’ 1998, ‘Holding The Baby’ 1997, ‘Paparazzo’ (film) 1995, ‘Medics’ 1990-1995, ‘Harry’ 1993, ‘Fighting For Gemma’ 1993, ‘Uncle Jack and Cleopatra’s Mummy’ 1993, ‘The Bill’ 1993, ‘Bhaji on the Beach’ (film) 1993, ‘Desmond’s’ 1992, ‘Crime Story’ 1992, ‘Uncle Jack and the Dark Side of the Moon’ 1992, ‘Casualty’ 1992, ‘Uncle Jack and the Loch Ness Monster’ 1991, ‘Uncle Jack and Operation Green’ 1990, ‘TECX’ 1990, ‘South of the Border’ 1988-1990, ‘Eurocops’ 1990, ‘Saracen’ 1989, ‘Shalom Shalom’ 1989, ‘For Queen and Country’ (film) 1988, ‘A Killing on the Exchange’ 1987
Charlie G. Hawkins
actor ‘Ali G Indahouse’ 2002, ‘Mrs. Meitlemeir’ 2002, ‘Shanghai Knights’ 2003, ‘Seven Wonders of the Industrial World’ 2003, ‘Foyles War’ 2004, ‘East Enders’ 2004-11, ‘Children in Need’ (self) 2007-10, ‘This Morning’ (self) 2009, ‘The New Paul O’Grady Show’ (self) 2009, ‘The Weakest Link’ (self) 2010, ‘The Ellington Kid’ 2010, ‘Nymphomaniac’2013, ‘Casualty’ 2014, theatre: ‘Birdsong’ UK tour, ‘Flare Path’ Connaught Theatre Worthing, nominated for Best Young Performance Award at the British Soap Awards 2007
Martin Holleran
Mike Holloway
actor, ‘The Tomorrow People’ 1976-79, appeared in ‘You Must Be Joking’ TV series 1975-76, ‘The Minder’ 1984, ‘Pauline’s Quirkes’ TV series 1976, ‘Fanfare’, ‘T Bag and the Revenge of the T.Set’ 1989, ‘Metamorphis Alpha’ 1976, ‘Top of the Pops’ 1976, ‘Instant Coffee’ 1978, ‘Whodunnit’ TV Series 1978, ‘Get it Together’ 1981, ‘The 90s: The Best of Bad TV’ (doc.) 2015, When Celebrities Go Pop’ 2016, Theatre: ‘Joseph & His Technicolour Dreamcoat’ (2004), ‘Dr. Who: Other Lives’ (2005), ‘Stardust’, ‘A Slice of Saturday Night’, ‘The Good Woman of Sichuan’, won the ‘TV Times Personality of the Year Award’ 1976
Ronald Hynd
Choreographer ‘Ice Ballets’ for John Curry 1977
Jack Kapron
West End Theatre
Jim Kitses (former teacher)
actor in ‘Personal Curator’ 2006
Alex Martin (surname Thompson at Holloway)
a dancer appeared in ‘Knights of the Round Table’ 1953, ‘The Red Shoes’ 1948, ‘Stage Fright’ 1950, & ‘Invitation to the Dance’ 1956
Harold Martin
Member of Tavistock Players, Canonbury Tower Theatre renovation
Chris Miller
Actor ‘East Enders: The Mitchells – Naked Truths’ 1998, ‘Ghostwatch’ TV movie 1992
Bill Penny
Film crew
Reginald Pritchett (stage name Wayne Pritchett)
Mime Entertainer, Worked around the world in cabaret, theatre and television, Artistic Director, Canadian Mime Theatre, 1976-79, Guest director, Domino Mime Theatre, Hungary, 1980, Samaritans Cinema Commercial music by Pink Floyd, Won Gold Awards in New York, Cannes and London, Elton John’s White Tie & Tiara Ball, The Beckhams’ World Cup Party, The Queen’s Golden Jubilee Ball for the Royal Warrant Holders
Barry Purchese
actor, ‘Stone’ 1974, ‘The Big Sleep’ 1978,
Frederick Pyne
actor Mark Skilbeck in ‘Emmerdale Farm’, ‘Thirty Minute Theatre’ 1972, ‘Justice’ 1972, ‘The Three Princes’ 1968, ‘Talking To A Stranger’ 1966, ‘The Dance of Death’ 1968-9, ‘An Affair of Honour’ 1972, ‘Dixon of Dock Green’ 1971, ‘Macbeth’ 1970, ‘The Dance of Death’ 1969, ‘The Three Princes’ 1968, ‘A Flea in Her Ear’ 1967, ‘Theatre 625’ 1966, ‘R3’ 1965, ‘Crossroads’ 1965, ‘Talking To A Stranger Pt. 2’ 1966, Theatre: ‘Open Air’ 1988, ‘Calendar’ 1988, worked on stage productions at the National Theatre at the Old Vic 1966-70
Gerald Rowland
‘A Career in Communications’ 1971, ‘Public Eye’ 1971 (TV Series), ‘The Beater and the Game’ (1971), ‘Menace’ (TV series) 1970, ‘Trespasser’ (1970), ‘Confession’ (TV Series) 1970, ‘The Wind Blew Her Away’ 1970, ‘Deep End’ 1970, ‘Cromwell’ 1970, ‘Comedy Playhouse’ series 1970, ‘The Jugg Brothers’ 1970, ‘BBC Play of the Month’ 1968, ‘Cyrano de Bergerac’ (1968), ‘King of the River’ (TV Series) 1966, ’A Beautiful Pea-Green Boat’ (1966), ‘Sergeant Cork’ 1963-1966 (TV Series), ’The Case of the Chelford Changeling’ (1966), ‘The Case of the Pious Patriarch’ (1964), ‘The Case of the Hangmans Noose’ (1964), ‘The Case of Ella Barnes’ (1963), ‘Frankie Howerd’ 1966 (TV Series), ‘ Blackmail 1965 (TV Series), ‘Snakes and Ladders’ 1965, ‘Steptoe and Son’ 1965 (TV Series), ‘And Afterwards at…’ (1965), ‘Write a Play’ 1965 (TV Series), ‘Hail to the Queen & The Blue Flower’ (1965), ‘The Changing World & The Compartment’ (1965), ‘Four Minutes to… & ‘The Frog Ling’ (1965), ‘The Witch of the New Forest’ & ‘The Basnji’ (1965) , ‘The Golden Feather’ & ‘Treasure Hunt’ (1965) , Thursday Theatre 1964 (TV Series), ‘A Day by the Sea’ (1964) Esther Waters (TV Series) 1964, ‘Starter’s Orders’ (1964), ‘Mateo Falcone’ 1964 (TV Movie), ‘Fortunato’ 1964, ‘The Hidden Truth’ 1964 (TV Series), ‘The Achilles Heel’ (1964), ‘The Barnstormers’ 1964 (TV Series), ‘Z Cars’ 1963 (TV Series), ‘Emergency-Ward 10’ 1963 (TV Series), ‘William’ 1963, (TV Series), ‘William the Peacemaker’ (1963), ‘Citizen James’ (TV Series) 1961, ‘The Bun House Wedding’ 1961 (TV Movie)
Elliott Seabrooke (former teacher)
film & stage actor, worked with the directors Theodore Komisarjevsky & J B Fagan, and acted with John Gielgud, Lewis Casson, Sybil Thorndike, Wendy Hiller, Charles Laughton, Ralph Richardson, appeared in films, Major Barbara’ 1941, ‘The Village Squire’ 1935, ‘Holiday’s End’ 1937, ‘Life of Paul’ 1938…
Cyril Turney
David Vorhaus
‘Not Tonight Darling’ 1971
Gary West
‘East Enders’, ‘Beyond The Sea’
Gary Whelan
‘Minder’ 1980, ‘Angels’1980-1, ‘Blood Money’ (TV Series 1981, ‘Strangers’ (TV Series) 1981, ‘Union Castle (TV Series) 1982,‘Babylon’ 1983, ‘One Up On Two’ (TV Series) 1983, ‘Pig In The Middle’ (TV Series) 1983, ‘Chess Game’ (TV Series) 1983, ‘Up the Elephant and Round the Castle (TV Series) 1983, ‘One By One: ‘Blood, Toil, Tears and Spit’ 1985, East Enders 1985-7, ‘The Alamut Ambush’ 1986, ‘C.A.T.S. Eyes’ (TYV Series) 1986,‘Hideaway’ (TV Series) 1986, ‘Zoeken naar Eileen’’ 1987,‘Game Set and Match’ (TV Series) 1988, ‘Dear Sarah’ (TV Movie) 1989, ‘The Gift’ (TV Mini Series) 1990, ‘Shoot To Kill (TV Movie) 1990, ‘Prime Suspect’ 1991, 2011, ‘Brookside’ 1991, ‘Bernard and the Genie’ TV Movie 1991, ‘The Bill’ 1992-5, ‘The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles’ (TV Series) 1993, ‘Total Cops’ 1993, ‘Timewatch’ 1995, ‘Kavanagh QC’1995, ‘Ballykissangel’ 1996-2001, ‘The Ambassador’ TV Series 1998 ‘S Club 7 in Miami ’ TV series 1999-2000, ‘The Ambassador’ (TV Series) 1999, ‘In Deep’ (TV Series) 2002, ‘In Deep’ 2002, ‘Perfectly Frank’ 2003, ‘The Royal’2003, ‘My Uncle Silas’ 2003, ‘Glencoe’, ‘My Uncle Silas II’ 2003,Holby City’ 2005-9, ‘Casualty’ 2005, ‘Diamond Geezer’ 2005, ‘Fair City’ 2005, ‘Diamond Geezer’ 2005-7, Casualty/Holby City Christmas Special’ 2005, ‘Goldplated’ 2006 Channel 4,‘Trial And Retribution’ (TV series) 2009, ‘Amber’ 2014 Feature Films: ‘The Witness’ 2018, ‘Out of Innocence’ 2016, ‘Dracula Untold’ 2014, ‘Spoilt Broth’ 2010, ‘A Short Film About Nothing’ 2010, ‘Telstar: The Joe Meek Story’ 2008, ‘The Contract’ 2006, ‘Beyond The Sea’ 2004, ‘A Flight of Fancy’ 2004, ‘Villa des Roses’2002, ‘Trigger Street’ 2002,‘Total Cops’ 2001, ‘The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Passion for Life 2000, ‘Michael Collins’ 1996, ‘Cry Freedom’ 1995, ‘Moll Flanders’ 1995, ‘Paper Marriage’ 1992 ‘Papierowemalzenstwo’ 1992, ‘Curse of the Pink Panther’ 1983, ‘Ascendancy’ 1983, ‘The Trail of the Pink Panther’ 1982, ‘ITV Playhouse’ 1979 ‘Dracula Untold’ 2014, ‘Out of Innocence’ 2016, ‘I Witness’ 2018, Theatre: ‘Educating Rita’, ‘Sus’, ‘Bloody Hero’, ‘Hamlet’, Richard II’
Anthony (Tony) Allen
David Brynmor Anthony MC
Chairman & Secretary Contemporary Art Society for Wales, Art Committee the University of Wales
Leslie Arthur
Member of Curatorial Management Committee of the Bonington Gallery
Norman Blamey R.A. OBE
Painter: work exhibited at Tate Gallery, works in the Royal Academy collection and in the Halls of a number of Colleges of the University of Oxford
Joe Brock
Painter & illustrator: work exhibited at Essex, Barnet, Herts regional exhibitions
Harry Edward Busby
Painter trained at the Royal College of Art, works sold throughout the world, creative work was largely influenced by the 1930s
Steve Callaghan
Cartoonist cartoons and caricatures appeared in many publications including: The Sun, The Star, The Express, Bella, The Weekly News, The Islington Gazette
Leonard Daniels
Painter: studied art at the Regent Street Polytechnic and the Royal College of Art, won the Royal College Portrait Prize in 1932, during World War Two taught at the Southampton School of Art and after direct hit on school became Head of the Printing School at the Leeds College of Art in 1943, spent time observing the work of the Women’s Land Army and submitted several watercolours of their activities to the War Artists Advisory Committee, who purchased a number of them, principal of the Camberwell School of Arts & Crafts 1948-1975, exhibited at Royal Academy & retrospective exhibition at Winchester Cathedral),
Colin Grant
Trustee & Treasurer The Foundation of Essex Arts
Clyde Holmes
Painter & Member of the Welsh Academy, numerous exhibitions and paintings in the Victoria & Albert Museum, National Museum of Modern Art, National Museum of Wales
Sidney C. Hutchison MVO, CVO
Librarian, Hon. Archivist, Antiquary: Royal Academy, Secretary Royal Academy, Sec: E. A. Abbey Memorial Trust Fund for Mural painting, (& later Scholarship Fund), E. Vincent Harris Fund for Mural Decoration, Richard Ford Award Fund, President Southgate Society of Arts, Fellow of the Association of Art Historians, Librarian Royal Academy
Albert Irvin R.A.
Painter: work in collections at the V&A, Tate Gallery, Royal Academy, Arts Council, British Council, solo exhibitions in London, Scotland, Australia, Austria, Germany, France, Belgium, prize-winner John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 1982, Korn/Ferry International Premier Award, Royal Academy 1989, Giles Bequest Prize, V&A, British Museum 1986, Gulbenkian Award for Printmaking 1983
Peter Judge-Fernandez
Illustrator/graphic designer: single releases: ‘Mind’s Eye, ‘Sacrificial Man’, ‘ “11.02.2017, 23:56”.’ EPs: ‘Hallows Eve’, ‘After the letters’, ‘Busy Doing Nothing’, ‘Antics’, album sleeve design ‘Summer with the Wolves’ & logo & poster designs
Tony Karavis
Artist – Fleet Art Society, Hampshire
Michael Kyrlitsias
Artist in Cyprus, exhibitions held in Voroklini 2009, 2012, touring exhibition to Nicosia, Worms Germany, Athens, Istanbul, Brussels 2009
Reg Langford
Angus (Frederick) McBride
Illustrator/commercial artist
Eric Marrion
Artist & sculptor, Durham
Leonard Charles Renton
Painter studied at St. Martin’s School of Art, 1936-38, and Royal college of Art, 1938-39 and again after World War II from 1947-49, largely influenced creatively by the 1950s, works sold around world, exhibited at R.A. Summer Exhibition,
Elliott Seabrooke (former teacher)
Artist landscapes, still life and naval landscapes, studied at the Slade School of Fine Art in London from 1906-1911, a pacifist volunteered for British Red Cross in Italy became Official War Artist on the Italian front in 1st World War, won Italy’s highest award for gallantry, had a first solo show at Carfax Gallery 1912, showed at New English Art Club, London Group of which he was vice-president and president 1943-48, travelled widely in England and on the continent for landscape subjects, after 1930 living often in the Netherlands. He died in Nice in 1950 and had memorial shows at Leicester Galleries, 1951; Arts Council 1952; 1955 at Matthiesen Gallery; and in 1966 at Upper Grosvenor Galleries. There was a show at Blond Fine Art in 1979. Tate Gallery, Imperial War Museum and Arts Council hold examples of his work
Christopher Stone
Sculptor and painter, exhibited in UK, Belgium, Eire, Spain, Germany, France, USA, and has works in private and public collections in Berlin, Amsterdam, Bucharest, Malaga, Ibiza, Cape Town, Edinburgh, London and in France at Saint Fragou and Bressuire Castle. Voted in ‘Top 100 professionals 2013’ by The International Biographical Center, Cambridge, UK.
Edmund Tillotson
Solo Exhibitions 1976-1994 Acme Gallery, London; Spectro Arts, Newcastle upon Tyne; Northern Center for Contemporary Art; Hatton Gallery, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Selected Group Exhibitions 1962-2016, London: Young Contemporaries, London Group, Grosvenor Gallery, Camden Arts Centre, JPL Fine Art, Curwen Gallery, South London Gallery, ICA, Royal Festival Hall, Royal Academy UK: Ikon Gallery, Birmingham; Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool; Portland Sculpture Park, Dorset; Ferens Art Gallery, Hull; Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh; Third Eye Center, Glasgow; Dovecot Art Center, Stockton on Tees; Design Works Foundation, Gateshead, International: Gallery F15, and Bergen Kunstforening, Norway; Hall of the Artists, and Surikov Institute, Russia; REGA, Latvia; Tampere Museum, Finland; Groningen, Netherlands; Galeri 28, and Universitatea de Vest Timisoara, Romania; Thomas K. Lang Gallery, Austria; Penrith Regional Gallery, and Lewens Art Gallery, Australia, US: University of Washington, Seattle, WA; Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, PA (Juror Award 2015, Residencies 1984 Artist in Residence, Hartlepool Nuclear Power Station, sponsored by Northern Arts, Hartlepool, Collections: Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK; London University, Birkbeck College, London, UK; Northern Arts Association, Newcastle, UK; Northern Center for Contemporary Art, Sunderland, UK; University of Sunderland, Sunderland, Private Collections: Various, in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada awarded a Gulbenkian Foundation Rome scholarship in Sculpture to study at the British School 1964-1965
Richard Turner
Exhibited in UK, France, Australia, Lindbergh Arts Foundation in Muizenberg, South Africa.
Keith Tyler
Painter, engraver & potter, Organiser of Art & Art Crafts for the County of Cheshire.
Bobby Dwyer
Professional Ballroom dancer
Ronald Hynd
(changed surname from Hens) – Choreographer/Dancer: Ballet Rambert, Royal Ballet (1951), Principal Dancer in 1958, Director: National Theatre Munich State Opera Ballet 1970-1973, 1984-86, Choreographer of numerous ballets: ‘Fanfare For Dancers’ 1985 & ‘Ludwig’ 1986 for above, English National Ballet between 1976 – 1993, Sadlers Wells Royal Ballet: ‘In A Summer Garden’ 1972, ‘Charlotte Bronte’ 1974, Dutch National Ballet: 1967 – 1988, Nice Ballet: ‘The Nutcracker’ 1997, La Scala & Vienna State Opera Ballet: ‘The Merry Widow’ 1995, & other productions for London Festival Ballet, Houston Ballet, Australia Ballet, Tokyo Ballet, National Ballet of Canada, new productions for ‘Ballet de Nice’ 1997, la Scala 2000, La Chatte, Festival Ballet, Santiago & Berlin 2000, English National Ballet, choreographed ‘Sylvia’ Serenade to a Princess, for Princess Diana birthday celebration in 1991 at Banqueting House, Whitehall,
Alex Martin (Alexander Martin Thompson)
Ballet dancer, artistic director, choreographer, lead dancer Ballet Guild 1942-46, danced for Sadler’s Wells & Royal Ballet 1946-49, solo dancer at the St. James Ballet & London Metropolitan Ballet, London and Paris, 1949-1950 solo dancer in ballet Brigadoon, performed in Cape Town and Johannesburg 1950-1951, appeared in various films including ‘Knights of the Round Table’ 1953, ‘The Red Shoes’ 1948, ‘Stage Fright’ 1950 & ‘Invitation to the Dance’ 1956, danced at historic events such as the coronation of Prince Rainier of Monaco, later moved to Cleveland USA founded and ran Cleveland Ballet Guild (forerunner of Cleveland Ballet), Cleveland Ballet Center & Cleveland Institute of Dance, taught at Ballet Russe of Cleveland
Bryan Williams
Morris dancer
Jefferson Allan
Pat Allen
Guitarist & vocals Exeats
Douglas Albert Raoul Aufranc
Composer hymns & popular music – ‘Alone with thee, my God, in prayer’, ‘Far from all care we hail the Sabbath morning’, Father, I yield to thee my life’, ‘There is a road, though narrow and obscure’,
Jazzie B (Trevor Beresford Romeo OBE)
Founding member ‘Soul II Soul’ 5 Albums, hits ‘Get A Life’, ‘Back To Life’, ‘Keep On Movin’, rapper, record producer/ remixer for Sinead O’Connor, James Brown, Monie Love, Madonna, Fine Young Cannibals, Incognito, Maxi Priest, Kym Mazelle, Johnny Gill, Public Enemy, The Jones Girls, Nas, Destiny’s Child, Ziggy Marley, Isaac Hayes, Cheryl Lynn, Rose Windross, Caron Wheeler, Teena Marie, Yorker, founder Featured Artists Coalition, owns a record studio, record company, clothing label, talent agency, and is also a DJ, won 2 Grammy Awards in 1990, awarded the First Inspiration Award at the Ivor Novello Awards 2008, for being ‘a pioneer’ and ‘the man who gave black British music a soul of its own’, he has the keys to 7 US Cities
Jim Barber
Guitarist, with his band The Barberians (formed 2014), also recorded with the ‘The Rolling Stones, – Solo, The Law, Carol Decker (T’Pau), Ruby Turner, The Paul Collins Beat and Tot Taylor (amongst others) Guitarist and bassist on over 200 albums, some with such notable musicians such as Paul Rodgers and Mick Jagger playing alongside and ‘Tech’ing the likes of Jeff Beck and Phil Lynnot. He has sessioned with The Stones, Thin Lizzy, Sendelica, Living In A Box and many more. Toured with ‘Duran Duran’, ‘Thin Lizzy’, ‘The Law’ and many more and supported ZZ Top. Paul Collins’ Beat 1985, ‘Law’ The Law (guitar) 2002, The Very Best of Mick Jagger Mick Jagger 2007 (rhythm guitar), To Beat or Not To Beat/Long Time Gone’ The Beat 2004, ‘Objectivity’ R. Stevie Moore 1997, ‘Primitive Cool Mick Jagger 1987, ‘Undercover’ 1983), ‘Warriors of The Light’ (solo) 2014, ‘Golden Eye’, ‘I Told You Zoso’, ‘Dream of Angels’
Richard Bielicki KSG
Composer, pianist and Chopin scholar, studied at the Royal Academy of Music, performed in recital all over the world, including a performance of his own works for Pope John Paul II at Crystal Palace Stadium. Compositions in a variety of styles for organ, strings, woodwind and brass; vocal and choral music. ‘The Sacred and the Profane’ is his first CD release. Won the Christie Moore Award and the Beckenham Festival Jubilee Musician of the Year Award. Appeared alongside Julian Lloyd-Webber, Georgie Fame, Michael Ball and BBC Big Band Orchestra. Performed in front of Princess Diana, Princess Margaret, Baroness Thatcher, Princess Alexandra, Sir Edward Heath, President Francois Mitterand of France, Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Rod Stewart, Mick Jagger, Oliver Reed, Nicole Kidman, Placido Domingo, Andre Previn, Daniel Barenboim, Maurizio Pollini, Murray Perahia, Evgeny Kissin and Krystian Zimerman and many more.
John Brockhurst
Guitarist in the band ‘Raw Material’, albums ‘Time Is…’ ‘Kid Jensen Introduces Sounds Progressive’, single ‘Traveller Man’, support band for Pink Floyd in Aachen Open Air Pop Festival, ‘The Zephyrs’ (spin off from Gene Vincent’s UK backing band), current band ‘Academy’ (guitar and keyboards), worked as an electronics engineer for audio pioneer Charlie Watkins at WEM, client list reads like a who’s who of Rock and Roll. (Rolling Stones, Wings, Status Quo, Suzi Quatro, Pink Floyd, the Byrds, Cream…)
Louis Batey
Composer, musician, vocalist: ‘Dancing Mambo’, ‘Seduceme’, Sulio: Mi Musica (No. 2)!, featured Hot New Artist/Songwriter, for , winner for the Best Country EP For ‘My Country And Blues EP’ (2016), and for the Best Pop/Rockabilly EP at the Akademia Music Awards
John Campbell
Musical Director St. Albans City Band
Ian Clarke
Classical musician – horn, composer of ‘The Music Box’, ‘The Tyrolean Maiden’
Benjamin K. Daniels
Musician & rapper King Kofi, ‘Bandcamp’ 2019, ‘Angel Man’,’Summer With the Wolves’, ‘I’m So High’, Waltz’, JADMOAS’, ‘Just A Dude In Need of a Chance’, ‘Amy Told Me’
John Dennis
Founder & Executive Director Islington Music Workshop IMW
Mike Denyer
Drummer Exeats
Charles Fulbrook
Classical percussionist, member of City of London Sinfonia, English Baroque Soloists, The King’s Consort, The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, The Sixteen, all major London orchestras, Capricorn, the English Chamber Orchestra, the London Sinfonietta, San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, the Stuttgart Barockorckester, recorded: ‘Essental Handel’, ‘Tavener Innocence’, ‘Bryars: Three Viennese Dances’, ‘Martinu Concertos’, ‘Sea Change’, “L’Oiseau Lyre” Mozart Symphonies with AAM and Christopher Hogwood, the EBS with Sir John Eliot Gardiner, the Italian romantic operas with Ricardo Muti and the Philharmonia Orchestra, Britten, ‘Death in Venice’, ‘Albert Herring’, ‘Noye’s Fludde’, ‘Rape of Lucretia’, ‘Prince of the Pagodas’, various John Rutter/Cambridge Singers CDs, ‘Picking of Sticks’, ‘Façade’, ‘ Benjamin Britten Presents John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera’ with the City of London Sinfonia, Berlioz: Grande Messe des Morts; Gavin Bryars: Henry Purcell: The Complete Anthems and Services, Vol. 7; Der Messiah with the Monteverdi Choir; Modern Times with London Brass; Music for His Majesty’s Sagbutts and Cornetts; Music from the Time of Civil Wars; Shepherds Watched: Christmas Music from English Parish Churches, 1740-1830; Sing Lustily and with Good Courage and Tapestry of Carols by Maddy Prior & the Carnival Band; Thomas Arne: Six Favourite Concertos with the Parley of Instruments; and, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Les Symphonies Vol. 4 by the Academy of Ancient Music and many more credits, took part in many world premiers, including Britten’s ‘Death in Venice’ ‘Xenakis’ and ‘Slow Frieze’ Sir Harrison Birtwistle, timpani professor at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance
Richard Fullbrook
Classical percussionist, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Ballet Rambert, Scottish Opera Orchestra, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Scottish National Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Scottish Ballet, Percussion Tutor for Perth & Kinross Music Service, the Perth Youth Orchestra, conductor and percussion tutor Perth Youth Orchestra Percussion Ensemble, percussion tutor Birmingham Music Service, studied at Royal Academy of Music with James Blades OBE, awarded the Hugh B Fitch Prize for Percussion, sings Bass with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Chorus
Vito Gambazza
Vito Gambazza String Quartet, London Festival Ballet (1st violins)
Costas Georgiou
Producer, dance music in Cyprus
Henry (Harry) Hayes
Jazz Musician, band leader and saxophonist, over 500 recordings in the British Library. A professional musician at 16, taking a job at the Regent Dance Hall, Brighton in 1927, joined Fred Elizalde’s Orchestra at Savoy Hotel. The bandleaders for whom he played, and West End night clubs where they appeared, like a society roll-call of the period – Sidney Lipton, Sidney Kyte, Maurice Winnick, Geraldo, Ciro’s, the Mayfair Hotel, the Cafe de Paris, Grosvenor House and the Savoy… In 1940, served in the Band of the Welsh Guards. In 1944 signed with HMV Records, series of small-band recordings, the band featured such players as George Chisholm, Kenny Baker, Aubrey Frank, George Shearing and Tommy Whittle, and often included own compositions, the band was resident at Churchill’s Club from 1945 to 1947. He dropped out of band leading and rejoined Geraldo in 1949, then Sydney Lipton in 1950. Opened a musical instrument shop, became a leading saxophone tutor, member of the Kenny Baker Dozen from 1952 until the late 1950s and continued to lead his own bands at London nightspots into the 1960s. For eight years he was musical director at Winston’s Club.
Eric Heliczer
Musician, concert promoter/producer: ‘New Master Series of Recitals’, clarinettist Winslow Concert Band, producing concerts and recitals by talented young musician
Mike Hendon
Harmonica Exeats
Mike Holloway
Drummer ‘Flintlock’: ‘Sea of Flames’
Clyde Holmes
Produced music and poetry ‘Waterfalls of Light’
Steve Howe
Guitarist and song writer, ‘Yes’, ‘Asia’, ‘GTR’, ‘Anderson, Burford, Wakeman, Howe’, produced many albums with these groups and as a soloist, toured worldwide, ‘Grammy Award Winner’, Albums include: ‘Skyline’, ‘The Yes Album’, ‘Beginnings’, ‘The Steve Howe Album’, ‘The Ladder’, ‘Pulling Strings’, ‘Quantum Guitar’, ‘Portrait of Bob Dylan’, ‘Not Necessarily Acoustic’, ‘Turbulence’, ‘The Grand Scheme of Things’, and many others..
Thomas Howes
Chairman Swansea Philharmonic Choir
Sidney Hutchison
Organist and choirmaster of St. Matthews, Westminster
Tony Karavis
Cornet player ‘Golden Eagle Jazz Band’, ‘Excel Jazzmen’
Andy Koufou
Aktion Music, Music Events/Festival Organiser, Booker & Manager of Hollisters’ Rose
Robert Lamont
Music publisher, Licensing Manager Sovereign Lifestyle Music, Music Publisher Integrity Music, Music Business Manager at Maranatha Music
Ted Ling
Musician (keyboards), Songwriter, Arranger, Soundtrack Producer, own facilities (UniTED LINGdom Projex Studios), Blues Bands: ‘Jojo & the Dinosaurs’, ‘The Chris Palmer Band’, ‘Sunshine Showband’, ‘The Junco Partners’, ‘Bluesbusters’, ‘Exeats’,
Graham Kinsey
English National Opera, Technical Manager
Jonathan Lovell
David Lowe
Paul McDonagh
Violinist with Shanxty and Back of Beyond (Irish Folk Rock Band)
John Middleton
Music producer & composer
Brian Murphy
Guitarist & vocals Exeats
Kim Nicolaou
Manager: Desus, Producer, Singer/Composer, DJ
David Smith
Cellist, member of the ‘Alberni String Quartet’, performed in Europe, USA, China, Australia, South America. David has also played in most of the leading orchestras, had first cello lesson at Holloway & coached the winner of the BBC Young Musician of the Year
Patrick Coleridge Taylor (P.C.T.)
Recording artist/producer who produces Hip-Hop/Rap, dance and electronic music (sometimes with R&B, soul and rock influences), singles Here We Go (Finally), The Digital Lyrical Miracle EP, Keep It Gully, Bubbles Go Bang, Drift Away, My Desire, Shooting Star, Block to the Bar
Richard Turner
Guitar, jazz and classical: jazz concerts at Roundhouse, jazz clubs, Jazz and Poetry at the Nottingham Playhouse with John Neville; classical to solo, duo and chamber music concerts at major venues in London, Gerald Finzi’s Clarinet Concerto with an orchestra, Five Interiors’ for voice and guitar by Nicholas Maw at Purcell Room, South Bank, recitals Prague, Sardinia, Seattle, BBC broadcast performances.
David Vorhaus
Composer, pioneer of electronic music, over 70 music credits, Albums include ‘An Electric Storm’ 1969, ‘White Noise 2- Concerto for Synthesizer’ 1974’, White Noise 3 – Re-Entry’ 1980, White Noise 4 – Inferno’ 1990, ‘White Noise 5 – Sound Mind’ 2000, White Noise 5.5 – White Label’ 2006’, ‘Peace On Earth’ (co-composed), ‘A Future Age of Music’ ‘Atmos 6 Water/New Age 1991, ‘Music for the Third Millennium’, ‘Unreal’, ‘Mind Games’, ‘Virtual World’, ‘Out of the Dark’ 1985, Concerts in London, Holland, written for Ballet Rambert, London Contemporary Dance, TV themes…), original music for feature film ‘The Boy Who Turned Yellow’, inventor of a musical instrument the Kalidophon (electric double-base type instrument), and founder of Kalidophon Studios
Raoul Aufranc
Clyde Holmes
David Levitas
Beram Saklatvala
Won ‘The New Statesman’ Poetry Prize
John Stammers
“Newly crowned king of neo-pop cool”, work has appeared in the London Review of Books, The New Republic, Poetry Daily (US), Poetry Review and various broadsheets, won ‘Forward/ Waterstones’ Prize for Best First Collection 2001, Forward Award of ‘Best New Poet’ 2001, short listed for ‘Whitbread Poetry Award’ 2001, won Waterstones Best New Poetry Award 2005, Poetry Book Society Choice (‘Stolen Love Behaviour’) 2005, Forward Prize for Best Collection (shortlist) 2005, TS Eliot Award (shortlist) 2005, ‘The Wolf Man’ won Blue Nose Poetry Competition, won third place in the 2009 National Poetry Competition, convenor of the British and Irish Contemporary Poetry Conference
Nicholas Swingler
Poet in residence, Friends of Kensal Green Cemetery
Ben Aaronovitch
False Value 2020, The October Man: A Rivers of London Novella 2019 , Rivers of London: Action At A Distance 2019, ‘The October Man’ 2019, ‘False Value’ 2019, ‘Lies Sleeping’ 2018, ‘Water Weed’ 2018, ‘The Furthest Station’ 2017, ‘Body Work’ 2016, ‘Bernice Summerfield: Treasury’ 2018, ‘A Rare Book of Cunning Device’ 2014 (audible book), ‘Rivers of London’ 2011 (known as Midnight Riot in US) (2011), Moon Over Soho 2011, ‘Whispers Under Ground’ 2012, ‘Broken Homes’ 2013, ‘Foxglove Summer’ (released October 7, 2014), ‘Genius Loci’ 2007, ‘Doctor Who novelisations, ‘Doctor Who: New Adventures’, ‘Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks’ 2013, ‘Doctor Who: Transit’ 1992, ‘Doctor Who: The Also People’ 1992, also many graphic novel and comics, ‘Ein Wispern unter Baker Street: Roman’ (co-authored) 2013, ‘Der böse Ort’ (co-authored) 2014, ‘So Vile A Sin’ (co-authored) 1996, ‘Transit’ 1992, Galaxy National Book Award nomination for New Writer of the Year Award 2011, won second prize in fantasy category of Der Leserpreis (Germany), books translated into French, German, Italian, Spanish and Japanese), also many graphic novel and comics.
David Aaronovitch
‘The Hutton Inquiry and Its Impact’ (Co-Editor) 2004, ‘Paddling to Jerusalem’ 2000, ‘Voodoo Histories’ 2009, ‘Party Animals: My Family and Other Communists’ 2016.
Roni Ancona (former teacher)
The Alan Davies Show 1999 (co-author), A Matter of Life and Death: Or How to Wean A Man off Football 2010 (co-author) , Ottoline and the Yellow Cat 2015, Ottoline and the Purple Fox 2016, Ottoline Goes to School 2015, Ottoline at Sea 2015, Gideon’s Daughter 2006, Tracy the Pacy Plaice & Orsa the Saucy Horse 2011, Flossy the Bossy Ostrich & The Precise 2011, Mum’s On The Run The complete series 2011 (reader of audio-books),
Eric Montgomery Andrews
The Writing On The Wall: The British Commonwealth & Aggression of the East 1931-35, 1987; The Department of Defence 2001.
Edwin Ardener
‘Coastal Bantu of the Cameroons. The Kpe-Mboko, Duala-Limba and Tabga-Yasa groups of the British and French trusteeship territories of the Cameroons’ 1956, ‘Divorce and Fertility: an African study’ 1962, ‘Plantation and Village in the Cameroons. Some economic and social studies’ 1960 (co-author with wife Shirley), ‘Social anthropology and language’ 1971 (Ed), ‘Kingdom on Mount Cameroon; studies in the history of the Cameroon coast 1500-1970 (Ed), ‘The Voice of the prophecy and other essays’ 2007 (Ed Malcolm Chapman), ‘Coastal bantu of the Cameroons’ 2017
Douglas Albert Raoul Aufranc
‘Mother’s Guide to Simple remedies, etc.’ 1929 (co-author), ‘Health & Happiness’
Edward Benedict Bangerter
A Handbook of British Flowering Plants (co-editor), 1955; British Herbaria (co-compiler), 1957.
Jim Barber
Contributed to many notable books on the guitar, ‘1001 Guitars to Dream of Playing Before You Die’, The Stratocaster Manual: Buying, Maintaining, Repairing, and Customizing’, ‘Room Full of Mirrors: A Biography of Jimi Hendrix’
John Barber
‘The Camden Town Murder’ 2006, 2007 ebook 2008, Ebooks: ‘An Echo From The Green Field’ 2011, ‘Insults – Old, New, Borrowed, Blue’ 2011, ‘McNally’s Last Case’ 2011, ‘Quote Sport Unquote’ 2011, ‘The 1980’s Quiz Book’ 2011, ‘The Tunnels of Hertford’ 2011, , ‘Childhood Eczema’ 2012, ‘Notes from the Stage Manager’s Box’ 2012, ‘The Wicked Lady’ 2014, ‘Fifty Business Ideas’ 2013, ‘Christopher Marlowe – the man who wrote Shakespeare’ 2012, ‘How to Approach a Risk Assessment for Event Managers’ 2012, ‘So! You Want to be British’ 2012, ‘Death, dying and disappearing in the 1980’s’ 2014, ‘The Mysterious Death of Sarah Stout’ 2018, ‘The Lost Traveller’ 2015, ‘The Inspector Winwood Murder Mysteries’ Series: ‘Colours of the Underground’ 2013, ‘The Cricket Club Murders’ 2013, ‘The Russian Doll’ 2014, ‘Seven Days in May’ 2014, ‘Murder at the Fleetwood’ 2015, ‘The Book of Life’ 2015, ‘When the Dead Rise Up’ 2016, ‘The Naked Cellist’ 2017, ‘John Barleycorn Must Die’ 2020, Murder Mysteries – Fordhamton: ‘A Little Local Affair’ 2011, ‘Return To Fordhamton’ 2011, ‘The Last Resort’ 2011, The Fordhamton Trilogy 2014, ‘Instructions for American Servicemen in Britain 1942′, ’12 English pubs’
Ernest Beha
‘Beating The Book’ 1954, ‘Systems For Profit’ 1955, ‘Big Ben 1859-1959’ 1959 ‘ A Comprehensive Dictionary of Freemasonry’ 1962, ‘The Christmas Book of crossword Puzzles’, ‘Big Ben 1859-1959’ 1959.
Norman Blamey
‘The Two Hundred & Eighteenth Royal Academy Summer exhibition’ 1986, ‘The Royal Academy Illustrated’ 1986, ‘A Souvenir of the 218th Summer Exhibition’ 1986
Paul Bloomfield (former teacher)
‘Most Loving, Mere Folly’ 1923, ‘Quite Contrairy’ 1930, ‘The Moth of Holiness’ 1931, The Christmas Party etc’ 1934, ‘The Many and the Few’ 1942
Michael Brandon-Bravo
‘Public Relations of Further and Higher Education’ 1975
Maxim Bruckheimer
Background to Set & Group Theory, 1964; Mathematics: A New Approach 1965, Modular Arithmetic: Teachers Book 1971, Major Topics in Modern Mathematics, Set & Group Theory’ 1965, Background to Set & Group Theory: including Applications in the Teaching of Mathematics’ 1975 (all co-authored, with D.E. Mansfield former Head of Maths at Holloway School); Correlation, 1972; Index Numbers, (co-author) 1970; Samples Inspection, (co-author) 1971; Mathematics For Technology: A New Approach (co-author) 1968; ‘Introduction of mathematics (co-author), translated two books ‘Visual Topology’ & ‘History of Mathematics’ 1977 from German.
Sir Arthur Wynne Morgan Bryant (former teacher)
(‘Rupert Buxton. A Memoir’ 1925, ‘The Spirit of Conservatism’ 1929, ‘Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on biography’ 1930; ‘King Charles the Second’ 1931, ‘Macauley’ 1932, ‘Life of Samuel Pepys in three volumes: The Man in the Making, The Years of Peril, The Saviour of the Navy’ 1933, ‘ The Man and the Hour’ 1934, ‘The National Character’ 1934; ‘The Letters Speeches and Declarations of King Charles II’ 1935 (Editor), ‘The England of Charles II’ 1935 later retitled ‘Restoration England’, ‘Postman’s Horn, An Anthology of the Letters of Latter Seventeenth Century England’ 1936 (Editor), ‘The American Ideal’ 1936, ‘George V’ 1936, ‘Stanley Baldwin: A Tribute’ 1937, ‘Humanity in Politics’ 1938, ‘Samuel Pepys. The saviour of the Navy’ 1938, ‘Unfinished Victory’ 1940, ‘English saga 1840-1940’ 1940, ‘The years of Endurance 1793-1802’ 1942, ‘Dunkirk (A memorial)’ 1943, ‘Years of Victory 1802-1812’ 1944, ‘ The Battle of Britain. The Few’ 1944 (co-author), ‘ Historian’s Holiday’ 1946, ‘The Art of Writing History’ 1946, ‘Trafalgar and Alamein’ 1948 (co-author), ‘ The Summer of Dunkirk and The Great Miracle’ 1948, ‘ The Age of Elegance 1812–1822’ 1950, ‘Literature and the Historian’ 1952, ‘The Story of England: Makers of the Realm’ 1953, ‘The Turn of the Tide 1939–1943: Alanbrooke diaries’ 1957, ‘Triumph in the West 1943–1946: Alanbrooke diaries’ 1959, ‘ Liquid History’ 1960, ‘ Jimmy, the Dog of My Life’ 1960, ‘The Age of Chivalry’ 1963, ‘Only Yesterday. Aspects of English history, 1840-1940’ 1965, ‘The Medieval Foundation of England’ 1965, ‘The Fire and the Rose: Dramatic Moments in British History’ 1966, ‘Protestant Island’ 1967, ‘The Lion and the Unicorn: Historian’s Testament’ 1969, ‘Nelson’ 1970, ‘The Great Duke: A biography of the Duke of Wellington’ 1971, ‘Jackets of Green. A Study of the History, Philosophy and Character of the Rifle Brigade’ 1972, ‘A Thousand Years of British Monarchy’ 1973, ‘Pepys and the Revolution’ 1979, ‘The Elizabethan Deliverance’ 1980, ‘Leeds Castle – a Brief History’ 1980, ‘Spirit of England’ 1982, ‘Set in a Silver Sea: A History of Britain and the British People, Vol 1’ 1985, ‘Freedom’s Own Island: A History of Britain and the British People, Vol 2’ 1986, ‘Set in a Silver Sea: the island peoples from earliest times to the Fifteenth Century’ 1984, ‘Search for Justice: A History of Britain and the British People, Vol 3’ 1990, ‘Freedom’s own island: the British oceanic expansion’ (published posthumously) 1986
Duncan Burn
Economic History of Steel Making 1867-1939, 1940; The Structure of British Industry, 1957; The Steel Industry 1939-59, 1961; (4 further books from 1967-78 on free trade, & the nuclear industry).
Bruce I. Burnett
Herbwise: Growing Cooking Wellbeing 2002.
Maurice Burton
‘Hexactinellida’ 1928, ‘Sponges’ 1929, ‘The Glorious Oyster (co-editor) 1929, ‘The Story of Animal Life’ 1949, ‘Snow White: The story of a Polar Bear Cub’ (Ed.) 1949, ‘Birds of the Wayside and Woodland’ (co-editor) 1952, ‘Animal Courtship’ 1953, ‘The Ass’ 1953, ‘Wild Life of the World’ 1956, ‘Eels’ (co-author) 1956, ‘Die Kindeit der Tiere’ 1957, ‘British Mammals’ 1958, ‘Birds’ 1961, ‘Bird Families’ 1962, ‘Birds of the World’ 1962, ‘A Revision of the Classification of the Calcareous Sponges’ 1963, ‘Young Animals’ 1964, ‘The International Wildlife Encyclopaedia’ 1969, ‘Animal Partnerships’ 1967, ‘My Own Book of Birds’ 1967, ‘Purnell’s Encyclopaedia of Animal Life’ (Ed.) 1968, ‘The Shell Natural History of Britain’ 1970, ‘Struggle For Survival in the Bush’ 1970, ‘Animal Comrades & Companions’ (Ed.) 1971, ‘Animal Explorers & Wanders’ (Ed.) 1971, ‘The Observer’s Book of Wild Animals’ 1971, ‘Nature: The Realm of Animals & Birds’ (ed.) 1971, ‘Maurice Burton’s World of Nature’ 1971, ‘The Life of Birds’ 1972, ‘The World Beneath the Sea’ (co-author) 1972, ‘The Hedgehog’ 1973, ‘The Sixth Sense of Animals’ 1973, ‘Animals of Europe’ 1973, ‘The True Book of Prehistoric Animals 1974, ‘Deserts’ 1974, ‘Encyclopaedia of Animals in Colour’ (Ed.) 1974, ‘All Colour Book of Baby Animals’ (Ed.) 1974, ‘Maurice Burton’s The Daily Telegraph’ Nature Book’ 1975, ‘Encyclopaedia of Reptiles, Amphibians & other Cold-Blooded Animals’ (co-editor) 1975, ‘How Mammals Live’ 1975, ‘Guide to the Mammals of Britain & Europe’ 1976, ‘The Superbook of Wild Animals’ 1977, ‘The Superbook of Birds’ 1977, ‘Just Like An Animal’ 1978, ‘Snakes, Crocodiles & Lizards’ 1978, ‘A Zoo At Home’ 1979, ‘Baby Animals’ 1979, ‘The Wonderful World of Nature’ (co-editor) 1979, ‘The New Larousse Encyclopaedia of Animal Life’ (co-editor) 1980, ‘Insects & Their Relatives’ 1984, ‘Cold-Blooded Animals’ 1985, ‘The Life of Reptiles & Amphibians’ 1990, ‘The Little Brown Encyclopaedia of Animals’ 2000, ‘Encyclopaedia of Insects and Invertebrates’ (Ed.) 2002, & ‘The Life of Meat Eaters’ 1973 & ‘Beginnings of Life’ 1986 (co-authored with his son Robert Burton).
Cyril Butcher
‘In extremis… Worst moments in the lives of the famous, etc.’ 1934
Chee Fai Tang
A Study of the Temperature Dependent Optical Properties of InGaAP-based Multiple Quantum Wells & Multilayer Structures, 1997.
Bernard Chibnall
The British Film Guide, 1976; The Use of Film In University Teaching, 1973; The Organisation of Media, 1976; Teaching For Effective Study, 1987; A Feasibility Study of a Multi Media Catalogue, 1969; National Film Library & its Cataloguing Rules 1955.
Frank Longman Clark
History Test Papers, 1928; New Light On Epsom Wells, 1953.
Peter Clayton
‘The World of Numismatics’ 1972, ‘Chronicle of the Pharaohs’ 1994, reprinted 1996, 1998, and now available in 15 languages, ‘The-Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt’, ‘The Rediscovery of Ancient Egypt’ 1982 now in 5 languages, ‘The Archaeological Sites of Britain’ 1976, ‘The Treasures of Ancient Rome’, ‘Guide to the Archaeological Sites of Britain’ 1985, ‘Great Figures of Mythology’, ‘2 catalogues of Near Eastern lithographs of David Robert RA’, ‘The Mythology of Ancient Egypt’, ‘GCSE National Curriculum: Family Life in Ancient’ 1995, ‘The Valley of the Kings’, ‘Roman Decorum Exhibition 400 Years of Local History’ 1983, ‘A Companion of Ancient Britain’ (editor), co-author: ‘A Companion to Roman Britain’, ‘Le sette Meraviglie del Mondo’ 1989, ‘The Gods & Symbols of Ancient Egypt’, ‘The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World’ 1988 now in 12 languages, ‘Costume e Cultura Dell Antico Egitto da Narmer a Cleopatra’, ‘The Complete Pharaohs: the reign-by-reign record of the rulers and dynasties of ancient Egypt’ 2010, ‘Roman Dacorum: four centuries of local history’ 1993, 1994, ‘A Companion to Roman Britain’ 1980 (Ed.), ‘Family Life in Ancient Egypt’ 1995, ‘Pharaohs & Mummies’ 1996 (Consulting Ed.), ‘Upper Egypt: historical outline & descriptive Guide to the ancient sites’ 1983 (contributed photographs).
Michael Corum
‘Blighty Brighton’ 1991, ‘ On The Fields Of Glory: The Battlefields of the 1815 Campaign’ 1996 (co-author), ‘ Waterloo the Battlefield Guide’ 2003 (co-author).
Dennis Deletant
‘Colloquial Romanian’ (co-author) 1983; ‘Colloquial Romanian, a complete course’ 1988, 1995; ‘Studies in Romanian History’ 1991, ‘Communist terror in Romania. Gheorghiu-Dej and the Police State, 1948-1965’ 1999, ‘Romania under Communist Rule’ 1999, ‘Ceausescu and the Securitate. Coercion and Dissent in Romania, 1965-1989’, 1995 and co-authored books: ‘Romania’ 1985; ‘Romanian’ 1993, ‘Romania, a Complete Course For Beginners’ 1992, ‘Romania Observed, Studies in Contemporary History’ 1998, ‘Ceausescu si Securitatea. Constrlngeresi disident ” Romania anilor 1965-1989’ 1999, ‘Security intelligence Services in New Democracies. The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania’ 2000, ‘Mutual Understanding: 125 Years of Anglo-Romanian Relations’ 2005, ‘Romanian Phrase Book’, 1993, ‘Good Wine Needs a Bush; the British Council and Romania, 1937 to the Present’ 2000, ‘Historians as Nation-Builders. Central and South-East Europe’(co-edited),1988, ‘Teach Yourself Romanian (co-author) 2001, ‘Teroarea Comunista in Romania’ 2002, Romania and the Warsaw Pact 1955-1989. Selected Documents 2004, In and Out of Focus. Romania and Britain. Relations and Perspectives from 1930 to the Present,(Editor) 2005, Hitler’s Forgotten Ally. Ion Antonescu and his regime, Romania 1940-1944. 2006, The Third Reich and the Holocaust in Romania. 1940-1944. Documents from the German Archives, 2007 (co-author), Translated ‘Vlad Dracula the Impaler: A Play’1987, ‘Hilter’s Forgotten Ally’ 2006, Romania and the Warsaw Pact 1955-1989 (Co-Editor), ‘British Clandestine Activities in Romania during the Second World War’ (no date).
Jack Detchon (former teacher)
‘Zonal Marking. The Flat Back Four . . . and All That Stuff’ 1996
Edward R. C. Donati
Pitfalls in French. An Aide Memoire for School Certificate, 1939; Graduated German Free Composition (co-author) 1939
Richard Elgar
‘Civility and democracy in America: A reasonable understanding’ 2012 (co-editor).
Sir Benjamin Ifor Evans
Sir (Benjamin) Ifor Evans former student master at Holloway School – ‘William Morris & his Poetry’ 1925, ‘Tradition & Romanticism: Studies in English Poetry from Chaucer to W.B’ 1940, 1974, ‘Church in the Markets’ 1949, ‘A Short History of English Literature’ 1966, ‘Anglicka literature…Prelozil W. Berger, etc’ 1945, ‘Engelsk Litterateur’ 1945, ‘A Short History of English Drama’ 1965, ‘Prospects for a Ministry of fine Arts,..etc’ 1959, ‘English Poetry in the Nineteenth Century’ 1934, ‘The Arts in England’ 1949, ‘W. P. Ker as a critic of Literature’ 1955, ‘Yr. Ymerodraeth Brydeinig’ 1940, ‘English Literature… Illustrated’ 1944, ‘Literature & Science’ 1954, ‘The Shop in the King’s Road’ 1946, ‘The Use of English’ 1966, ‘Report to the Trustees 1924-25’ 1928, ‘English Poetry in the later nineteenth Century’ 1966, ‘Az angol irodalom. Forditotta Kormendi Ferenc’ 1946, ‘The Use of English being a Primer of Direct English’ 1949, ‘Home Study Books 1947-62 (editor), ‘The Language of Shakespeare’s Plays’ 2005, ‘Portrait of English Literature’ 1979, ‘English Literature’ 1944, ‘In Search of Stephen Vane’ 1946, ‘Breve Historia de la Literatura Inglese’ 1947, ‘English Literature Between the Wars’ 1949,’biology’ 1983, ‘Keats’ 1934, ‘Jack Juggler’ 1937 (co-author), ‘Selections from Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1931 (co-editor), ‘The Most Virtuous & Godly Susanna’ 1937 (co-editor), ‘Selections from Wordsworth. Poetry & Prose’ 1935 (Editor), ‘English Literature: values and traditions’ 2017, ‘Tradition & Romanticism: studies in English Poetry from Chaucer to W.B. Yeats’ 2017, ‘Between the Wars’ 2018 (editor), ‘Encounters with all sorts of People including Myself’ 1926
Leo Favret
UK Library Database System and Union Catalogues Proceedings of a Seminar Organised by the Cataloguing and Indexing Group and Held at the Library Association on 12 January 1983 – LA Conference Proceedings Series in Library Automation (co-Editor) 1983.
Cyril G. Ferguson
How It Is Done, 1955; Science For Today, 1962; Science For Today: Teacher’s Book, 1962.
Samuel Edward Finer
Anonymous Empire, 1958; Backbench Opinions in the House of Commons 1955-59, 1965; Comparative Government, 1970; Life & Times of Sir Edwin Chadwick, 1952; The Man on Horseback, 1962; A Primer of Public Administration, 1950; Private Industry & Political Power, 1958; Local Government in England & Wales (co-authored with Sir John Maud).
Keith Fisher
‘Arsenal Greats’ 1990, ‘World Cup’98’, 1998 (Editor), ‘I Blame Alfie!’ 2014, ‘I Blame Sophie! 2014’, ‘I Blame Lisa!’ 2016.
Ronald P. Floom
Translated: Automatism of Continuous Production Processes by V. Lossievsky 1964 & Electronic Computers by A. I. Kitov 1962.
Charles Roy Fowkes ARIBA
Flooring Materials, (co-author) 1948; Garages & Service Stations, 1960 (adapted).
Donald Wilfred Fryer
World Economic Development 1965; Emerging South East Asia, 1979; Indonesia, 1977 (co-author).
Cled Fursland
‘Wotton-at-Stone CC Gallery of Fame 1829-2006’ 2007
Charlie George
My Story’ 2005.
Frank A. Greenhill
The Incised Slabs of Leicestershire & Rutland’ 1958; ‘Monumental Incised Slabs in the County of Lincoln’ 1986, ‘Incised effigial slabs, a study of engraved stone memorials in Latin Christendom C1100 – C1700’ 1976, ‘Ye Aunceynt Chronycle of Ballycollynge’ 1940.
Bob Hartley
‘From Russia With Laughter’ 1991, ‘Helen Duncan The Mystery Show Trial’ 2007, ‘Who’s Talking?’ ebook 2013, ‘Can’t Read Can’t Speak Properly’ ebook 2023.
Brian J. Heard
‘Rock Climbs in Hong Kong’ 1993, ‘A Guide to Rock Climbing in Hong Kong’ 1995, ‘Handbook of Firearms and Ballistics: examining and interpreting forensic evidence’ 1997, ‘King Arthur’s Round Table: An Archaeological Investigation (co-author) 2000, ‘Awakening the Dead: The Memoirs of Britain’s Top Forensic Scientist’ 2003, ‘The Killer Catcher: Britain’s top ballistics expert reveals how he hunted the world’s top criminals’ 2008, ‘Forensic Ballistics in Court: interpretation and presentation of firearms evidence’ 2013, ‘Kidnapping and Abduction: minimizing the threat and lesson in survival’ 2014,
Fred. G. Hirsch
To Your Credit, 1961; Money For Growth, 1962; Money International, 1967; An SDR Standard: Impetus, elements, & impediments, 1973; Social Limits To Growth, 1977; The Pound Sterling: a Polemic, (co-author) 1965; The Role & Rule of Gold, 1965, Reserves, Reserve Currencies & Vehicle Currencies, 1966; Newspaper Money, 1978 (co-authored); Alternative To Monetary Disorder, 1977 (co-authored); The CIA & The Labour Movement, 1977 (co-author); The Political Economy of Inflation’ (co-editor) 1978.
Herbert R. Hodge
Economic Conditions 1815-1914, 1917
Clyde Holmes
‘Standing Stone’ 1978, ‘In Season’ 1988, ‘Skywalls’ 1998, ‘Featherpaths’ 2004 (collections of poems).
Ben Hooberman
‘In Introduction to British Trade Unions’ 1974.
John Houghton
‘Feldrog’s Sting’ 1993, ‘Hagbane’s Doom’ 1984, ‘The Healthy Alternative’ 1985, ‘Gublak’s Greed’ 1985, ‘Tergan’s Lair’ 1998, ‘Oswain and the Battle for Alamore’ 2001, ‘Oswain and the Mystery of the Star Stone’ 2001, ‘Oswain and the Quest for the Ice Maiden’ 2002, ‘Oswain and the Secret of the Lost Island’ 2002, ‘Oswain and the Guild of the White Eagle’ 2003, ‘Surin’s Revenge’ 1987, ‘Does God Play Dice?’ 1988, ‘A Distant Shore’ 1994, ‘Issues Facing Society’ 1992, ‘Handling Your Money’ 1987, ‘Frameworks For Faith’ 1997, ‘Motivating for Mission’ 1998, ‘Making the Transition’ 2000, ‘A Closer Look at Harry Potter’ 2000, ‘The Letter to Romans’ 2003, ‘The Covenants’ 2003, ‘Out Here: a different way of being’ 2004, ‘A Closer Look At His dark Materials’ 2004, ‘Philippians: living for the sake of the Gospel’ 2007, ‘Isaiah 1-39: Prophet to the Nations’ 2009, ‘Isaiah 40-66’ 2010, ‘Jeremiah & Lamentations’, ‘The Letter to the Colossians’ 2006, ‘The Letter to the Hebrews’ 2005, ‘The Letter to the Philippians’ 2007, ‘The Harry Potter Effect’ 2007, ‘Revelation 1-3’ 2008, ‘Galatians: Freedom in Christ’ 2011, ‘The Letter to the Galatians’ 2011, ‘Prayerwalking’, ‘Fear Not’ 2002 (co-authored), ‘Hallows Deep’ 2011, 2012 (ebook), ‘Molech Raising’ 2011, 2012 (ebook) & four books co-authored with Janet, his wife: ‘A Touch of Love’ 1986, ‘Parenting Teenagers’ 1994, ‘So You’ve Got Teenagers Too’ 1989, ‘Why Say No To Sex?’
Steve Howe
‘Yes’ (Album of songs) co-author 1977, ‘Yes – Tormato’ (Songs by Yes) 1979.
Thomas Howes MC
‘My War: Major T. C. Howes MC, Late 2nd Battalion Royal Fusiliers: City of London Regiment 1939 – 1946’ Imperial War Museum 2012,
Sidney C. Hutchison
Homes of the Royal Academy, 1956; The History of the Royal Academy 1768-1968, 1968.
Paul L. E. Idahosa
The Populist Dimension To Africa Political Thought: Critical Essays in Reconstruction & Retrieval, 2004.
Albert Irvin
Albert Irving, 1982; Albert Irvin, Three Score & Ten, 1992; Albert Irvin, Painting 1960-90, 1990.
George Ives
History of the Licensed Victuallers National Homes 2001
Roy Elliott Jones
‘Principles of Foreign Policy, The Civil State in its World Setting’ 1979. Changing Structure of British Foreign Policy 1974 Functional Analysis of Politics 1967 Analysing Foreign Policy 1970, Nuclear Deterrence 1968,
Peter H. G. Joseph
United Kingdom Mineral Statistics, British Geological Survey, 1988 (co-author); Contributions to: British Geological Survey Regional Geochemical Atlases: Sutherland 1982, Hebrides 1983, Great Glen 1988, Argyll & Tiree 1989, Moray/Buchan 1990, Tay Forth 1991, the Lake District 1993; Mining Accidents in the St. Just District 1831-1914, 1999; Cape Cornwall Mine, 2006, Hard Graft: Botallack Mine in the Twentieth Century, 2010; From Holman Brothers to CompAir: the story of Camborne’s engineering heritage, 2010 (with Clive Carter); So Very Foolish, a History of the Wherry Mine, Penzance, 2012; Levant: A Champion Cornish Mine, 2013 (with John Corin); Ding Dong Mine, A History, 2014 (with Gerald Williams); Cornubia: The Story of a Hayle Steamship, 2016; Wheal Trewavas (with Alasdair Neill); so far 29 reports on industrial sites in Cornwall, 20 articles on Cornish industrial history and/or archaeology to date.
Hyman Kaner
Balance Sheets Explained, Analysed and Classified, 1938.
Jim Kitses (former teacher)
‘Talking About Cinema: Film Studies for Young People’ 1966, 1974 (co-author), ‘Horizons West: Anthony Mann, Budd Boetticher, Sam Peckinpah: Studies of Authorship within the Western’ 1970, ‘Gun Crazy’ 1996, ‘Horizons West : Directing the Western from John Ford to Clint Eastwood’ 2004, ‘The Western Reader’ 1998 (co-editor)
Jack Koumi
‘Designing Video & Multimedia for Open & Flexible Learning’ 2006
Robert H. Leach
Let The Ink Flow, 1980.
Peter Le Cheminant
Beautiful Ambiguities: An Inside View of the Heart of Government, 2001
David Levitas
Summer Breaks (book of verses), 1999; An Anatomy of Mans Mortality, 1999; Haskalah or Enlightenment, 2003; 6 Stories, 1999; A – B – C – D –, 1999 (poems); Papillons (verses), 2000; Two Stories, 1999; Pikachu’s Dream, 2000; After Sunrise – Before the Fall, 1991; You Sparrows, 2001; A Pastoral, 2003; In Praise of Hafiz, 2004; Dead e.mails, 2003; ‘The Curse of Judi’ 2004; Joseph Within The Pit, 2005; ‘The Holy Church’ 2005, ‘The Knots That Bind With Tethering’ 2006, A Ponsonby: Tween Midships and Hull, 2006; Prosperpina’s Aires and Layes, 2006; Anthropomorphus, 2006, ‘Wires out of mentals: poems 2004-2013’ 2014, ‘Early morn & late night extra’ 2018, ‘Flames from my divan’ 2013, ‘From A to I: 9 volumes of poetry’ 2013,’D’Accuse’ 2013, ‘G/verses’ 2013, ‘Raising the Bar’ 2013,
Ronald A. Mackness
‘Marketing and Distribution of Meat’ 1972, revised two books: ‘Textbook in Economics’ 1958 & ‘Groundwork in Economics’ 1954,
George Manley
‘Mountaineering: Essential Skills for Hikers and Climbers’ (illustrator) 2015, ‘Risking Life and Limb: Celebrating fifty years of the Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue organisation’ (co-author) 2015, ‘Rescue Boat Field Guide Spiral-bound’ (co-illustrator) 2016, ‘Water Rescue Field Guide Spiral-bound’ (co-illustrator) 2017, ‘Safe Working At Height and Co-Worker Rescue’ (co-illustrator)
Donald Mansfield (former teacher)
‘Teachers Book’ (co-author) 1962, 1964, ‘Mathematics: A New Approach Book 1’ 1962, ‘Mathematics: A New Approach Book 2’ 1963, ‘Mathematics: A New Approach Book 3’ 1964, ‘Mathematics: A New Approach Book 4’ (co-authored with Maxim Bruckheimer) 1965, ‘Background to Set & Group Theory’ (co-authored with Maxim Bruckheimer) 1964, ‘Modular Arithmetic: Teachers Book’ (co-authored with Maxim Bruckheimer) 1971,
Laurence Marks
‘A Fan For All Seasons’ 1999; ‘Ruth Ellis, a Case of Diminished Responsibility’ 1977 (co-authored); 8 co-authored books with Maurice Gran: ‘Shooting the Pilot’ 2021, ‘Dorien’s Diary: My Intimate Confessions’ 1993, ‘The New Statesman, unexpurgated texts’ 1992, ‘Goodnight Sweetheart: The Sparrow Diaries’ (contributor) 1996, ‘Holding The Fort’ 1982, ‘Shine On Harvey Moon: Harvey Moon’s Memoirs: 2’ 1995, ‘Birds of a Feather: Unabridged’ (Vols 1 & 2) 2000 (audiobooks),
Angus McBride
The Age of Charlemagne, 1984; Ancient Armies of the Middle East, 1981; The Ancient Assyrians, 1991; Buccaneers, 2000; Knights at Tournament, 1988; The Zulus, 1989; The Vikings, 1985; (responsible for colour plates and many more books), Sleeping Beauty, 1993; Ancient Egypt, 1985; Dracula, 1984; Armour, 1976; Joan of Arc, 1987; The Weather Guide, 1969; From The Old Testament, 1984; Aladdin and the Lamp, 1991; Women Warlords, 1989 (illustrator and for many more); Reivers, 1998 (co-author).
William McCarthy
The Closed Shop, 1964; Industrial Relations in Britain, a Guide for Management & Unions (Ed.), 1969; The Role of Shop Steward in British Industrial Relations, 1973; The Future of Unions, 1962; Management By Agreement, 1973 (co-authored); Trade Unions (Ed.), 1974; Making Whitley Work, 1976; Coming to Terms With Trade Unions, 1973; Towards the Reforms of Tory Employment Laws, 1985; Freedom at Work, 1985; The Future of Industrial Democracy, 1988; Employee Relations Audits, 1990 (co-authored); Ballots On Industrial Action, The Draft Code of Practice, 1989; Legal Intervention in Industrial Relations, Gains & Losses (Ed.), 1992; Fairness At Work & Trade: Past Comparisons & Future Policy, 1999; Legal regulation of the Employment Relation, 2000; Wage Inflation & Wage Leadership, 1975 (co-authored), Life On The Street, 1990.
Bill Meehan
Charlie Baker Dog: The Story of the Finisterre Mobile Wireless Station, 2012
Arnold Vincent Miller
Translator: ‘Phenomenology of Spirit’ by G.W.F. Hegel, 1952, 1977, The Science of Logic by G.W.F. Hegel, 1969, The Philosophy of Nature’ by G.W.F. Hegel, 1970, 2004, ‘Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Science’ co-translator (3 vols) 1970-5, ‘Introduction to the Lectures on the History of Philosophy’ by G.W.F. Hegel, 1985, ‘The Philosophical Propaedeutic’ by G.W.F. Hegel ; translated & co-edited 1986, ‘Hegel, G.W.F., Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline, and Critical Writings’, Ernst Behler (ed.), co-translator, 1990, ‘Zusatze’ by Ludwig Boumann to Hegel’s ‘Philosophy of Mind’ 1971.
George Monger
The End of Isolation. British Foreign Policy From 1900-07, 1963; Updated new edition of Discovering English Customs & Traditions, 1998 (by M. Gascoigne).
John Henry Morris
The South Wales Coal Industry 1841-75, 1958 (co-author).
William G. Nursaw
The Art & Practice of Investment, 1963; Purposeful Investment, 1965; Principles of Pension Fund Investment, 1966; Investment in Trust, 1968; Investments For All, 1971; Supplement to the Art and Practice of Investment, 1966.
Junior Ogunyemi
‘How To be A Student Entrepreneur’ 2011, ‘Young ‘Fed Up’ Professionals: Strategies to Get You Out of the Rat Race’ 2016, won Start Young Global: ‘Author of the Year Award’ 2014
Toyin Okitikpi
‘Social control and the use of power in social work with children and families’ 2011, ‘Managing Interracial Relationships: Relationship across the Racial Divide’ 2010, ‘Understanding Interracial Relationships’ 2009, ‘Key Concepts in Anti-Discriminatory Social Work’ (co-authored) 2009, ‘The Art of Social Work Practice’ (co-authored) 2008, ‘Working With Children of Mixed Parentage’ (Ed.) 2006, ‘Young Black Men and the Connexions service (co-authored) 2002, ‘Community Social Work (co-authored) 1990
Arthur F. Osborne
The Story of Bradford upon Avon and its Churches, 1965.
Philip N. Patsalos
‘Antiepileptic Drug Interactions: A Clinical Guide’ 2016, ‘The Epilepsy Prescriber’s Guide to Antiepileptic Drugs’ 2010 (co-author), ‘Advances in Antiepileptic Drug Development’ 2011 (Editor), ‘Antiepileptic Drugs. Combination Therapy and Interactions’ 2005 (co-editor), numerous articles.
Barry Purchese
‘Grass Roots’ 2013, ‘Summertime Blues’ 2013 (ebooks)
Robert Pinker
English Hospital Statistics 1861-1938, 1966; Social Theory & Policy, 1971; The Idea of Welfare, 1979; Social Work in an Enterprise Society, 1990; Research Priorities in the Personal Social Services (& 4 further books on social work, welfare & the use of institutions).
Terence A. Prichard
‘Control of a Business’ 1964 (co-author),
Charles Raw
‘Do you sincerely want to be rich? Bernard Cornfeld and IOS: an international swindle’ 1972, (co-authored), ‘Slater Walker: An investigation of a financial phenomenon’ 1977, ‘A financial phenomenon : an investigation of the rise and fall of the Slater Walker Empire’ 1977, ‘The moneychangers : how the Vatican Bank enabled Roberto Calvi to steal 250 million [dollars] for the heads of the P2 masonic lodge’, 1992
Ernest Riley
‘An Arithmetic of Citizenship’ (Co-wrote with wife) 1922.
George Robb
Soccer, 1964.
Raymond Rowe
‘William Fletcher and Peggy the steam traction engine’, 2010.
Leslie J. Russon
German Composition Through Pictures for Beginners, 1934; Von Grossen Und Kleina Schelman, (Editor) 1935; West Germany by Sylvia Loi (adapted) 1935; Spass Mues Sein, 1939; Complete German Course for First Examination, 1955 (& later 12 German language text books with Agatha, his wife, from 1959 – 1989).
Beram Saklatvala
‘The Christian Island’, ‘Arthur: Roman Britain’s Last Champion’, ‘The Origins of the English People’, ‘Devouring Zodiac’, ‘Arthur: Roman Britain’s Last Champion’ and translated: ‘Ovid On Love’, ‘The Poems of Francios Villon’, ‘Sappho of Lesbos’ 1968. Beram also wrote the following books under the name Henry Marsh: ‘Documents of Liberty’ 1971, ‘Dark Age Britain’ 1970, ‘The Caesars’ 1972, ‘Slavery & Race’ 1974, ‘The Rebel King’ 1975, ‘The Rebel Jew, a Study of St. Paul’ 1980, ‘Documents of Liberty, Phoenix and Unicorn : poems’, ‘Air journey : a sonnet sequence’, ‘The Choice’, ‘The stubborn Heart’
John Simmonds
‘The Telephone on my Desk Rang…’ 2019
Prof. Bernard Smith
‘A Reasonable Rebel: a Life of Lichtenberg’ 1960, translator from German; ‘Libellus de diversis ordinibulis et professionibus qui sunt in Aaclesia’ 1972 translator from Latin & co-author; ‘Early Medieval Germany’ 1978 translator, ‘Three Treatises from Bec on the Nature of Monastic Life’ 2008 translator.
Victor C. Spary
Elementary Exercises in Map Work, 1923; Senior Exercises in Mapping & Map Reading, 1925; A Junior Reader in Economic Geography, 1926; Intermediate Mapping Book, 1927; A Map book of the British Isles 1927, New Regional Map Books, 1929; The Modern Geography Room, 1930; The Conquest Geographies, 1933, Far Off Lands in the Old World 1933, Far Off Lands in the New World 1933, Journeys Around the World 1934, Our Homelands & Our Neighbours 1934, North America & Asia 1938, The British Isles and Europe 1939 (co-author)
John Stammers
‘Panoramic Lounge-Bar’ 2001, 2011 (collection of poems), ‘Buffalo Bills’ 2004, ‘Gobby Deegan’s riposte’ (Editor) 2004, ‘Stolen Love Behaviour’ 2006, ‘Interior Night’ 2010, ‘The Picador Book of Love Poems 2011 (Editor), ‘Gerald Manley Hopkins – Poet to Poet’ 2012 (Editor), & several audio recordings…
William Staples
(Translated) The Jew Has Come Home, by Albert Londres, 1931.
Eric T. Stokes
Photograph by The Sarl Studio – reproduced by courtesy of The British Academy
‘The English Utilitarians in India’ 1959, ‘The Peasant & Raj, Studies in Agrarian Society & Peasant Rebellion in Colonial India’ 1978, ‘The Peasant Armed: The Indian Revolt of 1857’ 1986.
Nicholas Swingler
‘Dream of the Condom’ (book of poems) 2002, ‘An Accidental Life’ 2011.
C Gordon Tether
‘The Banned Articles of C. Gordon Tether’ 1977, ‘Great Common Market Fraud’ 1979
Edmund Tillotson
‘Burnt Aces and The Shangri-Las’, co-author Richard Caddel, 1978, Prints: ‘The Shadow of Black Combe’, Poem/Drawing co-author Norman Nicholson, The Victoria and Albert Museum, 1979, ‘Peter Startup: Sculpture in 20th Century Britain’ Henry Moore Institute 2003, more than 28 catalogues.
Barry Tylee
Classification of Asbestos Insulating Board & Asbestos Cement, (co-author) 2003.
Keith Tyler
Pottery Without A Wheel, 1952, 1968.
Stephen Vines
‘Democratic Socialism & The Cost of Defence’ 1979 (co-editor), ‘The Years of Living Dangerously. Asia From Financial Crisis to the New Millennium’ 1999, ‘Hong Kong. China’s New Colony’ 1998, ‘Market Panic, Wild Gyrations, Risk & Opportunity in Stock Markets’ 2003, ‘Food Gurus’ 2012
John Watson
‘Designing Documents’ 2002, ‘Drawing With Word’ 2002, ‘Buying & Selling Online’ 2001, ‘Maintaining Your PC’ 2001, ‘Essential Computers: Parental Control’ (co-authored with Jan Howells, his wife) 2000.
William Webb
‘Been There, Done That, Got The Tee-Shirt’ 2004, ‘My Art Is Where The Ohm Is’, ‘After Work The Pictures’ 2014 (ebook).
Arthur Francis Weskett
Whatsoever Things Are Lovely, 1971; Violets in the Lane, 1978; Lighten Our Darkness, 1978.
Stanley J. Whiteman
Knebworth United Reform Church Centenary 1887-1987, 1986.
Stanley J. B. Whybrow
‘Geography Notebooks’ 1932, ‘Practical Map Books’ 1934, ‘Harrap’s Geography Picture Summaries’ 1935, ‘Europe Overseas: A Survey of Modern Empires’ (co-author) 1939, ‘The British Isles’ 1944, ‘North America’ 1946, ‘World & Physical Geography’ 1954, ‘West Africa’ 1956. ‘Human & Economic Geography’ 1962, ‘West Africa Geography Note Book’ 1962
George M. Wickens
Avicenne: a Scientist & Philosopher, (Ed) 1952; First Readings in Classical Arabic (co-ed), 1963; Arabic Grammar, a First Word Book, 1980; Asian Studies & the Canadian University, 1959; Canadian National Commission for UNESCO, Asia Book List, Canadian National Commission for UNESCO 1961, The Nasrean Ethics (translator from Persian) 1964 (George also translated many other books).
Frederick M. Williams
Wilhelm Busch (artist) Max und Moritz: Eine Bubengeschichte in Sieben Streichen, 1969 (co-edited).
Albert Peter Willmore
Logos Press Scientific Monographs on Physics, 1964 (editor); Aerospace Research Index: a Guide to World Research in Aeronautics, Meteorology, Astronomy, and Space Science (co-editor), 1981.
Michael Yiakoumi
‘Greek Cypriots in the UK: A Directory of Who’s Who’ 2005, ‘Greek Cypriots Worldwide: A Directory of Who’s Who’ 2009
Artwork, Books, Songs & Films Produced About Old Camdenians
Kwame Anthony Abebrese
Kwame has been immortalised in a piece of graphic style photo based artwork by world famous artists Gilbert and George part of the exhibition at Tate Modern
Edwin Ardener
‘The Voice of Prophecy and other essays’ 2007, (collection of Edwin Ardener’s work), Ed Malcolm Chapman,
Norman Blamey
‘Norman Blamey’ by Lynda Checketts 1992.
Sir Arthur Bryant
‘Sir Arthur Bryant and National History in Twentieth Century Britain’ by Julia Stapleton 2006 (Arthur is a former teacher at the school)
Charlie George
‘Charlie George, Giants of Football’ by Jason Thomas 1971 (Charlie has also written an autobiography).
‘Ballad of Charlie George’ by Leon Carr 1976.
‘I Wish I Could Play Like Charlie George’ by The Strikers & Selston, Bagthorpe Primary School Choir (1972).
The Charlie George Calypso by Stephen North & The Flat Back Four (1995).
‘The Only Cockney Rebel (That Meant Anything To Me Was Charlie George’ by The Half Time Oranges (1998).
‘I wish I could Play Like Charlie George’ & ‘The Charlie George Calypso’ by The Football Attic (2012).
Trevor Hartley
‘Trevor Hartley’ edited by Iosias Jody 2012
Fred Hirsch
‘Dilemmas of Liberal Democracies: Studies in Fred Hirsch’s Social Limits to Growth’ edited by Adrian Ellis & Krishan Kumar 1983.
Clyde Holmes
‘Visions of Snowdonia’ 1997 BBC2 documentary featuring the life of Clyde Holmes
Thomas Howes
‘Sketches of Italy 1944: Major Thomas Capel Howes MC 1914-2001′ (facsimile of the sketch book & extracts from memoir, Edited by John Howes) 2012
Albert Irving
‘Albert Irving: Life to Painting’ by Paul Moorhouse 1998 (Albert has also written an autobiography).
Laurence Marks
‘Desert Island Discs’ BBC Radio 4 Fri 2 Oct 2015 with Laurence Marks & Maurice Gran
‘Me, My Dad and Moorgate’ (2006) Channel Four documentary about Laurence Marks.
‘The South Bank Show’ (1998) about Laurence Marks’ career as a scriptwriter
Angus McBride
‘Warriors & Warlords: The Art of Angus McBride’ by Martin Windrow 2002
Eric Stokes
Photograph by The Sarl Studio – reproduced by courtesy of The British Academy
‘Indian’s Colonial Encounter: Essays in Memory of Eric Stokes’ edited by Mushirul Hasan & Nasagani Gupta 1993.
Beram Saklatvala
‘Poems by Mair and Beram Saklatvala ‘ 1933.
George Wickens
Logos Islamikos Studia Islamica in Honerem ‘Georgii Michaelis Wickens’ by Roger M. Savory & Dionisis A. Agus 1984.
Bob Wilson
‘Bob Wilson: Anchor Man’, song by Half Man Half Biscuit, 2001
Bob Wilson was immortalised in the mid 1980s, in the comic strip ‘Roy of the Rovers’ when he spent a season playing for Melchester Rovers.
(Bob was a former teacher).
Richard Balyuzi
Trusts & Grants officer: End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography & Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes, pension Trustee: Action For Children
Eric Brannan
Rotarian District Governor for Greater London
Alan Caulfield
Founder of Wiltshire 4×4 Response later part of Wessex 4×4 Response became committee member & CEO, Disaster & Humanitarian Relief
Charles Fellows
Chairman of local Probus
Brain Fletcher (former teacher)
Volunteer for South West Herts Samaritans for 40 years
Stan Geering
Chairman Ely Royal British Legion
John Gottesman
Community Liaison Officer – Colchester and District Jewish Community
Bob Griffiths
Director, Trustee Hartcliffe & Withywood Community partnership
William Hensley
Director: Woodgreen Animal Shelters Godmanchester
Ben Hooberman
Board member Minority Rights Group International and Article 19
Thomas Howes
Scout District Commissioner Swansea Central
William Hucklesby QPM
Patron: Hughes Syndrome Foundation
Brian (Ned) Kelly
Worked with charities to build schools and medical aid posts in various parts of Nepal.
Ian Kelly
Director: Theodora Children’s Charity, Butchers & Drovers Charitable Institution, Highgate Cemetery Ltd., Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust
Trevor King
Leader 1st Theydon Garnon Scouts, Epping
John Knott
Director, Trustee & Treasurer Families in Focus (Essex), Director Chelmsford Community Transport, Chelmsford Environment Partnership, Director & Trustee Chelmsford Council for Voluntary Service, Director International Voluntary Service, Chelmsford Star Co-operative party
Bill Meehan
President of the Maldon & East Essex Scout District, Assistant Essex County Commissioner for Venture Scouts, Scout Movement Silver Acorn and Silver Wolf awards
Frederick Pyne
Trustee of five charities connected to the acting profession, helped raise £25,000 for two hospitals for the disabled, through personal appearances or arranging them with other Emmerdale Farm crew members
Fred Rason
Development Manager Haringey Volunteer Centre, Centre Manager at Volunteer Centre Waltham Forest
David Rose
Managing Director St. Helena Hospice Colchester
Bernard Sheridan
Secretary: War On Want
Graham Tassell
Helmsman for the RNLI (Gravesend lifeboat)
Bob Wilson (former teacher)
Founded the charity ‘The Willow Foundation’.
The Clergy
David Brynmor Anthony
(former teacher – member of the board of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales, elder Pembroke Terrace Presbyterian Church, Cardiff)
David Elwyn Edwards
Methodist Minister for the Calvinist Methodist Chapel in Castle Square, Caernarfon
Rev. Alfred E. Fost BA, MA
Minor Canon at Gloucester Cathedral, Priest Vicar at Chichester Cathedral, Vicar of Burpham, Sussex.
John Gottesman
Chairman Provincial Council of Jewish Deputies, Chairman Colchester Synagogue.
Rev. K. McFarlane Harley
Congregational Church Minister.
John Houghton
Church Leader.
David L Maier
Rev. Peter Pearmain
Baptist Minister in Kirby Muxloe 1963-77, 2013, Canterbury 1977-87, New Milton 1987-1997, Bushy 1997-2002, Central Baptist Association
Rev. Stanley Sharpe
Baptist Minister in East Anglia.
Rev. Reginald E. Simpson BA, BD
Rev. Geoffrey H. Taylor
Baptist Minister in Worcester, Dewsbury School Captain 1948-9.
Rev. Alan Tetlow
Rev. Eric A. Way BA
Norman Wheatley
Chairman St. Giles Christian Mission.
Kwame Anthony Abebrese
Founder partner Petals Ltd., co-founder Antonio Lucci Ltd., founder & CEO Antebe Abebrese construction & block manufacturing
Owusu Abebrese
President, member of management committee Antebe Abebrese construction & block manufacturing
Lenos Apostolou
Owner L&N Investments Ltd.
Erkay Atsa
HSBC Premier relationship manager
Jazzie B
Entrepreneur – owns record studio, record company, clothing label, talent agency, listed first in the British category of the ‘100 Great Black Britons’ list 2002
John Barber
Banking: International Banking, National Westminster Bank)
Gordon Barras
Suisse Bank
Oscar Baldomero
CEO Baldomero Medical GmbH (Switzerland)2007-date, Synbone AG 1989-2019 (founder & partner) provides medical models for surgical education, product development
Wayne Bickell
Owner ‘The Cat and Cask Tavern’ Tokyo
Bryon Blackwell
Director BGB Associates Ltd.
Edward Britton
Director Contact Inter Control Metering Systems Ltd.TSM (Consultants) Ltd., secretary Kobold Instruments Ltd.
John Brockhurst
Electronics engineer, worked for Charlie Watkins at WEM, ran an electronics department for a specialised heating company, self employed engineer, designed microprocessor based MIDI controller allowing electronic musical instruments to communicate with computers etc
Kim Brown
Director Leisure Vend, Healthcheck Services Ltd.
Mark Burdis
Co-owner Roma Security Ltd.
Kevin Byrne
Financial Advisor: Campion Insurance Dublin, Canada life Assurance Co., Director, Independent Financial Advisor: Bradford and Bingley London, Financial Planning Consultant Lloyds TSB (London)
Robert Cairns
Financial Director, The Metropolis Group of Companies, Aviom Properties & Investments Ltd, Company Secretary Berwick Rangers FC, European Financial Director Right Associated
Alan Caulfield
Managing Director Wessex Medical Ltd, Director (Co-Owner) WEL Medical Ltd, Business Development Manager Ortivus (UK) Ltd, Divisional Manager Medtronic Physio-Control
Alan Caunt
Financial & Company Director Sandhill Scientific UK Ltd., J.A. Properties Ltd.
Brian Chandler
Director Morgan Chambers
John Chandler M.Ph., C.I. Biol., M.I. Biol.
Managing Director Exosect Ltd., Southampton Univ. technology spin out company, pest control science
Pierre Curtis
Banker with Lloyds, Crédit Industriel et Commercial (French financial services group), ICICI Bank (India)
Leopold R. Dawe (Tubby) F.I.B.
John Divata
Director, Ronson
George Duncan
George Duncan was born on 9th November 1933 and attended Holloway County Grammar School. After leaving school George went to LSE (BSc(Econ)) and then Wharton Sch; Univ of Pennsylvania (MBA). He became a Freeman of the City of London in 1971. His illustrious career and his entry in Who’s Who and state that from:- 1967-71 Chief Exec. Truman Hanbury Buxton; 1971-72 Chief Exec. Watney Mann; 1976-86 Chairman Lloyds Bowmaker Finance Ltd (Formerly Lloyds & Scottish plc);1976-86 Dir. Lloyds Bank Plc;1982-87 Chairman Allied Steel & Wire Ltd;1990-97 Chairman Calor Gp
In addition to these he held senior positions at a number of other companies including Whessoe PLC, BET plc, Newspaper Publishing PLC, Fitch Lovell PLC.
He was also on the Companies Committee and President’s Committee of the CBI from 1980-83.
Ronald Dunne
Colin Earl
Owner Transit Drafting & Mapping Plc, cartography services
Mark & Peter Fitzpatrick
Owners of a Construction Company
David French
Owner Asignatura (wine distributor, Algarve); Executive Director Our Place Schools Ltd., Director Cookshop Direct; CEO British Home Enhancement Trade Association; CEO The Tabletop Group; Sales Director Denby Pottery Co. Ltd.
Dr. Howard Garelick
Director Comshare, Marconi, British Airways, Applied Business Systems (set up with Peter Norey)
Stanley Gates
Divisional Manager ICI Ltd
Stanley Geering
Financial Services – Central London Manager, West End Branch Manager, Assistant City Manager National Provident Institution (NPI), Commercial Union Life Department
Andy Georgiou
Founder, co-owner Desirable Residences Ltd. estate agents Belsize Park, Camden Town, West Hampstead
Frederick Gigney
Underwriter, won Institute of London Underwriter’s prize 1958.
John Gottesman
Property Developer, Director First National Investments Ltd.
Peter Gourri
Chief Administrative Officer & Legal Counsel (Non US qualified) 3 D Innovations London/New York
Colin Grant
Senior Claims Handler – Resolute Management Services, Omni Whittington Insurance Services, Claims Manager – Hampden Syndicate Management, Sturge Syndicate Services, P.L. Evernden Lloyd’s syndicate, Deputy Claims Manager K.F.. Alder Lloyd’s syndicate
Bernie Gravett
Director, Specialist Policing Consultancy Ltd., founder & director Counter Trafficking Network, inventor, founder & director The Athelney Group Ltd.
Gerald Gravett
Senior Partner Rainbows Productions
Salim Hashamy
Consultant Estate Planner The Honey Group, Account Executive RBRO Solutions, Account Manager: Casewise, Axxia Systems, LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions
Ian (Jesse) Greenidge
Finance Manager
William Hensley
General Manager International Electronics Company, Chairman Huntingdon Chamber of Trade & Commerce
Brian Holland
Specialising in risk management – Head of Group Insurance National Power, Thames Water, Balfour Beaty, Britoil, BAA, Director of Risk at Christies, Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute (A.C.I.I ) 1972
Thomas Howes
World President, Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters
William Hucklesby
Senior executive at Sears with responsibility for group security, chairman of the security committee of the Oxford Street Association
Thomas Jacobs
Divisional Director Phillips
Brian Jaye
Director Penokra Finance Ltd., Pen Finance Ltd., Jestwin Securities Ltd., Transfield Finance Ltd., Director & Company Secretary Jokada Finance Ltd.,
Jason Kayila
Co-owner Yeh Yeh Ent. Events Organiser
Ian Kelly
Director Angliss Ltd., International Meat Trade Association, Chester Boyd Ltd., Autocarve Ltd.,
Phivos Kimonis
Industrial chemical engineer – graduate of The Institute of Metal Finishing, Senior Process & Environmental Engineer Standard Thomson Corp. US, McMurdo Instrument Co., UK Optical company, General Manager: built and operated gold refinery in Dubai, Associate Director of Capital Planning & Service Operations Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
John Knott
Director & Secretary Metsa Tissue Ltd., Director The Co-Operative Loan Fund Ltd., Secretary M-Real Holdings Ltd., Metsa Board UK Ltd.
Deji Komolafe
Co-Founder The Roasted Bean Company, Consultant Moriati Media (UK) LTD., Principal Associate Dasco Partners LLP., Global Corporate Licensing Manager Incisive Media Ltd., Project Manager: Lexis Nexis Butterworths, Delano Reid Group, Smart Shanghai
David Lake M.A.
Director: Countrywide Porter Novelli Ltd. Public Relations
Jim Lambeth
Director N.A.C.E Ltd., HETAS Ltd., General Manager & Secretary Solid Fuel Association, Secretary Coal Merchants Federation (GB) Ltd.
Robert Lamont
Music Publishing, Licensing Manager at Sovereign Music, Sovereign Lifestyle Music, Music Publisher Integrity Music, Music Business Manager at Maranatha Music, Director, Business and Legal Affairs at Leeds Music Ltd
Myles Lennon
CEO ML Plumbing & Heating
Harry Levy M.Sc. Ph.D.
Founded Levy Gems, Chairman International Diamond Council, Vice President of the London Diamond Bourse & Club, President of the British Jewellers Association (BJA), Fellow of Gem-A, the Gemmological Association of Great Britain
Tony Mann
Director of Oceana Group (Holdings) Ltd
Eric Mark
Shell International
Laurence Marks
Co-Founder Alamo Productions
Eric Marrion
Owner & restaurateur, The Alms Houses, Palace Green, Durham, ran with wife Gillie
Brian Marson
Director Observatory Developments Ltd., Observatory House Management Ltd., property developer
David Matthews
Group MD, French Multinational, Director Mitie Lighting Ltd., David Webster Ltd., Parkersell Ltd., Veolia Energy UK Plc, Mitie Technical Facilities management Ltd., & Veolia Energy & Utility Services Ltd., South East London Combined Heat & Power Ltd., Pinniger & Partners Ltd.
Karl McIlwain
Director KCS Electrical Services Ltd., MNW Services Ltd., Electrical Contracts Manager R&R Electrical, Birchcroft Plc, consultant for domestic installations and sub contracting to main contractors on larger projects
Bill Meehan
Marconi Ltd. – Antenna Systems Divisional Manager, Divisional Manager Broadcast Division, Company Installation Manager for all the other Divisions, Divisional Manager Broadcasting Division, consultant to an American company, Kline Towers, Columbia, South Carolina
John Meyer
Senior Engineer Edison Swann Co., Thorn EMI (Blue Fox radar system for RAF Sea Harrier Jet, Department of Trade & Industry: Patent Office, Insolvency Department
Michael Neil
Director MNA Financial Risks Ltd., insurance broker
Mike Newman
Director and company secretary Newcliffe Ltd., co-owner C.J.Images
Panos Nicolaides
Banker – Paine Webber (American stock broking company taken over by UBS in 2001), European/UK Treasury Manager for a private bank owned by PaineWebber
Peter Norey
IT & planning for Shell oil & gas exploration and production London, Oman, Nigeria & Puerto Rico, founded IT training company in Sevenoaks, part-time director of St. Lucia resort ‘The Landings’, set up ‘Applied Business Systems’ with Howard Garelick, IBM
Dave Nuding
Director Entalina Ltd., curtains & soft furnishing company
William G. Nursaw F.C.I.S., A.C.H.
Insurance Investment Consultant
Junior Ogunyemi
Social and serial Entrepreneur, CEO & Co-founder Zipistream Technology (streaming platform), founder BD Publishing, SMA Coaching Academy (Football & Boxing), Director Global Entrepreneur Academy, Business Awards: The Rising Stars Award, Black Youth Achievement for Business & Enterprise, NACUE National Social Enterprise of the Year Award 2010, recognised as one of the top 10 most outstanding black students in the UK by Rare Rising Stars 2010, Nominated for Entrepreneur of Excellence 2013 by The National Diversity Awards, Role Model of the Year Positive Awareness Charity 2013/14, Top Outstanding Young Person Award JCI London 2013, EBR Award for Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2012, BYA Award for Business & Enterprise 2010, Winner of the Knowledge East Enterprise Award KEEN 2010, Winner of UnLtd “Do It Award” 2010
Paul O’Connor
Founder/Manager O’Connor Training Group (Milan)
Frank Oirschot
Midland Bank Manager West End Branch
Zak Pallikaros
Owner Dr. Zak’s (food production), Pumping Iron Fitness Gym (Bowes Park, London), Team Leader GE Healthcare (formerly Amersham plc)
Nondas Pallikaros
Director, Operations Manager: Pumping Iron Fitness Gym, Manager of Computer Operations & Premises, Laiki Bank (UK)
Samir Patel
Credit Analyst at Invesco (Henley Investment Centre’s Fixed Interest team), Lazard, Oppenheimer
Ronald Poole
Property Manager, Director Jubilee Gardens (1978) Ltd.,
Ray Poolman
MD, Aqua Allies Ltd., (water treatment specialists), Lakeside Water Treatment Ltd., Technical Director: Carillion, Alfred MacAlpine
Sir Leslie Porter
MD, Chairman, President Tesco
Jeff Powell
MD, B19 Data Solutions
Robert Preston
Director Stars Pre Nursery Ltd., Home Maintenance Maidenhead
Reg Pritchett
MD Live Events Production, Director Physicality Ltd., CA Support Services Ltd
Martin Quilter
Manager The Showroom Ltd., Manager Electrical Division Nuline Builders Merchants, Operations Manager GFE Electrical
Phil Reynolds
Director of Trade-Events Ltd, Publisher of ‘Auto Vending’, Director and Organisor, Vendex, Planet Vending, Virtual Vendex
Robert Richardson
Director Sefbo Solutions Ltd., Insulated Roof Systems Ltd., The Flyers Ltd., Confederation of Solar Installers ltd., Peterborough group Ltd., Stone Mills UK ltd., Natural Energy Europe Ltd., NaturalEnergyUK.Com Ltd., Company Secretary: Fableforce Nominees Ltd., Metregal Ltd., Space home Improvements Ltd., Kitchen4less Ltd.
John Roberts
Market Research Companies
Alan Robinson
Company secretary S&A Electrical Distribution Ltd.
Stan Rogers
Director, Mining Company in Africa, China, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan
Andrew Ronchetti
Head of Operations & Security Stone Hill Park Ltd., Rightguard Security UK Ltd, Security & Estate Manager Discovery Park, Security Operations manager G4S, Security Team lead & Investigations Officer Pfizer
David Rose
Director Access & Leisure Ltd., Colvin Memorial Temple Ltd., Clacton-on-Sea
Peter Rowe
Director, Rowe Associates, Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
Dr.Raymond Rowe MSc.,PhD
Owner/Director of Apercu Limited and Execair Cargo Services Limited, London City Airport, Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute
Dr. Savvas Savouri
Partner & Chief Economist Toscafund Asset Management, CEO & founder Quantmetriks Research Ltd., Director & Head of Quantitative Finance Lazard Capital Markets & Commerzbank, Head of Quantitative Finance Credit Lyonnais Securities, Head of Margin-Call Credit Lyonnais Securities, UK Economist ABN AMRO Bank N.V. & Hoare Govett
Geoff Seago
Vice President Emirates Technical Innovation Centre, Dubai
Bernard Sheridan
Sheridan’s Solicitors
Amar Sharma
Director St. Albans Specsavers Ltd., St. Albans VisionPlus Ltd., St. Albans Specsavers Hearcare Ltd.,
Barrie Simpson
Director Fourcircle Properties Ltd., Accuro FM Ltd., Tropus & Spicer Ltd., Guildhouse Ltd., Solution Gym 2008 Ltd., Psychosynthesis & Educational Trust, chartered surveyor
James E. Smith
Senior Partner at Trundles, Charted Loss Adjuster/Arbitration
Seyit Sogukpinar
Director Chatsworth Fish & Chips Ltd.
Michael Styrka
Director The Drinks Company Ltd.,
Patrick Coleridge Taylor
Owner of Danger Money Records, record label
Dr Peter F. Todd CChem FRSC
Senior Research Scientist at ICI, Associate of The Royal Institute of Chemistry (ARIC), Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry
Peter Tubbs
Owner Automotive Component Marketing Ltd., O.E.M. Marketing Services Ltd., OEM Group Ltd., Manorfair Ltd., Herts Electrical Contractors Ltd.,
Christopher Turner, CEng, MIChemE
Senior Processing Engineer Bristol Water, Principal Processing Engineer eni engineering e&p Ltd., Senior Proposals Engineer Axsia Serck Baker, Proposals Engineer VA Tech WABAG/WABAG Water Engineering, Senior process Engineer Water Research Centre, Senior Project Engineer Premier Brands UK Ltd., Process Engineer Cadbury Plc. senior engineer in Oil & Gas, Water Industry, Power Processing & Food & Confectionary
Larry Urbanowski
Owner Herts Auto Services Ltd.
Cecil Vlahakis
Co-Founder Cvionics Technologies, Director Aero-Sys Engineering Ltd., Cecilv Engineering ltd., Electrical Avionics Systems Engineer AMAC Aerospace Switzerland; Systems Engineer and Work Space Manager Thales, Avionic Engineer Marshall Aerospace
Roy Walker
Operates the world famous ‘Jenny Wren’ canal boat and restaurant on the Regents Canal
Edwin Warrick
General Manager Toronto International Airport, General Manager New Toronto Terminal 3 Project, Dept. of Transport HQ in Ottawa, Engineer with the Federal Government constructing airports in British Columbia, Canada, Consulting on Airport Privatisation in Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines. .
Dennis Warwick
Owner and MD of Sykes Marine (Hydromaster) Limited. Sole UK manufacturer of Self Contained Steerable Azimuth Marine Propulsion Units for vessels
David Watkins
Oriental rug broker
William Webb
Aeronautical Telecommunications Consultant working for civil aviation authorities UK, Belize, Botswana, Lesotho, Nigeria, Uganda, and Zimbabwe
Gary Whelan
Owner of the ‘Lion & Lobster’ and ‘The Walrus’ pubs in Brighton and the ‘Dalkey Duck’ in Dublin
Gordon Wing
Pharmacist Boots, Managing Director of the pharmaceutical company in India
Paul Wongartorn
Senior Finance Associate at Greystar Europe
Brian Woolrich
Director UK Business Mentoring, Regional Director Metro Bank, Corporate Relationship Manager Handelsbanken, Commercial Relationship Manager RBS
Norman B. Wright
Chief Executive: Software Company
Terrence Blackwell FCA, ACMA
Robert Cairns F.C.A
Ralph Cooperman
Phil Cowley
Richard Deletant
Accountant, worked for the Audit Commission
F.K. Dingle F.C.I.S.
George Flower
Michael Folley F.I.C.M.
N. Goldberg F.C.A.
John Gottesman F.C.A.
Derek Holmes
Thomas Howes
World President of the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters
Brian Jaye
Chartered Accountant, Tax Advisor
John Knott
Independent Accounting Professional
Michael Larner F.C.A.
Bernard Leskin
Director- Ashcombe Accounting Services Ltd.
Fred Lingren O.B.E.
Peter Monahan F.C.A.
John Morris Chartered Acct
Reg Nicholson
Les Pollard
Came second nationwide in accountancy exams.
Alan Robinson
Internal auditor Lord Chancellor’s Department
Ernest Riley B.Sc., F.S.S., F.C.I.S.
John Sullivan
Keith Swallow
Keith Swallow Accounting Services, Radlett
Reginald Taylor
Stanley Whiteman F.C.I.S, A.P.M.I
F.G. Whittington A.A.C.C.A
Ian Wiltshire
Lead Auditor Sevenoaks District Council, Senior Auditor Lewisham Council, Assistant Manager BDO UK LLP, RSM UK, Auditor London Transport
Charles Bormat
Architect for Plymouth & Coventry City Councils designing schools and public buildings
John Malaiperuman
Architect, fifty years an architect in UK, Africa, and the Middle East with special expertise in housing, education, conservation, and sustainability
Bill Rowe
Chris Dallimore MRICS
Chartered Quantity Surveyor, Professional Associate of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Philip Fitzpatrick
Ken Pitman
Quantity Surveyor
Peter Rowe
Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
Barrie Simpson
Chartered Surveyor
Jim Collins
Civil engineer – worked on M1 Motorway, designed timber structures including a prefabricated bridge that was adopted by United Nations & he worked for UN in Kenya, Thailand and New York. Head of UN Division specialising in post conflict development, also worked as an engineer on irrigation systems, big dams and flood control works
Brian Chandler
Director of Morgan Chambers
Rahim Chitalya
Senior Director of Technology, Head of Systems Integration at Synechron UK
Andrew Constantinou
Head of IT Accord Marketing
John Fitch
Alan Flook
Computer programmer and trainer at Zeiss and Leica
Mike Folley
Dr. Howard Garelick
Director Comshare, applications specialist, hardware timeshare, later developing financial modeling packages, assigning real time flight system for British Airways
Pete Joseph
Website designer, consultant industrial archaeologist, digital typesetter, former ICT lecturer
Femi Lewis
Senior Technical Specialist Refinitiv; Technical Specialist Thomson Reuters, Development Team Lead, Programming Analyst Reuters, Software Engineer Citibank, IT engineering & software development and support life cycle
Ted Ling
Regional IT Account Manager Hewlett Packard, ESG IT Manager Hewlett Packard International Italy & Iberia, Information Systems Manager Compaq Computer Corporation, IMS Manager (IT), Compaq Computer AC, Switzerland
Kevin Man
Project Manager BT, BT Enterprise, BT C&SI, delivery of multi-site, multi-country MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) networks across Europe, Middle East & Africa
Ryan Moriarty
SVP Marketing Sofar Sounds
Alan Oliver
Director Oaktree (FD) Ltd.
Nondas Pallikaros
Manager Computer Operations & Premises, Laiki Bank (UK)
Denis Pemberton
Owner Merlin Computers UK Ltd., IT Manager Westminster Kingsway College
Gordon Pinckheard
Computer programmer, writing technical documents
Jeremy Swann
Computer programmer Post Office, programmer, engineer Cable & Wireless Plc, Wirefast
Gary Tsang
Games Studios Team Lead at Roxor Gaming
Dr. Chee Fai Tang
Application Consultant Capgemini, Netweaver Developer ABAP, Analyst Programmer EDS
Andrew Wilsdon-Tagg
Database Developer at Sophus3
Owsun Abebrese
Chair of Surrey Probation Board (Appointment of Secretary of State)
Eddie Arram
Appointed by Secretary of State of Culture & Heritage to serve on the Libraries & Information Commission.
Harry Berkovitch
Foreign Office
Frederick ‘Dickie’ Bird
Chief Executive Officer Agricultural Research Council
Prof. Duncan Burn
Member Executive Committee National Institute of Economic & Social Research, Member of the Economic Committee, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Specialist Advisor, House of Commons Select Committee on Energy, worked at the Ministry of Supply (Iron and Steel Control), member of the US-UK Metallurgical Mission, New York and Washington
Peter Le Cheminant
Private Secretary to Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Head of Economic Secretariat, Cabinet Office, Second Permanent Secretary Management & Personnel Office, Cabinet Office 1983-4, Under Secretary Department of Trade & Industry, Deputy Secretary Department of Energy, Peter on far right in photograph
Peter Clayton
Expert advisor for coins and antiquities to department of Culture, Media & Sport, the National Art Collection Fund, and the Heritage Lottery Fund, acts as advisor to several departments in the British Museum and to many national and archaeological museums, member of the British Museum Treasure Valuation Committee
Jim Collins
United Nations, New York: Chief of Asia & Pacific Division, Office of Project Services, Head of UN Division specialising in post conflict development
John Massey Crook
Foreign Office
Prof. Dennis Deletant
Advisory board member ‘Know-how Fund’ for Central & Eastern Europe) 1984-93, Member of the British National Committee of Association Internationale des Études sud-est européenes of UNESCO 1990-93
Howard Embleton
Finance Director, British Forces Post Office Agency (BFPO)
Albert Jack Filer
Director General of Works & Under-Secretary at Ministry of Works
Donald Fryer
Home Office Inspector of Coal Mines 1939-45, worked for Ministry of Overseas Development 1965-66
Frederick G. Hirsch
Senior adviser to the International Monetary Fund
Herbert Roland Hodges
Principal & Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Labour
Mr. Jack
Luigi Leo
Cabinet Office: Senior Information & Data Protection Lead, Ministry of Justice, HM Courts & Tribunal Service, General Data & Protection Service delivery lead
Eric Mark
Head of the European Commission Directorate of Transport 1973 – 1987
Neil Martin D.F.C.
Staff of the Deputy Chief of Defence, Ministry of Defence, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Power, Ministry of Technology & (Assistant Director) Office of Fair Trading
Bill Meehan
Base Commander, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctic (Falkland Islands Dependencies), Sergeant, Signal Office, War Office.
Arnold Vincent Miller
Higher Executive Officer, Ministry of Housing & Local Government
George Monger
Cabinet Office Secretariat & Under Secretary at Treasury
Professor Toyin Okitikpi FRSA
Member of the Mental Health Review Tribunal; Employment Tribunal; Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; Chartered Institute of Legal Executives Panel (CILEx); the General Medical Council’s Fitness to Practice Panel; Nursing and Midwifery Fitness to Practice Panel; Ministry of Defence Independent Service Compliant Member, Board member Children & Family Court Advisory & Support Service (CAFCASS) 2008-2009
Brian Orchard
Diplomatic Service
Derek Piper
Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Defence
Kenneth Ridehalgh
Senior Executive Officer (Chief Telecommunications Supervisor), Post Office
Dennis Steel
Assistant Secretary, Board of Trade & Department of Trade
Edwin Warrick
Dept. of Transport, Canadian Government
Albert J Wilson
War office
George A. C. Witheridge
Assistant Secretary, Munitions Supply, War office
David Aaronovitch
President National Union of Students,
Alan Alexander
Labour Party Candidate for St. Bees Ward, Copeland Borough Council election 2011, 2015 & 2019, Vice Chair Copeland Labour Party, spokesman Amnesty International Cumbria, member of governing body Cumbria Local Involvement Network (LINk)
Anthony Allen
Labour Councillor, Hackney 1991-97
Eddie Arram
Conservative Councillor, Croydon 1981-to date, Mayor of Croydon 2012, Chairman of Library Museum and Arts Committee 1986-1994
John Barber
Independent candidate in 2011 Local Elections in Hertford, ‘Independence For Folly Island’ candidate in 2019 local Hertford Town Council election
John Barnes
Labour Councillor, Islington 1978-82
Paul Barnes
Private Secretary for Member of House of Lords
Sir Arthur Bryant (former teacher)
President, Common Market Safeguards Campaign
David J. Davies JP
Mayor of Islington 1975-6
Howard Embleton
Conservative Councillor, London Borough of Haringey 1986-90
Stanley Gardiner
Worked for Conservative Party 1928
Gerald Gravett
Candidate for United Kingdom Independence Party, UKIP, in Staines, Spelthorne local election 2019, Surrey County Council election 2017, Spelthorne by-election Ashford north & Stanwell south ward 2016
Roger Gravett
Chairman of Enfield & Haringey Branch of the United Kingdom Independence Party, UKIP Candidate for May 2014 council elections
William Hensley
Mayor of Huntington (2014-16), Conservative County Councillor, Huntingdon & Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire County Council, 1997-2004,
Ben Hooberman
Chair of the constituency Labour Party in Chelsea, Labour Parliamentary Candidate in 1959 General Election for St. Marylebone Constituency, Labour Party candidate for Campden Ward (Kensington & Chelsea) in the 2002 local election, Treasurer & Executive Committee member Society of Labour Lawyers,
Lord McCarthy
Labour Spokesman on Employment in the House of Lords 1979-97, Advisor to Secretaries of State for Employment
Ken Patton
Labour Councillor
Henry Albert Price
Conservative MP West Lewisham 1950-64, member of London County Council 1946-52
Steven Vines
President of Reading University Students Union
Queens and Civil Honours
John (Remi) Adefarasin
OBE 2012 (services to Television and Film)
Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe
MBE 2020 (services to the the Black and Minority Ethnic film industry)
F. V. “Dickie” Bird
OBE 1969 (services as Chief Executive Officer Agricultural Research Council),
Norman Blamey
OBE 1998 (services to art)
Sir Arthur Wynne Morgan Bryant (former teacher)
CH Companion of Honour 1967, C.B.E. 1949, Knighted in 1954 (Historian)
Allan T. Brockman
Allan had a building at the Sir George Monoux College named after him
Professor Dennis Deletant
OBE 2005 (services to British Romanian relations)
Dennis Ellam
MBE 1977 (Civil, services as Secretary of National Federation of Wholesale Grocers & Provision Merchants),
Mike England (former teacher)
MBE 2013 for services to Welsh football
(Benjamin) Ifor Evans, Baron Evans of Hungershall (former student master)
Knighted by the Queen on 12 July 1955 and created a life peer as Baron Evans of Hungershall, in the Borough of Royal Tunbridge Wells on 25 August 1967
Arthur W. H. Field
MBE 1946, (Military, Royal Army Ordnance Corps, for meritorious service)
Jack Filer
CB 1954 (services as Under-Secretary at Ministry of Works)
Maurice Hales
B.E.M 1977
Herbert Roland Hodges
OBE 1939 (Civil, Principal at Ministry of Labour) CBE (Assistant Secretary Ministry of Labour)
Commander William Hucklesby
QPM 1985 (Fraud Squad CID)
Dr. John David Wynne Hudson (former Headmaster)
O.B.E. 2005 (New Year Honours, For services to Education)
Frederick Robert Hurlstone-Jones (former Headmaster)
OBE 1947 (New Year Honours Chairman Headmasters’ Employment Committee)
Sidney Hutchison
M.V.O 1967, C.V.O. 1976, Librarian, Hon. Archivist, Antiquary, Secretary Royal Academy of Art
Albert Irvin
OBE 2013 (for services to the visual arts)
Peter Le Cheminant
C.B. 1976, services as Deputy Secretary Department of Energy
Frederick William Lindgren
OBE 1967 (services to the RAF Club, Hon. Treasurer)
Lord William Edward John McCarthy
Baron (Life Peer) of Headington, 1976
Air Commodore Alun Morgan
OBE (Military Division) 1978, CBE 1985 (services to the Royal Air Force)
Colonel Leonard Gerard Muller TD, DL
CBE 1959 (Birthday Honours, Military, Army Cadet Force for meritorious service), DL Deputy Lieutenant of Staffordshire
Brian O’Kelly (Barney)
OBE 1960 (Military, Combined Cadet Force, for meritorious service)
Prof. Robert A. Pinker
CBE 2005 (Public Services as Privacy Commissioner, Press Complaints Commission)
Sir Leslie Porter
KC 1983 (Chairman & Chief Executive Tesco Stores (Holdings) Plc)
Henry Price
CBE 1962 (for Political and Public Services)
Chris Ramsey
M.B.E. 2019 (for services to football and diversity in sport)
George Robb
Awarded Freedom of Haringey in 1998
Trevor Beresford Romeo
OBE 2008: services to music
Albert George Thomas Shingler
CBE 1959 (Commander of the Civil Division), Senior Principal Inspector of Taxes, Board of Inland Revenue
John Sullivan
Robert Primrose Wilson (former teacher)
O.B.E. 2007 (for services to charity)
Freeman of City of London
Peter Clayton
Leopold R. Dawe (Tubby)
George Duncan
Howard Embleton
Peter Gourri
William Hucklesby
George Ives
Laurence Marks
Ernest Riley
Photograph reproduced by courtesy of The Cadbury Research Library, Birmingham University
Raymond Rowe
James E. Smith
Bernard Spiers
Honorary Freeman and Liveryman, Leathersellers’ Company
Sir Arthur Bryant (former teacher)
Freeman and Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Farriers
Peter Clayton
Freeman of the Guild of Arts Scholars, Dealers and Collectors
Peter Clayton
Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Glovers
Peter Gourri
Freeman of the Liveryman Company of Tobacco Blenders & Briar Pipe Makers
Laurence Marks
Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Insurers
James E. Smith
Foreign Decorations
David Brynmor Anthony MC & Bar (former teacher)
Awarded Médaille de Vermeil de la Reconnaissance Française in 1947 by French government for services as Chairman of Cardiff Friends of Free France, Officier d’Académie 1936, Officier de L’Ordre des Palmes Académiques 1964, Awarded Italian Silver Medal of Military Valor & the Croce di Guerra
Richard Bielicki KSG
Papal award as a Knight of St. Gregory the Great 2020
Prof. Dennis Deletant
Commander, Ordinul pentru.merit, (Order of Merit) for services to Romanian democracy 2000, awarded the National Order of the Star of Romania 2016, for his contribution to Romanian studies and his efforts to promote Romanian history, language and culture
P. G. Filer
Commander of the Royal Order of the Vasa (Kungliga Vasaorden) Sweden
Bernie Gravett
Union Sportives des Polices d ‘Europe Award of Merit for services to European police sport
Sidney Hutchison
Officer, Polonia Restituta (Poland), Chevalier, Belgium Order of the Crown, Grand Decoration of Honour (silver) (Austria), Cavaliere Ufficiale, Al Merito della Repubblica Italiana
Sir Leslie Porter
Awarded Order of St. James and the Sword (Portugal) 1992
Jim Ritchie (former teacher)
Awarded Knight of the Order of the House of Orange by Queen of Netherlands
Elliott Seabrooke (former teacher)
Won Italy’s highest award for gallantry
Prof. Albert Peter Wilmore
Awarded the Tsiolkovsky Medal Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics 1987
Judge Owsun Abebrese
Barrister, First Tier Judge of Immigration and Asylum Chamber at Ministry of Justice, First Tier Tribunal Judge Property Chamber, Possession Judge, County Court, Chair of Surrey Probation Board, a member of Chambers at 3 Bolt Square, London
Evangalos Aspostolou
solicitor & barrister (England & Cyprus), In-House Counsel, EMEA & APAC at Major, Lindsey & Africa, equity partner and General Counsel of Ernst & Young in Asia Pacific and VP, Chief Counsel APAC for British Telecom, judge for the In-House Community, Counsels of the Year Awards (Asia Pacific and Middle East) for 2017 and 2018, accredited mediator, Director and a founding Principal at DA Partners Pte. Ltd.
Janak Bakrania
Solicitor at WT Law LLP,
John Bohuszewicz
Solicitor owns A.V.A. Mitchell & Co. sols., Woodford Green
Allen T. Brockman JP (former teacher)
Chairman of the Bench
Arthur Bryant (former teacher)
Barrister at the Inner Temple 1923
Francis Cheney
Zara Coe
Paralegal at the Bank of England
Andrew Dakoutros
Immigration barrister at GLD, committee member of The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple
David Dear
Senior Clerk 1 Kings Bench Walk Chambers, Senior Consultant at Level
Malcolm Donabie
Mike Duffy
Stan Geering
Chairman East Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association
Peter Gourri
Commercial litigation lawyer
Brian J. Heard
Expert witness in ballistics and forensics
Ben Hooberman
Solicitor, Lawford & Co. sols, leading expert in employment and industrial law, Treasurer Society of Labour Lawyers
Stephen Inskip
Chief Lawyer, Corporate and Dispute Resolution with Islington Council; commercial litigation manager, Islington Council
Isiaka Lawal
Civil Servant London Metropolitan Police Authority
Noor Lodhi
Compliance Officer for Finance and Administration with The Independent Criminal Law Specialists LLP
Alun Morgan
Independent Inspector on Lord Chancellor’s Panel
Bill Meehan
Magistrate, King George Island, South Antarctic
Professor Toyin Okitikpi FRSA
Member of the Mental Health Review Tribunal; Employment Tribunal; Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; Chartered Institute of Legal Executives Panel (CILEx); the General Medical Council’s Fitness to Practice Panel; Nursing and Midwifery Fitness to Practice Panel; Ministry of Defence Independent Service Compliant Member, Board member Children & Family Court Advisory & Support Service (CAFCASS) 2008-2009
Ken Patton
Derek Piper JP
JP, Magistrate, Chairman of Richmond upon Thames Magistrates Bench 2009-11
J. H. Price BA
Alan Robinson
Worked for Lord Chancellor’s department for 40 years, County Courts, internal auditor with own team for Home Office covering County, Magistrate & Crown Courts (formerly Quarter Sessions & Assize Courts), as well as the Lord Chancellor’s Department
Bernard Sheridan
Solicitor owner of Sheridans, human rights, civil liberties, entertainment lawyer, pioneering lawyer
Judge John Simmonds
Solicitor, Deputy Bankruptcy Registrar 1991-3, Bankruptcy Registrar High Court 1993-2011, judge in the High Court
Edward Skowronck
Legal Analyst Real Estate Finance at Stephen Harwood Law Practice
Nicholas Swingler
Ian Wiltshire
Magistrate South East London Bench
Police & Fire Services
John E. Aggar
Police Constable Metropolitan Police 1966-98, Harlesden, Willesden and Kilburn Police Stations. Crime Prevention Officer
Glen Baker
Alan Caulfield
Special Constable Wiltshire Police
Brian Charlton
Dino Costantinou
David Cronin
Sergeant, City Police
Richard Dixon
Police Constable Willesden Green, Wembley, Crime Prevention Officer.
Bernard Gravett
Superintendent Metropolitan Police, delivering human trafficking and counterin g organised crime training: to CH, ICMPD, ERA, OSCE and ECPAT UK, accredited Europol expert on Europol AWF Intelligence system and Eurojust expert on Joint Investigation Teams, awarded the “Children’s Champion” by leading UK child trafficking NGO, ECPAT UK in 2010 in recognition of outstanding commitment to the protection of child trafficking victims and many other awards
Brian J. Heard
Deputy Head of the New Scotland Yard Forensic Firearms Laboratory, Director of the Hong Kong Police Forensic Firearms Laboratory, Director Hong Kong Police Ballistics and Firearms Examination Bureau, awarded numerous police medals
Thomas Howes
Special Constable City of London Police
Commander William Hucklesby QPM
QPM, Head of the Anti-Terrorist Squad 1982-4, Operational Head, and Deputy Head of Flying Squad & Central Robbery Squad at Scotland Yard, Commander of C13, Commander of Fraud Squad and the Serious Crimes Branch of Special Operations at New Scotland Yard, Commander of Interpol, Home Office Advisor on Prisons
Chris Lee
Prof. Robert Pinker
Chairman Central Westminster Police/Community Consultative Group
Dave Pittom
St Lawrence’s, Jersey honorary police force, Vice President of the Honorary Police Association
Fred Rason
Senior Petroleum Inspector NE London Fire Brigade
Dr. Raymond Rowe FCMI
Metropolitan Police, Home Office, Police Staff College
Micky Wright
Ben Aaronovitch
Scriptwriter: of 2 ‘Doctor Who’ series 1988-9, ‘Casuality’ 1990, ‘Jupiter Moon’ 1990, 1996, ‘Dark Knight’ 2001, ‘Blake 7’ audio dramas (co-authored 2009, first assistant director: ‘Clinic’ 2003, appeared in ‘Doctor Who: Thirty Years in the Tardis’ 1993, ‘Endgame’ 2007, ‘Davros Connections’ 2007, ‘Back To School’ 2007, ‘The UNIT Dating Conundrum’ 2011
David M. Aaronavich
Broadcaster, BBC/Channel 4 Presenter, BBC Radio…, Executive Producer ‘The Blair Years’ 2007, Producer ‘Weekend World’ 1984-6, documentaries ‘No Excuses For Terror’ 2006, ‘Blaming The Jews’ 2003, ‘God and the Politicians’ 2005, has presented and appeared in numerous TV and radio programmes, including Have I Got News For You and Question Time, ‘Moral Maze’, ‘Christmas University Challenge’ 2007, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018, ‘Celebrity Mastermind’ 2016-7, ‘It was be Alright in the…’ 2014-16, ‘When Celebrities go Pop’ 2016, ‘The ’90s Greatest’ 2018, ‘The Most Shocking Christmas TV Moments’ 2015, ‘2000s: The Best of Bad TV’ 2015, ‘The General Election’ 2015, ‘This Week’ 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2015, ‘Newsnight’ 2004, 2005, 2011-14, Sunday Morning Live’ 2012, ‘Monarchy in the UK’ 2012, ‘Remembering 9/11’ 2011, ‘The Andrew Marr Show’ 2005, 2007, 2008, 2011, ‘Artsnight’ 2008, 2009, 2010, The Weakest Link’ 2008, ‘The Book Quiz’ 2008, ‘Greatest Ever Disaster Movies’ 2007, ’40 Years Out’ 2007, ‘Greatest Ever Romantic Movies’ 2007, ‘Never Mind the Full Stops’ 2006, 2007, ‘The 50 Greatest Television Dramas’ 2007, ‘University Challenge: The Story So Far’ 2006, ’50 Films to See Before You Die’ 2006, ‘Booktalk’ 2006, ‘Timeshift’ 2005, 2006, ‘What the Papers Say’ 2006, ‘My Dad Was a Communist’ 2006, ‘Jonathan Dimbleby’ (TV series) 2005, ‘The 50 Greatest Documentaries’ 2005, ‘The 100 Greatest War Films’ 2005, ‘TV ON Trial’ 2005, ‘The Most Outrageous TV Moments Ever’ 2005, ‘Why I Hate the 60s…’ 2004, ‘Celebrity Naked Ambition’ 2003, ’40 Years of University Challenge’ 2002, ‘Breakfast With Frost’ 2002, ‘I Love the 1990s’ 2001, ‘Have I Got News For You’ 1999, 2001, ‘The 100 Greatest TV Moments’ 1999, ‘On Air: The Truth About TV’ 1998, ‘Homeground’ 1997, ‘The Sunday Programme’ 1997, ‘Election 97’ 1997, won Orwell Prize for political journalism 2001, What the Papers Say ‘Columnist of the Year’ award 2003, Chairman of ‘Index on Censorship’ organization campaigning for Freedom of Expression,
John (Remi) Adefarasin
Cinematographer/director of photography for feature films: ‘Truly Madly Deeply’ 1990, ‘The Lost Language of Cranes’ 1991, ‘The Hummingbird Tree’ 1992, ‘Captives’ 1994, ‘The Buccaneers’ 1995, ‘Emma’ 1996, ‘Sliding Doors’ 1998, ‘Elizabeth’ 1998, ‘Onegin’ 1999, ‘Arabian Nights’ TV 2000, ‘The House of Mirth’ 2000, ‘Band of Brothers’ TV 2001, ‘About A Boy’ 2002, ‘Unconditional Love’ 2002, ‘The One and Only’ 2002, ‘Johnny English’ 2003, ‘The Haunted Mansion’ 2003, ‘In Good Company’ 2004, ‘Match Point’ 2005, ‘Scoop’ 2006, ‘Amazing Grace’ 2006, ‘Elizabeth; The Golden Age’ 2007, ’Fred Claus’ 2007, ‘Cemetery Junction’ 2010, ‘The Little Fockers’ 2010, ‘The Cold Light of Day’ 2011, ‘Molly Moon: The Incredible Hypnotist’ 2014, ‘The Pacific’ TV mini series 2009, and over 40 other TV films/series including ‘Sleepers’ 1991, ‘Wild Eyed and Legless’ 1993, ‘Cold Lazarus’ 1996, ’Arabian Nights’ 2000, ‘Band of Brothers’ 2001, ‘Cemetery Junction’ 2010, ‘Pride & Prejudice and Zombies’ 2016, ‘Me Before You’ 2016, ‘David Brent: Life on the Road’ 2016, ‘Juliet, Naked’ 2018, ‘Where Hands Touch’ 2018, ‘Fighting With My family’ 2019, ‘The Last Vermeer’ 2019, ‘Locked Down’ 2020, ‘What’s Love Got To Do With It’, 2021 ‘The Pacific’ TV mini series 2009, and many other TV films/series including ‘Sleepers’ 1991, ‘Wild Eyed and Legless’ 1993, ‘Cold Lazarus’ 1996,’Jingle Jangle’ (post production))2020, and numerous films as part of camera crew (see, appeared in doc ‘Cinematographer Style’ 2005, nominated for: BAFTA TV 1989 (film cameraman- ‘Christabel’); BAFTA TV 1993 (Film/Video Photography- ‘Memento Mori’); ASC Award 1999 (‘Elizabeth’); Oscar 1999, Online Film & Television Association Award 1999, Emmy 2002 (‘Band of Brothers’) 2010 (‘The Pacific’); BSC Award 2007 (Elizabeth: The Golden Age), Camerimage Golden Frog Award 2000 (‘Onegin’), 2007 (‘Elizabeth: The Golden Age’); Chicago Film Critics Asso. Award 1999 (‘Elizabeth’), Chiotrudis Awards 1999 (‘Elizabeth’), Chicago Indie Critics Award 2021, won Camerimage Golden Frog Award 1999 (‘Elizabeth’); won BAFTA Film 1999 (won Best Cinematography for ‘Elizabeth’); and won British Society of Cinematographers: Best Cinematography Award 1999 (‘Elizabeth’),
Anthony Allen
Scriptwriter: ‘Crystal Clear’ TV movie 1988, Director of Hackney Empire
Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe
Founder & Chairman of the British Urban Film Festival, artistic director Windrush Caribbean film fiestival, broadcaster Choice FM radio & Colourful, worked for Channels Television News in London, BFM (Black Filmmaker Magazine), and the Screen Nation Awards, written for The Voice newspaper, The TV Collective, produced and presented film programmes for Colourful Radio. Co-founded BUFF Originals the production and distribution arm of the British Urban Film Festival.
Leslie Arthur
Practical work appeared in Wired magazine (US & UK editions) including articles on Zap Art International, other articles Sunday Times, The Face, G Spots, AV magazine, New Scientist, Blue Print, visual consultant to Lian Findlay ‘As dead As They Come’, stills photographer ’54’ film 2004, assistant editor ‘King of the Gypsies’ documentary 1995)
Douglas Albert Raoul Aufranc
Regularly contributed to Advent Review and Sabbath Herald (later Review and Herald) and Present Truth around 1930s and early 1940s authoring articles and poems
Jazzie B
Host own Radio programme ‘Back 2 Life’ on BBC Radio London 94.4 and Mi-Soul, ‘Pop Year 2002’ Sky One, ‘Jamie’s Dream School’ 2011, appeared on numerous radio and TV programmes),founding director of ‘Featured Artists Coalition’
Oscar Baldomero
Appeared as self in ‘Ralph a Man of No Ambition’ 2016
Bill Blunden
Editor on over 30 Feature Films: Sound Editor ‘Help’ 1965, Editor: ‘Shalako’ 1968, ‘The Mind of Mr. Soames’ 1969, OOH…You Are Awful 1972, ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ 1974, ‘The Bawdy Adventures of Tom Jones’ 1975, ‘Warlords of Atlantis’ 1978, ‘All Quiet On The Western Front’ 1979, ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ 1980, ‘Intruders’ 1992, ‘Me & Kid’ 1993, ‘Ellen Foster’ 1997, ‘Legalese’ 1998, nomination & winner of Emmy Award),
Maxim Bruckheimer
responsible for first Multimedia Courses at Open University, self in ‘Professor George Polya Talks to Professor Maxim Bruckheimer’, BBC Open University film 1972,
Mark Burdis
TV boxing announcer
Allan Burnett
Theatre stage lighting engineer Finsbury Park Empire and other theatres
Bruce Burnett
Holistic Health, lecturer on cooking & healing appeared as featured guest on US TV and radio programmes
Maurice Burton
Natural History TV presenter
Bernard Chibnall
British National Film Catalogue Ltd., Scientific Film Association, Film Centre Ltd
Peter Clayton
Managing Editor of British Museum Publications, consulting editor and book reviews of Minerva, The International Review of Ancient Art & Archaeology 1990-2010, consultant on archaeology for 3 other publishing houses, Discovery Channel, TV, UK & US video programmes, and Radio interviews on archaeological & Egyptology topics
Martin Connolly
Chief Engineer Channel 4, Sony Divisional Director
Dennis Deletant
Worked with BBC in Romania when Ceausescu was overthrown at end of 1989…
Steven Doherty
Senior Media Operations Supervisor VICE Media UK
Frank Rubens Ellis
British & Dominion Films
Lee Embray
LWT Broadcast Engineer
Keith Fisher
Sports TV Presenter
John Fitch
Andrew Flaherty
ITN News
Bob Frost
Owner Spa Films Ltd.
Charles Fullbrook
‘20th Century masterpieces with the London Sinfonietta’, Channel 4, ‘South Bank Show’ profile of the composer John Tavener, ‘Last Night of the Proms’ with the BBCSO, performed The Beggar’s Opera at The Theatre Royal, Stratford East, Prospect Theatre Company
Danny Geelan
Group Head formerly Media Strategist at Mail Metro Media, Brand Manager Weekend Magazine
George Gerwitz
1st assistant director: ‘Doctors’ 2019-20, ‘Land Girls’ 2009, ‘Codes of Honour’ 2009, ‘Trekkers’ 2009, ‘The Transfer Season’ 2008, ‘Dare, Double Dare, Truth’ 2008, ‘Stranger on a Bridge’ 2008, ‘In the Night Garden’ 2007-8, ‘Wire In the Blood’ 2002-7, ‘Holby City’ 2007, ‘Rocket man’ 2005, ‘Doctor Who’ 2005, ‘Rose’ 2005, ‘End of the World’ 2005, ‘Sea of Souls’ 2004, ‘Death in Holy Orders’ 2003, ‘Girl’s Night’ 1998, ‘Peak practice’ 1993-4, ‘Sharp practice’ 1993, ‘The Guilty’ 1992, ‘The Widowmaker’ 1990, ‘Chancer’ 1990, ‘Boon’ 1986-1987 assistant director 1986, Floor Manager: ‘Question Time’ 2010, Young Voters’ Question Time’ 2010, ‘Muck & Brass’ 1982, ‘Years of Lightning’ 1981,’Oh Boy!’ 1979, ‘Revolver’ 1978
Steve Goggin
BBC Journalist Sheffield
Gerald Gravett
Performing arts production & management Rainbow Productions
Gary Hailes
Regular slot ‘Hailes Horrors’ on Steve Allen show on LBC
Ernest Harris
Columbia Pictures Corporation
Bob Hartley
Documentary director: Channel 4, BBC, winner British Film Institute Award, ‘Silver Hugo’ at Chicago Film Festival, ‘BBC Documentary Award’, ‘International Documentary Association Achievement Award’, directed ‘The Cassel’, ‘From Russia With Laughter’ Channel 4 documentaries, ‘Shutdown’ BBC, ‘Streetchildren’ UNICEF, ‘And I Was Such A Lovely Baby’ NFTS, researcher ‘Shine On Harvey Moon’ 1994, BAFTA jury member 1997
Rajan Harkishindas (stage name James Harkishin)
self in ‘Coronation Street: Soapy Slip Ups’ 2020, ‘Coronation Street at Christmas’ 2019, ‘The Corrie years’ 2012, ‘Xposé’ 2008, ‘This Morning’ 2008, ‘Coronation Street: The Wedding Special’ 2007, ‘Happy Birthday BAFTA’ 2007, ‘The British Soap Awards’ 2007, ‘Coronation Street Pantomime: Unwrapped’ 2005, ‘The British Soap Awards 2005’ 2005, ‘When Ken Met Deirdre’ 2005, ‘2nd Irish Film & Television Awards’ 2004, ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ 2004, ‘Deirdre & Me’ 2001
Charlie G. Hawkins
Writer ‘EastEnders E20’ one episode BBC3 2011, self ‘Children in Need’ 2007-10, ‘This Morning’ 2009, ‘The New Paul O’Grady Show’ 2009, ‘The Weakest Link’ 2010, East Enders Christmas Party’ 2004, ‘The 5 o’clock Show’ 2010, guest presenter ‘Blue Peter’, hosting weekly podcast on the NFL titled: ‘Ice The Kicker’
Bill Hensley
Director of GEM FM & Huntingdon Community Radio, seeking a full time license, Chairman Hinchingbrooke Hospital Radio
Frederick G. Hirsch
Ben Hooberman
Board member of Pen International
John Houghton
Author, broadcaster, founder member of Wessex Writers
Ronald Hynd
Film: ‘Galileo’, TV productions: ‘The Nutcracker’, ‘The Merry Widow’, ‘The Sanguine Fan’, Festival Ballet, choreographer ‘Sound of Music’ 1981
Albert Irvin
‘A Feel For Paint’ 1983, ‘Off The Wall Awards’ 1968, 1975
Lawrence Irvin
Technical publication consultant
James Jordan (surname New at Holloway)
Visual effects producer: ‘Gangs of London’ 2020, ‘China’s Megatomb Revealed’ 2016, ‘Honey Trap 2014, visual effects supervisor: ‘Polar bear’ 2016, ‘Son of God’ 2014, ‘The Bible’ 2013, ‘Dark Matters: Twisted But True’ (doc series) 2011, ‘Blood in the Water’ 2009, ‘Robert Hanssen: Double Agent revealed’ TV movie 2007, ‘Discovery Atlas’ 2006-8, ‘Lost World’ 2006-7, ‘Revealed’ (doc series) 2005-7, ‘The True Story series: Herod the Great’ 2007, ‘Apollo 13: The Inside Story’ 2006, ‘Secrets of the Plague’ TV movie 2006, ‘Apollo: The Untold Story’ 2006, ‘King Tut’s Mystery Tomb Opened’ 2006, ‘Eygpt’s new Tomb Revealed’ 2006, ‘Secrets of Herod’s Reign’ 2006, ‘Munich: Mossad’s Revenge’ TV Movie 2006, ‘Hannibal v Rome’ 2005, ‘Spartacus: Gladiator War’ 2005, ‘war of the Birds’ 2005, ‘First on the Moon: The Untold Story’ 2005, Mummy Autopsy’ 2005, ‘Khubilai Khan: fall of the Mongol Hordes’ 2005, ‘Rameses: Wrath of god or Man?’ 2004, ‘Seven Wonders of Ancient Eygpt’ 2004, ‘Seven Wonders of Ancient Rome’ 2004, ‘The Mysterious Death of Cleopatra’ 2004, ‘Columbus: Secrets from the Grave’ 2004, visual effects consultant: ‘Atlantis: End of a World, Birth of a Legend’ (TV movie) 2011, digital compositor ‘Captain Jack’ 1999, ‘Elizabeth’ 1998)
Peter Judge-Fernandez
Film editor ‘5%’ short film, music video director for King Kofi, FTS, Joshua Iglo, Jon E. Clayface, Marger
Brian (Ned) Kelly
Cameraman and producer, BBC and TWW (ITV), won the best Category Award at the International Trento Film Festival in 1967 for ‘The Magnificent Mountain’. Director on ‘African Safari’ 1970. BBC Natural History Unit Producer for 21 years. Worked on ‘Life On Earth’, ‘The Living Planet’, ‘The Voyage of Charles Darwin’, and part of production team on ‘Life in the Freezer’. Veteran of many mountaineering expeditions, involved in making documentaries about the International Everest Expeditions in 1971 and 1975
Jim Kitses (former teacher)
Self in ‘Western Legenden – Made in Hollywood’ 2009, ‘Five Tall Tales Budd Boetticher & Randolph Scott at Columbia, 1957-1960’ interviewer 2018, Education Officer British Film Institute & American Film Institute
Jack Koumi
Senior Producer BBC Open University
Luigi Leo
Self in ‘Southpaw: The Francis Barratt Story’ doc. 1999, ‘Made in England’ doc. 2012
Leo Long
Film Company Executive
Lewis Lloyd
NASA scientist appeared on TV regarding the first Moon landing
George Manley
Illustrator, visuals for advertising & marketing campaigns, storyboarding for the film, TV and video, cartoons
Laurence Marks
(Writer/producer: ‘The Marti Caine Show’(BBC 2) 1979, ‘Birds Of A Feather’ 1989-99, 2014, ‘The New Statesman’ 1987-1992, ‘Shine On Harvey Moon’ 1982-5, 1995, ‘Goodnight Sweetheart’ 1993-9, 2016, ‘Minder’, ‘Auf Weidersehen Pet’, ‘Snakes & Ladders’ Channel 4 1989, ‘Mr. Sunshine’ 1986 (ABC US), ‘Roll Over Beethoven’ 1984-5, ‘So You Think You’ve Got Troubles’ BBC1 1991, ‘Love Hurts’ BBC1 1991-3, ‘Relative Strangers’ Channel 4 1985, ‘Holding The Fort’ 1980-3, ‘A Kind of Living’ 1988-90, ‘Dirty Work’ 2000, ‘Get Back’ BBC1 1992-3, ‘Roots’ 1981, ‘Unfinished Business’ BBC1 1998, ‘Starting Out’ BBC1 1999, ‘Bullseye’ 1990, ‘Young Gifted & Broke’ 1989, ‘The House That Jack Built’, ‘Believe Nothing’ ITV 2002, ‘Mosley’ 1998, ‘Wall Of Silence’ 1993, ‘Mumbai Calling’ 2007-9, Theatre: ‘The Blair B’Stard Project – New Statesman’ (West End Theatre 2006-7, National Tour 2006-7), writers musicals ‘Dreamboats and Petticoats’ 2009-12 (West End Savoy Theatre, Playhouse Theatre, National Tour 2017) & ‘Save The Last Dance For Me’ 2012 (National Tour 2013, 2016), ‘Dreamboats and Miniskirts’ 2014-5, ‘Von Ribbentrop’s Watch’ 2010, ‘Birds of a Feather’ theatre tour 2012-13, ‘Love Me Do’ 2014, ‘Blokes of a Feather’ 2021-22, ‘Bringing Back the Good Times’ Royal Theatre Windsor 2022, ‘Cluedo 2’ Richmond Theatre & UK Tour,2024, Radio: ‘Frankie Howerd Variety Show’ 1978, ‘Funny You Should Ask’ (BBC Radio 2), Plays: ‘Dr. Freud Will See You Now, Mrs. Hitler’ 2007, ‘Playing God’ 2005, ‘My Blue Heaven’ BBC Radio 4 2006 2007, ‘Dr. Freud Will See You Now, Mrs. Hitler’, ‘My Blue Wedding’ 2007, ‘Von Ribbentrop’s Watch’ Radio 4 2008, ‘Grey Expectations’ Radio 4 2009, ‘Love Me Do’ 2012, ‘Moorgate’ 2 Part Drama on 4 (Radio 4) 2025, ‘Joint Castaways on Desert Island Discs’ 2015 (BBC Radio 4), appeared as self in ‘Whatever Happened To… Clement and La Frenais’ Omnibus 1997, ‘Marks and Gran’ The South Bank Show 1998, ‘It’s All In The Writing’ Light Lunch, Channel 4 1998, ‘Laughter in the House, The Story of British Sitcom’ BBC 1999,’Me, My Dad and Moorgate’ (2006) Channel 4 documentary, Silver Medal International Film and TV Festival New York for ‘Relative Strangers’ 1985, BAFTA Committee member, nomination & winner of BAFTA Best Comedy Award for ‘New Statesman’ 1990, Emmy Award for ‘The New Statesman’ 1988, Mitsubishi TV Sitcom of the Year for ‘Birds of a Feather’ 1991, Mitsubishi TV Drama of the Year for ‘Love Hurts’ 1991, BAFTA Writer’s Award (jointly with Maurice Gran) 1992, Berlin Film and TV Award 2007, nominated Best New Musical Laurence Oliver Award and Annual Awards 2010, British Comedy Society ‘Living Legends of Comedy Award’ 2015, McTaggart Lecture at Edinburgh Television Festival)
Alex Martin
Dancer appeared in ‘Knights of the Round Table’ 1953, ‘The Red Shoes’ 1948, ‘Stage Fright’ 1950, & ‘Invitation to the Dance’ 1956
Bill Meeham
Writer for magazines, won Winchester University Writers Conference first prize for ‘Slim Volume, Small Edition’, and ‘Short Story’, 2011.
Chris Miller
Camera supervisor ‘Joe Lycett’s Got Your Back’ 2020, ‘8 out of 10 cats’ 2013-2020, ‘First & last’ 2020, ‘Would I lie to You’ 2010-2020,’Miranda: My Such Fun celebration’ 2020, ‘Frankie Boyle’s New World Order’ 2017-20, ‘The Ranganation’ 2019, ‘Strictly Come dancing’ 2018, ‘Rob Beckett’s Playing For Time’ 2018, ‘Do The Right Thing’ 2018, ‘Frankie Boyle’s American Autopsy’ 2016, ‘It’s Not me, it’s You’ 2016, ‘Jimmy carr: laughing & Joking’ 2013, ‘Was it Something I Said’ 2013, ’10 O’clock Live’ 2011-13, ‘Verry Terry’ 2012, ‘Blue Peter’ 2008, ‘Any dream Will Do’ 2007, ‘The Smith & Jones Sketchbook’ 2006,’Total Cops’ 2003, ‘Liquid news’ 2000, ‘before They Were famous’ 1997, ‘The Wild House’ 1997, ‘Joking Apart’ 1993-1995, ‘May to December’ 1993-94, ‘Live & Kicking’ 1993, ‘East Enders’ 1993, ‘A Bit of Fry & Laurie’ 1992, ‘Top of the Pops’ 1989, ‘A Question of Sport’ 2000-02, camera operator: Hari Kondabohu: Warn Your Relatives’ 2018, ‘Tim Vine Travels Through The Christmas Special’ 2017 ‘That’s the Way. A-Ha, A-Ha, Joe Lycett live.’ 2016, ‘Top Gear’ 2011-15, ‘Frankie Boyle live 2’ 2010, ‘Never Mind the Buzzcocks’ 2009, director (& camera): ‘East Enders’ 1995-2000
Kim (Kyriakos) Nicolaou
Radio Presenter/Host Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation, Programme Controller Radio Mega, Film-maker: Winner of the ‘Manx Prize’, MC for shows
Taiwo Ogunlabi (Ty)
Regular Contributor to AFTV (football fan You Tube channel)
Junior Ogunyemi
Motivational/Keynote Speaker, podcaster, appeared on TEDx and national TV across Africa, founded BD Publishing (magazines)
Professor Toyin Okitikpi
Interviews for BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC World Service, regional and local radio on criminal justice/legal issues, articles for BBC News website
Zak Pallikaros
self in ‘Dr. Zak’s Pumping Iron Gym’ documentary by Bearhouse Productions 2018
Robert Pinker C.B.E
Council Member of the Advertising Standards Authority (1994-2004),
Gordon Pinckheard
Writer: Won Grindstone’s Tall Tales flash fiction competition 2017, stories published by Daily Science Fiction, Reflex Fiction, Cabinet of Heed, Story Pub, and Gemini.
Reginald Pritchett (stage name Wayne Pritchett)
Presented ‘Bodytalk’ BBC series 1989, ‘Bodytalking Sport’ 1989, guest appearances abroad and on UK television,
Barry Purchese
Writer ‘Grange Hill’ 1982-1992, ‘Byker Grove’ 2004, ‘Minder’ 1984, ‘Casualty’ 1989, ‘Throwaways’ 1996, ‘Junk’ TV 1999, ‘Midsomer Murders’ 2007, 2010, ‘Roman Mysteries’ 2008, ‘Coral island’ 2000, ‘Minty’ 1998, ‘The Bill’ 1994, ‘Oasis’ 1993, 1994, ‘Scene’ 1984, ‘Tucker’s Luck’ 1983-84, ‘The Squad’ 1980, Screenplay: ‘The Zoo’ 1980, ‘Face at the Window’ 2003, ‘The Paradise Club’ 1989, Theatre: ‘No Place Left For Heroes’ 2001 Union Theatre, Southwark, ‘Turpin’ Old Red Lion Theatre 1996, ‘Throwaways’ won the Broadcast’s Best Children’s Programme Award 1997, ‘Junk’ was winner of BAFTA 1999 for ‘Best Schools Drama’, and also nominated for the ‘Broadcast Award’
Frederick Pyne
Self in ‘Emmerdale 5000’ 2008, ‘Tribute to Terry Thomas’ 1990, ‘Open Air’ 1988, ‘3-2-1’ 1987, ‘Christmas Special 1987’ 1987, ‘Calendar’ 1987, served on the Equity Council for many years and was President from 1994 – 2002
Phil Reynolds
Publisher of ‘Auto Vending’ (leading vending trade magazine)
Raymond Rowe
Publisher Apercu Ltd
Taksin Hakki Salih
BBC engineer
David Slingsby
Senior Sound engineer, BBC
Bernard Smith
BBC German Service
Kirit Solanki
BBC Information Systems Engineer
John Stammers
BBCi Kent Poets Corner, Poets Team University Challenge, Editor Magma Magazine, convenor of British and Irish Contemporary Poetry Conference
Tony Stratton
Radio Presenter Basildon Hospital Radio, The Ska Train, Krystal Radio
Patrick Coleridge Taylor
Recording Engineer, own independent record label Danger Money Records
Richard Turner
BBC broadcast jazz and classical guitar performances.
Stephen Vines
Hong Kong-based journalist, writer and broadcaster, founding publisher of ‘Spike’, hosts a weekly television current affairs programme: The Pulse
Prof. Peter Wilmore
Sky At Night
Bob Wilson (former teacher)
TV pundit & presenter, BBC 1974-94, Football Focus, Grandstand, Match of the Day, Wimbledon Tennis Championships, sports bulletins Breakfast news, Sportsnight, moved to ITV in 1994 presented UEFA Champions League, FA Cup, League Cup, Euro ’96, 1998 World Cup Carlton Sport, late night highlights programmes, ITV Sport Channel Premier league, 2002 World Cup, makes appearances on football Focus and Match of the Day 2 & documentary programmes for Sky Sports, mid-1980s immortalised in comic strip form when he spent a season playing for the fictional Melchester Rovers team in the ‘Roy of the Rovers'” strip
Michael Yiakoumi
Sports Editor at London Greek Radio, Co-publisher ‘Greek Rich List’
David M. Aaronovitch
Journalist, the Independent 1995, The Observer & The Guardian 2005, The Times: won Orwell Prize for Political Journalism 2001, won What the Papers Say ‘Columnist of the Year’ Award 2003
Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe
Columnist Screenlately, written for the The Voice & The TV Collective.
John Barber
Editor East Herts District ‘Ward Times’
Ernest Beha
Daily Despatch
George Binyon
Sports Journalist: The Sun, Sports Editor: South London Press, Editor: Goldsworth News,
Arthur J. Brooker
Sir Arthur Bryant (former teacher)
Columnist for The Illustrated London News ‘Our Note Book’ 1936-1985, Chairman, Society of Authors 1949-1953, awarded The Sunday Times Prize for Literature for ‘The Age of Elegance, 1812-1822’ 1950, wrote for Daily Sketch
Duncan Burn
The Times, Industrial Correspondent 1946-62
Bruce Burnett
Travel & Holistic Health journalist, articles in magazines & newspapers in Asia, North America, Europe & Australia, won 4 PATA Gold Awards for travel journalist
Maurice Burton
Nature Correspondent for the Daily Telegraph ‘Nature Notes’ 1949-90, Science Editor for the Illustrated London News 1946-64
Cyril Butcher
Daily Sketch
L. Button
Peter Clayton
Managing Editor British Museum Publications
Reginald Collins
Daily Sketch 1939
John Drew
Anthony Drummond
Richard Elgar
writer/photographer Camden New Journal
Keith Fisher
Sports Editor Sunday Mirror
Norman L. Fost
News of the World
Geoff Foster
Financial Journalist, Daily Mail
Frank Francelli
Derek Garner
Daily Mirror
Edward Gayler
City Editor Sunday Despatch, Financial Times,
Fred G. Hirsch
Financial journalist on The Banker and The Economist (financial editor, 1963–1966).
Ben Hooberman
Board member of the New Statesman
F. Jackman
Philip Jackman
Journalist in Canada, Senior Editor The Globe and Mail
Thomas Jones
Japan Times & Mail,
Alex Martin
(surname Thomson at school) – wrote for Dance Publications
Laurence Marks
Journalist, Sunday Times/freelance, ‘Prudence Harbinger’ diary Sunday Telegraph
Bill Meehan
Writer for ‘Yours’ & other magazines
Harold Miller
The Financial News
Denis Piggott
Guardian, Assistant Editor, Production Editor Telegraph Magazine,
Professor Robert Pinker CBE
Founding lay member (1991-2004)and Acting Chairman of the Press Complaints Commission (2004) and Privacy Commissioner (1994-2004). Chair of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Press Council, & helped to establish press councils in overseas countries, including Sri Lanka and South Sudan, elected Fellow of the Society of Editors 2004, awarded Astor Award 2020 for Press Freedom by the Commonwealth Press Union Media Trust.
Phillip Reynolds
Magazine Publisher
Ernest Riley
Photograph reproduced by courtesy of The Cadbury Research Library, Birmingham University
Executive News of the World
George Robb
Columnist Evening Standard
Paul Scott
Financial Journalist, Irish Times
Ron Solomon
C. Gordon Tether
Financial News/Financial Times, column under the name ‘Lombard’, in Guinness Book of records as longest running feature in British press
Eric E. Tucker
Financial Times
Cyril F. Ubsdell
Financial Times
Steven Vines
Hong Kong based journalist, founding editor ‘Eastern Express, editor Observer in London, in Asia worked for Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Asia Times, The Independent
Dudley S.F. Winn
Daily Express
Roger Wotherthon
Financial journalist
Norman B. Wright
Financial Times
Michael Yiakoumi
Sports Editor at Parikiaki (London Greek Cypriot newspaper)
Norman Allen
Douglas Albert Raoul Aufranc
M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond), L.D.S., R.C.S. (England)
Doctor and dentist, advisor for the Good Health Association
Oscar Baldomero
Anatomical prosector Dept. of Surgical Anatomy, Basel Cantonal Hospital, Electron Microscopy Technician, Royal College of Surgeons 1975-81, houses & curator of the Professor Arthur von Hochstetter anatomical collection
Oliver Beccles
Pharmacy Technician Barts Health NHS Trust
Dr. Ronald Campbell Bennett
MB BS London 1931, MRCS Eng., LRCP Lond 1929 (St. Bartholemews Hospital)
GP Wroxham, Norwich
Dr. Wai Cheong Chau
Registrar, Dunstable Hospital
Bob Collins
BSc (Hons), DipSW, PGCE, DipHyp, DipNLP, DipCMT, Dip Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, FET Prac.,
Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy, smoking Cessation Consultant (CBT). Professional Registration with: GHR; MAEPH; PBH; FHS; GSCC
Dr. Peter Eden
Maxillo-facial surgeon in Northamptonshire
Dr. Peter Louis Girolami
MB BS London 1960, FRCS Eng. 1966, MRCS Eng., LRCP Lond. 1960 (Kings College Hospital)
Surgical Registrar Hillingdon Hospital
Dr. Neil Hamlin
MB BS Lond 1946, MRCS Eng., LRCP London 1937, (University College Medical School), DCH Eng. 1947, MRCGP
Paediatric Registrar General Hospital Halifax
Deepak Harkishindas
B.SC. M.Sc.
Social Work lead North East London Foundation Trust
Dr. Stavros Kallis
BD.S (Manchester) 1973, M.B.B.S Lond. 1985, F.D.S. RCPS Glasgow 1980
Maxillo-Facial Surgeon, Appolonia Hospital, Nicosia, Cyprus
Dr. Michael Kugler
MBBS London 1946, FRCS Eng. 1954 (Guys Hospital Medical School)
Orthopaedic Surgeon N.W. General Hospital Toronto
Dr. Kim-John Ly
MBChB (Leicester 2012), MPharm (UCL 2004), BSc (Hons), DFSRH, MRPharmS, MRCGP
GP, Urgent Care Doctor in Watford, Winner of Bell Surgical Price Leicester University, Title Pharmacy Consultant, Pharmacist, Wallgreens Boots Alliance, Medical Director Rose & Hugh Private Healthcare
Charles Muoria
HR Shared Services Officer, HCA Healthcare UK, responsible for on-boarding and compliance of all Clinical and Non-Clinical staff for Wellington Hospital, The Harley Street Clinic, the Princess Grace Hospital, the Portland Hospital, Joint Ventures, HCA Laboratories and other outpatient facilities.
Dr. Oluwole Olusola MD
Psychiatrist in Owensboro, Kentucky,
Professor Toyin Okitikpi FRSA
Member on the Mental Health Review Tribunal; General Medical Council Fitness to Practice; Nursing and Midwifery Council Fitness to Practice; Health and Social Care Researcher/Consultant; Senior Social Worker London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, Social Worker London Borough of Brent; Neighbourhood Social Worker London Borough of Islington; Residential Social Worker (Children and Families), London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Isaac Pizer MA
Psychotherapist with The Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute (SPTI.) and The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
Dharmeratnam Rajkumar
RAF Pilot Officer Medical Branch
David Rose
Managing Director at St. Helena Hospice, Colchester
Moses Schwab
Dentist practice in Southgate 1942-82
Dr. Armando Scipione
RCini MB BS London 1945 (Guys Hospital Medical School)
Senior House Surgeon Staffordshire General Infirmary
Amar Sharma
Optometrist, Chorleywood
Prof. Harold Sterndale
MB BS MD MRCS Eng. (Middlesex Hospital) LRCP FRC Path
Emerson Tabima
Recruitment Officer Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Christopher Wildman
Arts Therapist in Cape Town, South Africa
Graham Tassell
Pilot Cutter
Relief Master for Port of London Authority, Helmsman for RNLI (Gravesend Life Boat)
Geoff Swallow
Master Foreign Going Certificate 1969, given Command in 1974, Port Agent in New Zealand, Secretary Christchurch Branch New Zealand Company of Master Mariners, President Tug Lyttleton Preservation Society
Ronald Bunyon
Archer at Redruth Archers, Royal Richmond Archery Club Open Champion 1998, and DCAS, GNAS Archery Coach
Basil Collins
Highgate Harriers Cross Country
Jean-Paul Hazeley
London Heathside AC (100m, 200m, 400m & triple jump)
Brian Holland
British Insurance Champion 800 metres 1973, 1974
Peter Sims
Highgate Harriers, track & cross country, represented Middlesex County at 880 yards.
Donald Arthur Tunbridge
British 50km Road Walking Champion 1951, 1952
Athletics Coaching
Brian Holland
Coach: Clevedon A.C., club athletes achieved International honours achieving 3 World Championship medals, 3 National titles, in 1985 he was awarded British Amateur Athletic Board certificate for his contribution to the British Team
Jimmy Wong
Represented Middlesex County, won Middlesex Restricted Men’s Doubles Championship in 1982 with Keith Davis
Body Building
Brian Buchanan
Mr. Universe NABBA Overall winner 1984; won Mr. Universe NABBA Tall 1984; Mr. Universe Pro NABBA Champion 1995; NABBA World Champion Pro 1984; European Champion WABBA Tall 1982; 2nd WABBA World Championships Pro 1984; 2nd World Pro Championships IFBB 1988; 2nd Mr. Universe Pro Championships 1985; 2nd US Grand Prix Pro IFBB 1988; 2nd European Junior Championships WABBA 1981 & many other Body Building Championship titles, Magazine Cover ‘Iron Man’ Sept. Vol. 48, No. 9, 1989
Zak Pallikaros
UKBFF British Masters Champion 2010, 2013, IFBB British Masters Champion 2010, EFBB Mr. Britain Runner-Up 2002, 2004, NABBA Mr. Britain Runner-Up 2005, UKBFF Mr. Hercules Challenge Round – winner 2010, 3 times Jay Cutler Classic Las Vegas Heavyweight 2011, 2013, 2014 and Masters Champion, 2011, Runner-Up 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, Jay Cutler Classic Las Vegas Heavyweight Iron Man Award 2017, IFBB Mr Cyprus Grand Prix Heavyweight Champion 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 & Overall Champion 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, Runner-Up 2004, 2005 , 4 times UKBFF Mr London and South East Champion 2002, 2004, 2005, 2010, 2 times NABBA Mr London Champion, Muscle Mayhem Men’s Open & Overall Champion 2008, WABBA Mr. Capital City Class 2 Champion 2007, European IFBB Bodybuilding Championships Top 10 Finish 2008, NABBA Mr. Universe Top 7 Finish 2005, Mr. Tower Gym Champion 1999, 2000
Mike Newman
Mike with the British Isles Indoor Triples Cup 2002
English Outdoor Fours Champion 1993, English Indoor Fours Champion 1996, England Indoor Triples Champion 2002, British Isles Indoor Triples Champion 2002, England Outdoor Triples Champion 2003, England Indoor Bowls Association (EIBA) Over 60s Double Rink Champion 2006 & 2007, England Indoor Bowls Association Over 60s Pairs Champion 2007 & 2008, 5 times England National Family Pairs Champions, Berkshire County National Champions 1982 & 2013 – Middleton Cup (outdoor), over 60 Berkshire Outdoor titles including 7 Singles – the county record, over 100 club titles, Reading Bowling Club, & Whiteknights Indoor Bowling Club, Reading
Trevor Andrews
ABA North East London Divisional Welterweight Champion 1979-80 , Repton Boxing Club, represented Gt. Britain Schools Boxing vs Finland in 1971
John Evans (former teacher)
ABA Light Heavyweight Finalist in 1961 lost to Jack Bodell
George Ives
St. Pancras Boxing Club and in the Army
Ylli Jasharaj
National Novice Boxing Champion at 91kgs 2017, Times Amateur Boxing Club
Luigi Leo
South East Division Amateur Boxing Champion 1990, Captain of England Team at the 1990 Multi Nations Boxing Tournament in Sweden; Coach: Olympic, World Championship & Commonwealth Games boxers; Barbados National Boxing Coach and Team Manager at the 1999 World Amateur Boxing Championships in Houston USA; Team Manager England Amateur Boxing Association 2003; Trainer at the Trojan Boxing Club
Arnold Ralph Cooperman
Won British Junior championships in foil & sabre in 1950 & 1951, was a medalist at the 1950, 1953 & 1969 Maccabiah Games, competed in the World Championships in 1953, won a gold & two silver medals in the foil & sabre respectively at the 1954 British Empire & Commonwealth Games in Vancouver, won gold & silver in the sabre events at the 1958 British Empire & Commonwealth Games in Cardiff and at the 1962 games in Perth, Australia won triple gold and a bronze medal in the foil, was British Amateur Champion at Sabre 1954, 1960 & 1961, Senior British Fencing Champion in the Foil Event 1951, in all won 11th medals in total and the 6th & 7th gold medals in both sabre & team sabre at the 1966 British Empire & Commonwealth Games in Kingston, Jamaica, competed on behalf of GB in foil & sabre at the 1956 Olympics in Melbourne, in Rome in 1960 and Tokyo in the 1964 Olympics
Football Management/Coaching
Terry Burton
Manager: Wimbledon, Assistant Manager: Cardiff City, Watford, Assistant Manager/First Team Coach: Sheffield Wednesday, West Bromwich Albion, Reading, Arsenal Coach: Wimbledon, Arsenal; Technical Director: West Bromwich Albion; Reserve Team Manager (U21), Assistant Manager, Youth Team Manager, Academy Manager: Arsenal; Academy Recruitment, Technical Consultant Talent ID & Player Development: Southampton FC; Recruitment Consultant: Crystal Palace; captained FA Youth Cup winning team 1971, Technical Scout for England (under Roy Hodgson)
Trevor Hartley
National Coach: Singapore, Malaysia, Manager: Bournemouth, Coach: Spurs, Luton (X2), Sunderland, Coach: England 1990-1993 (Graham Taylor era)
Chris Ramsey
Manager: Queens Park Rangers, Technical Director: Queens Park Rangers, Coach: England Under 20, Queens Park Rangers, Tottenham Hotspur, Charleston Battery (Eastern Conference, South East Division, A League), Player/Coach: Naxxar Lions Maltese 1st Division, Cocoa Expos United Soccer Leagues USA, Tottenham Hotspur Academy: Asst. Academy Manager, Head of Player Development, U16 Coach, U18 Asst. Coach; Asst. Coach England U16, Luton, scout England (Kevin Keegan era), won ‘Outstanding Contribution to London Football Award’ at the London Football Awards, February 2025.
Steve Walford
Coach: Republic of Ireland, Assistant Manager: Bolton Wanderers, Sunderland, Head Coach: Aston Villa, Celtic, Leicester, Norwich, Wycombe Wanders
Tommy Youlden
Coach: Chelsea Academy, FA Tutor Trainer and London FA
Former part-time teachers (PE Department)
Tony Carr
West Ham Utd., Academy Director & Coach
Mike England
Manager: Wales 1980-88
Ken Furphy
Manager: Workington Town, Watford, Blackburn Rovers, Sheffield Utd., New York Cosmos, Miami Torros, Detroit Express, Washington Diplomats
Roger Morgan
Coach: West Ham Utd.
Peter Shreeves
Manager: Tottenham Hotspur, Barnet FC, Assistant Manager: Tottenham Hotspur, Chelsea, Queens Park Rangers, Watford, Sheffield Wednesday, Nottingham Forest, Barnet, Assistant Coach for Wales, Coach at Charlton, Spurs, Barnet, Queens Park Rangers, Director of Football: Grays Athletic
Don Welsh
Manager: Brighton, Liverpool, Bournemouth, Wycombe
Bob Wilson
Arsenal goalkeeping coach for 28 years, 1975-2003.
Football Referee
Mike Kennedy
Class One, officiated at FA Trophy Final Wealdstone v’s Boston in 1985 at Wembley, AFA Senior Referee
Tony Mann
Class One, refereed at Wembley
Old Camdenians Open Golf Championship Winners
Peter Friend 2002 & 2003
Paul Roberts 2004
David Allen 2005
Brian Burns 2006
Alan Spaul 2007
Tomique Gibson
English Girl’s Gymnastics National Title U15, competed British & English Championships 2019, England International Women’s Gymnastic squad 2017-18, England International at the Leverkusen Cup 2017 won silver medal in team event, won gold medal in the Challenge Cup 2017 senior
Alfred Goldsmith (former teacher)
England gymnast 1940’s
Gymnastic Coach
Tomique Gibson
Gymnastic coach at MG Gymstars
Altan Hatipoglue
Trampoline coach at Greenwich Leisure Ltd., GLL
Horse Racing
Brian Holland
Owner, ‘Shift Again’ hurdler & 3 other horses
Mfumu Christian Kalonji
Purple belt, Checkmat Club, British National IBJJF Jiu-Jitsu No-Gi Purple Heavy Champion 2019, Gold medal Bristol Open BJJ 2020 (Purple Master 1 30+, 94,3kg), Bronze medal Bristol Open BJJ (Purple Master 1, Open weight), winner Wyniki London Winter Open IBJJF 2020 (Purple, Heavy), competed in many championships
George Manley
Expeditions led or taken part in: Annapurna: Tarpa Chuli (5663m) & Annapurna Circuit, Thorong Ri (6144m) Langtang: Surya (5144m) Everest Base Camp, Xtreme Everest 2 (5380m) Ladakh and Zanskar: (trekking over Himalayan high passes (4850m to 5100m) from Leh to Manali, Kenya: Mt Kenya (5199M) & Pt Leunna (4985m) Tanzania: Kilimanjaro (5895m) Iceland: Kristinar & Huannadalshnukur (2109m) Jordon: Jebel Rum (1754m) Pyrenees: Le Chemin de la Liberté.
Offshore Powerboat Racing
Graham Tassell
World Championships
Joey Adams
Soccer, Olympic Qualification Round One, 1971, scored goal for Great Britain against Bulgaria in 1-0 win at Wembley, in team that lost 5-0 to Bulgaria in the away leg. GB fielded an amateur side and Bulgaria fielded their World Cup team
George Robb
Soccer, Helsinki Olympics, 1952, scored goal against Luxembourg in 5-3 defeat, played against Greece 4-2 defeat, Norway 2-2
Donald Arthur Tunbridge
Tunbridge (15th in 50km Road Walking Final (time 4hrs.50mins:40.4secs), Helsinki Olympics 1952, member of Highgate Harriers Club
Arnold Ralph Cooperman
Fencing Team: Foil Individual, Sabre Team and Individual Melbourne Olympics in 1956, Sabre Team and Individual and Foil Team and Individual (5th) in the 1960 Rome Olympics), Sabre Team and Individual, Foil Team and Individual in 1964 Toyko Olympics
Albert Reginald ‘Reggie’ Knight
7th in the Plain High Diving Event & 11th in the Platform Diving Event at the 1924 Paris Olympics & 8th in the Platform Diving Event at the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics
Professional/International Football
Joey Adams
Enfield FC, Slough Town FC, Dagenham FC, & England Amateur (18 caps), won the FA Amateur Cup in 1967 for Enfield (vs Skelmersdale, 3-1 win in replay), 1970 (scored goal against Dagenham in 5-1 win), Cup Finalist Medal in 1972 in Enfield’s 2-0 defeat to Hendon, played for England 1966 (vs Scotland (H) 3-3, vs Republic of Ireland (H) 4-1 win scored goal), 1968 (vs Bahrain (A) 0-4 win), 1969 (vs Republic of Ireland (A) 1-1, vs Spain (H) 1-2 loss, vs Spain (A) 2-0 loss), 1970 (vs Republic of Ireland (H) 3-1 win, vs Northern Ireland (H) 4-0 win scored goal, vs Wales (H) 3-0 win scored goal), 1971 vs France (H) 1-1, vs Republic of Ireland (A) 0-1 win, vs Scotland (A) 0-2 win, scored goal, 1972 (vs Republic of Ireland (H) 2-0 win sub, vs Scotland (H) 4-0 win, vs Denmark (A) 1-2 win, vs Italy (H) 4-0 win, vs Northern Ireland (H) 1-2 loss, vs Northern Ireland (H) 2-1 win), played for GB in Olympic Qualifier 1st round vs Bulgaria (H) 1-0 win scored goal, lost 5-0 in away leg, played for England and Great Britain against amateur club and representative sides & league club sides (Chelsea, Fulham, Sunderland), played for Essex and London FA sides & Middlesex Wanderers on tour of Africa (9 games, won 4, drew 1 and lost 4), member of Enfield FC Isthmian League Championship winning sides in 1967/8, 1968/9, 1969/70 seasons, moved to Slough Town FC for 1970/1 season, winner of the Berks & Bucks Senior Cup 1971 vs Wycombe won 1-0 on aggregate.
Jay Bothroyd
Queens Park Rangers (21 appearances, 2 goals), Sheffield Wednesday (14 appearances 1 goal), Cardiff City (134 appearance 45 goals), Wolverhampton Wanderers (37 appearances, 23 x sub, 13 goals), Charlton Athletic (25 appearances, 21 x sub, 5 goals), Blackburn Rovers (7 appearances, 6 x sub, 1 goal), Stoke (4 appearances, 3 x sub), Arsenal, Perugia (Italy Serie A, 22 appearances, 16 x sub, 7 goals), Coventry (56 appearances, 26 x sub, 17 goals), Muangthong United Thailand (19 appearances 7 goals), Júbilo Iwata FC (56 appearances 35 goals), Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo FC (94 appearances 38 goals) & an England Cap (1 x sub, v’s France 1-2 defeat 2010), an England Under 21 Cap, (1 x sub, v’s Mexico 3-0 win 2002, scored goal), 2 England Under 20 Caps (2001 vs Portugal (H) 1-0, vs Finland (H) 3-0) 2 England Under 19 (2000 v’s Belgium 3-2 win, 2001 v’s Poland 0-1), 2 England Under 16 Caps, England Under 15 cap (v’s Belgium 4-2 win, scored 2 goals);
Steve Brennan
Crystal Palace (4 appearances x 1 sub, 1 goal), Plymouth Argyle (6 appearances), Leatherhead, Captain of Crystal Palace youth team that won the FA Youth Cup 1977
Tony Carr (former part-time teacher)
West Ham Utd., Barnet FC (13 appearances, 1 goal)
Asanteni Charles
London City Lionesses WFC (4 appearances x 7 sub), Millwall Lionesses Ladies WFC (1 appearance x 5 sub)
Mike Dillon
Spurs (25 appearances, 4 x sub, 1 goal), Millwall (4 appearances), Swindon (7 appearances, 2 x sub), Montreal Olympique NASL (10 appearances, 7 goals 1992), New York Cosmos NASL (43 appearances, 3 goals, 1975-1977), Washington Diplomats NASL (50 appearances, 2 goals 1978-79), England Schoolboy & 6 England Youth Caps: 1971 vs Spain 2-3 defeat, vs Yugoslavia 1-0 win, vs Sweden 1-0 win, vs Poland 0-0, USSR 0-0, vs Portugal 3-0 win member of the winning team of the 24th UEFA Youth Tournament 1971
Tommy Dillon
Spurs, Cheshunt FC, 3 England Youth Caps: 1972 vs Scotland (H) 2-0 win, vs Wales (H) 4-0 win, vs Northern Ireland (H) 1-1
David Donaldson
Arsenal, Millwall (215 appearances, 1 x sub, 1 goal), Cambridge United (130 appearances, 2 x sub) & England Schoolboy Captain, 2 England Youth Caps: 1972 vs Spain (A) 0-0, vs Spain (H) 4-1,
Jon Economou
Bristol City (65 appearances, 3 goals), Yeovil Town (1984, 47 appearances, 3 goals), Forest Green Rovers, Weston, Gloucester City, Minehead, Devizes Town
Mike England (former part-time teacher)
(Blackburn Rovers 165 appearances (21 goals), Tottenham Hotspur 300 (14 goals), Seattle sounders 106 (6 goals), Cardiff 40 (1 goal), Cleveland Force 11, 44 Wales International Caps (4 goals), Wales captain on 26 occasions, for Spurs won FA Cup in 1967, the UEFA Cup in 1972, & the League Cup in 1971 and 1973, represented Team America against Brazil and England in the American Bicentennial Soccer Cup tournament, member of Blackburn Rovers FA Youth Cup winning team in 1959)
Ron Foster
Leyton Orient (72 appearances 17 goals), Grimsby Town (129 appearances 24 goals), Reading (44 appearances 4 goals), Brentford (3 appearances), Dallas Tornado (8 appearances 4 goals 1968)
Ken Furphy (former part-time teacher)
Everton, Runcorn, Darlington (316 appearances, 6 goals), Workington (105 appearances, 3 goals), Watford (111 appearances, 1 goal)
Charlie George
(Arsenal (179 appearances, 49 goals), Derby X 2 (147 appearances, 36 goals), Southampton (44 appearances, 11 goals), Nottingham Forest (4 appearances, 1 goal), Bournemouth (2 appearances), Dundee United, Coventry, St. George Budapest (6 appearances 1 goal Australia) 1977, Minnesota Kicks (18 appearances 9 goals USA) 1978, Bulova (7 appearances Hong Kong) 1981 & an England Cap (v Eire 1977 1-1), 5 England Under 23 Caps (1972 vs Wales 3-0, 1973 vs Netherlands 3-1, vs Czechoslovakia 3-0 scored goal, vs Poland 0-0, vs Denmark 1-1), two League Championship Medals, Arsenal 1970-1, Derby 1974-5, FA Cup Winners Medal Arsenal 1970-1 (v Liverpool scored goal), The Fairs Cup Winners Medal Arsenal (v Anderlecht in Final won 4-3 on aggregate) 1969-70, FA Cup Finalist Medal Arsenal (v Leeds United) 1972-3, European Super Cup Winners Medal Nottingham Forest (v Barcelona won 2-1 on aggregate scored goal) 1980, Derby County Player of the Year 1976
Trevor Hartley
West Ham (4 appearances, 1 x sub), Bournemouth (35 appearances, 7 x sub, 2 goals)
Bryn Jones (former part-time teacher)
Swansea (121 appearances, 4 goals), Newport (71 appearances, 11 goals), Bournemouth (118 appearances, 5 goals, Northampton (7 appearances), Watford (91 appearances, 1 goal), Chelmsford City, Folkstone Invicta
Dwight Marshall
Luton (112 appearances 43 x sub 39 goals), Middlesbrough (3 x sub), Plymouth x 2, (141 appearances 14 x sub, 48 goals), Boreham Wood, Aylesbury, Kingstonian, Grays Athletic, Slough Town, Enfield, Leyton Pennant
Ian Morgan (former part-time teacher)
Queens Park Rangers (173 appearances, 26 goals), Watford (16 appearances, 1 goal)
Roger Morgan (former part-time teacher)
Queens Park Rangers (180 appearances, 39 goals), Tottenham Hotspur (68 appearances, 8 goals), won Football League Cup winners medal in 1967 in 3-2 win vs West Bromwich Albion and scored a goal (QPR’s first goal at Wembley),one U23 England cap in 1970 vs Bulgaria (H) 4-2 win, scored 2 goals
Aiden O’Brien
Shelbourne FC (2 appearance, 2 goals), Sutton United (15 appearances, 1 goal), Gillingham (12 appearances, 1 goal), Shrewsbury Town (7 appearances), Portsmouth (17 appearances, 5 goals), Sunderland (66 appearances, 12 goals), Millwall (226 appearances, 44 goals), Torquay United (3 appearances), Aldershot (5 appearances, 3 goals), Staines (3 appearances), Hayes & Yeading (7 appearances) Crawley Town (9 appearances), Republic of Ireland (5 apps 1 goal), 11 Sept 2018 Poland (A) 1-1 (scored goal), 13 Oct 2018 Denmark (H), 0-0 sub, 16 Oct 2018 vs Wales (H) 0-1 loss, 19 Nov 2018 Denmark (A) 0-0, 26 Mar 2019 Georgia (H) 1-0 sub, Under 21 (10 appearances, 5 goals), U19 (2 appearances, 1 goal), U17 (5 appearances, 3 goals)
Anthony Paul
Crystal Palace (apprentice 1 x sub), Mikkelin Palloilijat FC Finland (17 appearances, 2 goals), Croydon FC, Met Police FC, 2 England Youth Caps: 1979 vs Italy (H) 2-0, vs Czechoslovakia (A) 0-3 win
Chris Ramsey
Brighton (30 appearances), Swindon (99 appearances 1 x sub, 5 goals), Southend (8 appearances, 5 x sub), Bristol City, Naxxar Lions (Maltese 1st Division), Cocoa Expos (United Soccer League US), FA Cup Losers Medal 1983 v Manchester United
George Robb
Finchley, Middlesex Wanders, Spurs (182 First Division appearances & 53 goals, 18 FA Cup appearances, 5 goals) & an England Cap (v’s Hungary 1953 3-6 loss), 3 ‘B’ England Caps (v’s West Germany (A) 1-4 win, v’s Switzerland (A) 2-0 defeat & Yugoslavia (A) 2-1 defeat), 16 England Amateur Caps: 1948 vs The Rest 5-2, 1949 vs France (A) 1-2 win scored goal, vs Switzerland (A) 1-1, vs Italy (A) 3-1 loss scored goal, 1950 vs Scotland (H) 0-0, 1951 vs Wales (H) 4-1, vs Ireland (H) 6-3, vs Norway (H) 2-1 scored goal, vs France (A) 3-3 scored goal, 1952 vs Arsenal 1-3 defeat, vs Ireland (A) 1-3 win, vs Wales (A) 3-4 win, vs Republic of Ireland (H) 8-3 scored goal, vs Scotland (H) 1-2 defeat, vs France (H) 3-0, 1953 vs Republic of Ireland (H) 4-1, vs Wales (H) 3-3, vs Scotland (A) 0-1 win, vs France (A) 0-1 win, vs Norway (A) 1-1, England Football League v’s League of Ireland, & FA Cup Finalist Medal (against Manchester City); Great Britain Olympic team at 1952 Helsinki Olympics (v’s Luxembourg, scored goal in 5-3 defeat, vs Greece 4-2 defeat, vs Norway 2-2 & friendly matches vs Kuopion Palloseura (Finland) 6-0 scored goal, vs Vaasa select team (Finland) 4-3 win scored goal); represented London FA, Middlesex FA and the Athenian League XI
Peter Shreeves (former part-time teacher)
Reading (113 appearances & 17 goals), Wimbledon (82 appearances, 2 goals), Chelmsford City, Stevenage,
Steve Walford
Arsenal (64 appearances, 3 goals), Spurs (1 appearance, 1 x sub), Norwich (93 appearances, 2 goals), West Ham (114 appearances, 1 x sub, 2 goals), Huddersfield (12 appearances), Gillingham (4 appearances), West Bromwich (3 appearances 1 x sub), Lai Sun (Hong Kong), played in Turkey, one England Youth Cap 1976 vs Wales (A) 0-1 win
Don Welsh (former part-time teacher)
Torquay Utd., Charlton (199 appearances, 44 goals), 3 England Caps 1938: vs Germany (A) 3-6 win, vs Switzerland (A) 2-1 defeat, 1939: vs Romania (A) 0-2 win, scored goal, won 8 unofficial war time caps for England between 1940-1941 scoring nine goals, including all the goals in a 4-0 victory over Wales
Joe White
Stevenage (3 appearances, 5 X sub), Hendon, Dagenham & Redbridge, Wealdstone, Biggleswade Town
Bob Wilson (former part-time teacher)
Arsenal (234 appesrances), 1969-70 Inter-Cities Fairs Cup winner, 1971 Double-winning season, in which he played every single first-team match in League and Cup, in 1971 Cup Final winning team over Liverpool, Arsenal Player of the Year 1971, 2 Scotland International caps against Portugal on 13 October 1971 won 2-1 & Netherlands on 1 December 1971 lost 2-1
Tommy Youlden
Arsenal (won FA Youth Cup medal 1966), Portsmouth (82 appearances, 5 x sub, 1 goal), Reading (163 appearances, 2 x sub, 3 goals), Aldershot (115 appearances, 5 x sub, 1 goal), Dallas Tornados (16 appearances 8 goals, won North American Soccer League Championship medal 1971), Addlestone & Weybridge Town FC, & 5 England Schoolboy Caps 1964
Sports Administration
Richard Brown
Chairman Wokingham Town FC
Ronald Bunyon
Equipment Officer, Coach jointly running Junior Section at Redruth Archers
Robert Cairns
Company Secretary Berwick Rangers FC, played for Corinthian Casuals 1967-73
Gary Channing
Run Leader & Coaching Coordinator Coastal Striders
Bill Clark (Hon. OC Member)
Company Secretary & Director, Chairman of Raith Rovers FC, Scottish Football Association referee from 1976 to 1994
Theo Crabtree (former teacher)
President Southgate Cricket Club
Philip J. D’Arcy
President & Treasurer Middlesex County A.A.A., member of Hornsey (St Mary’s) Harriers
Eddie Drummond
Hon. Sec. & Treasurer Old Boys League & Old Boys Cup Competition, President Old Boys League 1964-66
Bill Filer
President Old Boys League (1962-64), Old Boys League Councillor & Divisional Match Sec., AFA Life Vice President & AFA Councillor
Derek Findlater
Vice President London Football Association
Cled Fursland
Life President, President of Watton-at-Stone Cricket Club, Herts
Andrew Georgiou
Co-founder and manager Dynamo AFC who played in the KOPA Cypriot Football League
Roger Good
Captain Hayling Island Golf Club
Bernie Gravett
Chairman, Vice Chairman & Secretary of Metropolitan Police Swimming Committee, Vice Chairman & Hon. Secretary of the British Police Swimming Committee, helped run National Police Swimming Championships, Awarded Honorary Life Membership to the Metropolitan Police Athletic Association for services to police sport in London 2019
Alex Grayburn
Assistant Referees Secretary Amateur Football Alliance, member of Executive Committee
Bob Griffiths
Chairman City and County of Bristol Indoor Bowls Club
A. H. ‘Gudge’ Gudgin
President, Chairman Southgate County Old Boys FC
Maurice Hales B.E.M
Vice President, Life Member London Football Association, Referees Committee London FA,
Craig Hinkins
Senior Dinghy Instructor and Powerboat Instructor, Chief Training Instructor: Fidlers Ferry Sailing Club, Warrington, Scout Centre Tatton Park, Cheshire Schools Sailing & Canoeing Association (CSSCA), and the Schools & Youth Sailing & Canoeing Association (SYSCA), awarded the Royal Yachting Association Lifetime Commitment Award 2022
Brian Holland
President Highgate Harriers Athletics & Cross Country Running Club 1983-84, Life member 1986, Vice President 1998, Life member 2003, Chairman of the Supporters Club 2003-2013, Chairman of Sponsorship Committee Camberley Rugby Club, founder member of Clevedon Athletics Club
Paul Holland
President Highgate Harriers Athletics & Cross Country Running Club, Life member
Martin Holland
President Highgate Harriers Athletics & Cross Country Running Club, Life member
Jim Keating
President London Old Boys League (1968-70), Councillor, Divisional Match Sec. & Representative Team Manager London Old Boys League
Mick Kennedy
Hon. Sec. Old Boys League, AFA Councillor
Reggie Knight
President of the Jedburgh Swimming Club.
Alan Knights
President London Banks FA
Luigi Leo
Director: England Boxing Limited, Board member of Schools Amateur Boxing Association
Claude Lewis (former Headmaster)
Commodore and Treasurer of Emsworth Cruising Association
Jeff Linskey
Director of the Barnet Table Tennis Centre
George Manley
Leader/Instructor on mountaineering courses
John Maskell
Chairman Amateur Football Combination Board, Vice Chairman Old Boys League &, Chairman Old Boys Cup Competition, AFA Councillor, Life Vice President Amateur Football Alliance (AFA) & Board Member
Alan Meyer
FA Award For 50 Years Service To Football, Old Boys League Long Service Award, Hon. Assistant Sec. Old Boys League, AFA Councillor, Life Vice President Amateur Football Alliance, Vice President Amateur Football Alliance, President Amateur Football Combination, Finals Co-ordinator London Old Boys Competition
Alan Mitchell
Twice winner of the FA Groundsman of the Year Award (Wingate Finchley FC, Ryman League)
Stuart Mitchell
Groundsman at Wingate Finchley FC, Ryman League, finalist of FA Groundsman 2013 Award, Isthmian League (along with brother Robert)
Mike Newman
Director of the Cotswold Bowls Centre, Reading (along with wife, Carol)
Dave Nuding
Treasurer Runwell Sports FC, Chelmsford, Chairman, Cyber Officer Runwell Sports YFC, Chairman, Treasurer, Runwell Hospital FC (Essex Olympian Football League)
Ron Nutkins
Chairman Old Boys Cup Competition, Vice Chairman Old Boys League, President Old Boys League 1985-87, AFA Councilor
Paul Piacenti
Captain St. Augustine’s Golf Club, Kent
Ernest Riley BSc FSS FCIS
Photograph reproduced by courtesy of The Cadbury Research Library, Birmingham University
Member of Organising Committee of the 10th, 11th & 12th ‘British Games’ May 1932, June 1933, May 1934, member of Organising Committee of the ‘British Games’ at Stamford Bridge & White City, August 1953 & May 1950 (incorporating the Inter-County Championships), co-organiser of the National Road Relay Race, London to Brighton April 1952, October 1954, April 1955 & 1956, co-organiser of the ’30 Miles Record Race, White City Oct. 1946)
Alan Robinson
Vice Chairman & Treasurer London Old Boys Cup Competition, President, Life Vice President Amateur Football Alliance, AFA Councillor & Board Member, Treasurer Amateur Football Alliance and Amateur Football Combination, FA Commemorative Medal Award for 50 years service to football, MCC steward at Lords
Arthur Rust
Chairman North London Combination League, awarded the FA 50 years of Service to Football Medal, Chairman of East Barnet Valley Cricket Club
Alan Spaul
Captain Broome Park Golf Club
Mike Styrka
Joint Junior Manager Berks Bucks & Oxon Golf, Captain Hazlemere Golf and Country Club
Paul Yates
President Woodingdean Bowls Club, Captain East Brighton Golf Club
Tommy Youlden
Football Association staff
Albert Reginald (Reggie) Knight
Amateur Diving Association Schools National Graceful Diving Champion in 1919 while still at Holloway, National ADA Highboard Diving Champion in 1921 & 1922 (Runner Up in 1920, 1923, 1924, 1925, & 1929), came 7th in the Plain High Diving Event & 11th in the Platform Diving Event at the 1924 Paris Olympics, won European Platform Diving Bronze Medal in the 1926 European Diving Championships in Budapest, represented Great Britian at the European Diving Championships in Bologna, Italy in 1927, came 8th in the Platform Diving Event at the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics, swam for the Otter S.C.
Bernie Gravett
Won English Schools Swimming Championships on two occasions (100 yards butterfly), represented Middlesex, Southern Counties and Great Britain (200m butterfly specialist), member of St Joseph’s Swimming Club & later Coventry, and Harrow & Wealdstone Swimming Clubs competed in USA, Canada & Europe. Won Police National Championships 1981, selected for British Police Team for European Police Championships in Berlin, France and Spain, led and competed in World Police and Fire Games on 4 occasions winning Gold, Silver and Bronze medals, competing in USA, Canada & Australia. England International, Captain Metropolitan Police Swimming Team, Manager of the Metropolitan Police, and British Police Swimming Teams
James Slade
Won gold in the 200m individual medley at London Regional Championships 2017, member Camden Swiss Cottage SC
Swimming Coach
Paul Doyle
ASA-qualified Level Three Swimming Coach, holds a Post-Graduate Certificate in the Science of Sports Coaching, coach at Anaconda swimming Club, Head of Competitive Programme Haringey Aquatics S.C., coaches hundreds of athletes from a huge range of backgrounds : age groupers, masters, disabled swimmers, triathletes to county, regional, national, European, World and Paralympic medallists
Gerald Gravett
Mike Hendon
Stoke Newington SC, established a North London Training Squad
Table Tennis
Jeff Linskey
Ranked championship player, senior & veteran Hertfordshire County, plays in St Albans, Hatfield & Welwyn Table Tennis League, Director of the Barnet Table Tennis Centre
Paul Yates
Alf Mortimer
England (over 70s) Squad, Middlesex County
Robert Achille
LTA Tennis Development Officer
University Cricketer
Paul Yates (Sussex University)
John Mulrennan (Newcastle University)
University Footballers
Micky Gassman London University
Ken Morley London University
Bill Steel,
Lol Thompson London University
Stan Heritage Oxford University (Capt.)
Alec Godfrey London University
Bob Hartley London University
Paul Johnson University of Wales (selected to represent British Universities)
Jason Kayila University of Wolverhampton
Represented London Old Boys Football League XI (later renamed Amateur Football Combination) (appearances):
Joey Adams (10, AFA Badge), Bill Wraight, Alan Shearn (8)
Phil Cowley, Peter Sanders (29, AFA Badge)
Mick Larner, Fred Averill (16), Bert Weedall (45)
Eric Lax (20), Alec Godfrey (37)
Paddy Jones
David Weemes
Ben Wing
Christopher Sonne
Appearances for an FA XI
Paul Coffman
Trevor Hartley
Joe Peck
Steve Walford
Steven Wise
Appearances for an AFA XI
Joey Adams
Alec Godfrey
Bob Hartley
Eric Lax
Peter Sanders
Bert Weedall
Peter Knights
Sydney- Hobart race
Peter Sims
Fastnet Race & single-handed races along South West coast and across the Channel.
Sidney Ahmet
Headteacher, school in Croydon
Robin Allen
Educational Psychologist Birmingham
Leslie Arthur
Principal Lecturer & Teaching and Learning Coordinator, School of Architecture, Design & the Built Environment, Nottingham Trent University: short-listed for the The Times Higher Educational Award for Most Innovative Teacher of the Year in 2009, awarded NTSU Outstanding Teaching Award in 2012, received the International Lecturer of the Year Award at the Escola Polytecnica superior d’ Enginyeria de Villnova la geltre in Barcelona (voted by students) in 2012, shortlisted for the International Sir Misha Black award for the Global Contribution to Design Education at the Royal College of Art in 2013
Wayne Bickell
English teacher in Japan
Bryon Blackwell BA
Joe Block
Chair of Governors at a school in Hertfordshire
Michael Brandon-Bravo
ILEA Inspector
Allen T. Brockman (former teacher)
Headmaster Sir George Monoux School
Mike Bunyan
Former pupil became Head of Art at Holloway, Deputy Principal at Highams Park School, Chingford.
Maurice Burton
Biology teacher in 1920s
Ron Buzzing
Lecturer teacher training college
Albert J. Cattle
Hele’s School, Exeter
Ronald J. Clark
Uttoxeter; Rochester Secondary School
Bill Clarke (Hon. OCC Member)
Rector of Galashiels Academy, Chief Inspector of Schools for Scotland, London Director of Schools Services in Islington)
Peter Clayton
Member Education Committee of Council of British Archaeology, written GCSE texts
Paul Coffman B.A.
English teacher in South West
Stephen Coventry
Headteacher, Educational Consultant
Barrie Davis
Teacher in Sussex
Edward R. C. Donati (changed name to Dartington)
Highgate & Kings School, Canterbury
Paul Doyle
Head of Physical Education in a London School
Richard Elgar
Policy Officer, Education Dept. Camden Council
Howard Embleton
Chair of Governors George Green Secondary School, Isle of dogs, Vittoria Primary School, Islington
Adebowale Fashola
Teacher of History & Social Studies, Nigeria
Cyril G. Ferguson
Alan Flook B.Sc. M.Sc.
Ofsted Inspector
Rev. A. E. Fost
Inspector of Church Schools
Leslie R. Frost
Charles Fullbrook
Teacher of percussion/timpani Watford School of Music (1978-81), Guildhall School of Music and Drama (1987-2001), timpani professor at Trinity Laban (Trinity College of Music), specialist external percussion examiner for Royal College of Music, Trinity Laban, the RSAMD and the GSMD. Chief External Examiner Percussion) for the RSAMD from 2004 to 2007, coach to the London Schools Symphony Orchestra, Earnest Read Organisation, The Independent Schools Summer Course, CUMS Orchestra, UK National Children’s Orchestra, National Youth Orchestra of Spain
John Fuller
Bridgford, Notts, Assistant Divisional Manager Ofsted
Nicky Gardner
Teaches PE
Bill Hardiman
Teacher Manchester Grammar School
Brian J. Heard
Teacher of all aspects of forensic ballistics, forensic firearms and toolmark examinations, gunshot residue analysis and the use of these techniques in criminal investigations at police training establishments
Rowland Hillier
Craig Hinkins B.Sc.
Former Deputy Headmaster, Palace Fields Primary School, Runcorn
Peter Holland
George Ives
Handed Islington Education Services award for Long and Outstanding service in recognition of his 14 years as Governor of the Holloway School
Thomas Jacobs
Physics teacher
Anthony Kelly, Associate Professor B.Sc. M.ED.
Head of Learning Resources City of Birmingham University, Head of Geography City of Birmingham Teacher Training College, Head of Geography Dept. Brooke House Secondary School
Richard J. King
Headmaster Highbury Grove School
John A. Kitchen
Teacher in Essex
Jack Koumi B.Sc.
Teacher trainer Open University, freelance consultant and trainer, in scripting and production of educational media for higher education and teacher training, On executive of nternational Council for Educational Media, on Advisory Committe of, Fellow of European Distance and E-learning Network, member International Council for Distance Education
Allan Lattimer
John Lowe
Secondary School teacher in Sweden
Ronald A. Mackness
Member Cambridgeshire Education Committee
Derek Maguire
Headmaster of Hearnville School
Alex Martin (surname Thompson at Holloway)
Founded the Ballet Guild of Cleveland in 1958 the forerunner to Cleveland Ballet, also the Cleveland Institute of Dance & Cleveland Ballet Centre and taught ballet at Ballet Russe in Cleveland
David Metzger BSc
Senior Physics master, Slough Grammar School, Alleyns School, & in New Zealand
Alan A. Mitchell
Royal Grammar School, Newcastle
Ronald Nutkins
Principal of Wandsworth College
Paul O’Connor
Offers language, intercultural and management training to the corporate world, O’Connor Training Group (Milan)
Brian O’Kelly OBE MA
Headmaster, Chesterfield Grammar School
Rev. Arthur Osborne
Teacher Training, Peterborough area
Denis Pemberton
Tutor, Trainer, Lecturer TutorDen Academy, Peterborough
Dave Pittom
Teacher States Education Department, Jersey
Reginald Pritchett
Physical Education Teacher, taught PE in schools and Pentonville Prison, runs Body Role & Body Communication (Bodycom) courses, workshops Visual Messages Through The Body, clients Microsoft, Nike, Nokia, Unilever, Inmarsat, Coutts Bank
George Robb
Christ’s College Finchley & Ardingley College
Andy Roberts
Director of Islington Education Committee, Director of Education Wokingham
Harold A.D. Rudd BSc FRZS MRIPHH
Leslie J. Russon B.A.
Dulwich College, Head of Modern Languages Winchester College
George Sale
Chemistry teacher
Leslie George Saunders
Head of Teaching Staff Division London County Council
Frederick G.(Freddy) Smith B.A.
Head of English Dept. St. Lukes College, Exeter 1956-1978
Vernon Smith
Teacher in USA
Ronald W. Smith-Stafford B.Sc.
County School, Rhyl
William S. J. Staples BA MA
Paul R. Stringer
Geoff Swallow
Examiner New Zealand Coastguard Education
Geir Nicholas Swann
Maths teacher, Hillingdon
Derek C. Sweeting
Faraday School
Robin Swingler
Educational Psychologist Birmingham Education Authority
Geoffrey Taylor
Teacher in Dewsbury, member Dewsbury Education Committee
Keith Taylor
Art teacher, lecturer Trent Park College
Edmund Tillotson
Department of Fine Art, Reading University 1965-1973, Wimbledon School of Art 1967-1973, Farnham School of Art 1970-1971, 1973-2006 Sunderland University 1973-2006, Visiting Lectureships: Brighton Polytechnic 1970-1982; Falmouth School of Art; Wimbledon School of Art; Newcastle University; City Literary Institute, London
Peter F. Todd ARIC
Royal Army Educational Corps, Army Apprentice School, Chepstow
Frank Watson
Chemistry & maths teacher, Witney Grammar School & Dorchester High School, Boston, USA
Michael Welch
Teacher, Lambeth College
A. J. Wilkins
John Wilkins
Deputy Headmaster at school in Wellesden
Jimmy Wong B.Sc.
Chief Executive, Hong Kong Overseas Studies Centre
Chris Xenophontos
Maths teacher at William Ellis School, Highlands School Enfield
Paul Yates BA BSc
Teaching in Sussex
Tommy Youlden BA (Hons), MSc
Economics teacher at University College School, Hampstead